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Walt Disney World Disney's Animal Kingdom Discussion Thread

p. 74: Tropical Americas land announced!

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For those of you who have been on Flight of Passage, does the restraint come into contact with your ankle?


Sorry if that's a really odd question, but I'm nursing a bad ankle injury and have the chance to possibly visit the park next month. I think something like a B&M flyer ankle restraint that circles the ankle without coming into contact would be ok, but would be nervous if it compressed against it.

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  Canobie Coaster said:
For those of you who have been on Flight of Passage, does the restraint come into contact with your ankle?


Sorry if that's a really odd question, but I'm nursing a bad ankle injury and have the chance to possibly visit the park next month. I think something like a B&M flyer ankle restraint that circles the ankle without coming into contact would be ok, but would be nervous if it compressed against it.

No, it doesn’t compress against it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

last Friday night I did the que for Flight of Passage at the end of the night game and had the same results Robb has reported. Standbye que was posted at about 140 minutes, we got in line at 7:55, was in the lab by 8:45, off the attraction by 9:10, in the car at 9:20. Highly recommend going this route to experience the attraction and avoid the stand by line.


As for the attraction itself, holy cow that thing was really fun. I can't say anything about it that hasn't been said yet but I don't love simulators and that was a totally refreshing take on the format. Really fun ride that I'm looking forward to getting on again.

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Hopefully I don't derail this thread by giving everyone a general report from a park that everyone in the world (except me) had been visiting for well over a decade but I'm still on an Animal Kingdom high and I can't help myself.


Obviously I have a trip report on the way but I just wanted to pop in real quick and ask where this park has been all my life. The other parks at Walt Disney World are beautiful and awesome, but this place makes them look like Conneaut Lake by comparison. It's stunning. We spent 2 days walking around with our jaws somewhere near ground level. Even without Pandora this place is on another level. With it, it's one of the best parks in America and possibly the world.


Oh... and Expedition Everest and Flight of Passage are some of the best rides I've ever ridden in my entire life.


I knew it would be a nice park but after going there I'm surprised that it seems to get far less attention in the community than some of the other parks at the resort (at least pre-Pandora). Every inch of this place is mind-blowing, and I still can't get over how much better it is (in my mind) than the other 3 parks. I like them all but this one is on another level, so much so that it completely caught us off guard. Tell me I'm not alone in this line of thinking...

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Yeah no you're not alone there, especially with the Pandora addition. There are some aspects of the park that are disappointing to me, well not disappointing just things that are totally fine but I wish were better overall. Regardless of that it's become similar to EPCOT in that I can go there for a whole day with nothing planned and just totally wing it and have a great day. Our past couple of trips to AK have been fantastic.

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  coasterbill said:
Tell me I'm not alone in this line of thinking...

You are not alone. I think it's probably my favourite WDW park with Epcot a close second (I might be alone in THAT line of thinking, I never know if people love or hate Epcot). It's beautiful, has a lot of attractions you can do without queuing and the E-Tickets are also really good. I think my expectations for Flight of Passage were too high as it didn't blow me away, but I really liked it and honestly the only bit I don't like about AK is Dinoland which I will actually go so far as to say that I think it is one of the worst lands at any Disney park I can think of.

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I personally agree. It has been my favorite WDW Park since they opened Everest, and I haven’t even been to Pandora yet. Do I wish Dinosaur was as good as Indy and Kali was worth the massive queue it always seems to have? Sure. But the safari and Everest along with the atmosphere, food/drinks, shows, and exhibits are all as good as it gets at a theme park. At least from my experience.

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  coasterbill said:
Hopefully I don't derail this thread by giving everyone a general report from a park that everyone in the world (except me) had been visiting for well over a decade but I'm still on an Animal Kingdom high and I can't help myself.


Obviously I have a trip report on the way but I just wanted to pop in real quick and ask where this park has been all my life. The other parks at Walt Disney World are beautiful and awesome, but this place makes them look like Conneaut Lake by comparison. It's stunning. We spent 2 days walking around with our jaws somewhere near ground level. Even without Pandora this place is on another level. With it, it's one of the best parks in America and possibly the world.


Oh... and Expedition Everest and Flight of Passage are some of the best rides I've ever ridden in my entire life.


I knew it would be a nice park but after going there I'm surprised that it seems to get far less attention in the community than some of the other parks at the resort (at least pre-Pandora). Every inch of this place is mind-blowing, and I still can't get over how much better it is (in my mind) than the other 3 parks. I like them all but this one is on another level, so much so that it completely caught us off guard. Tell me I'm not alone in this line of thinking...

I'm glad you had a great time! I had my first Pandora visit in November and I honestly find myself often daydreaming about Pandora & my Volcano Bay visit the most out of the whole trip. Animal Kingdom is such a beautiful park and would easily be my top favorite with just about 2 more rides. It's easy to be amazed yet relaxed in such a lush park. We caught a seat at Flaming Tree BBQ right on the water & watched some of the water show, nice way to end the night.


edit: I forgot to mention... FOP's queue is just jaw-dropping. I had a drink before I entered and stood in a two hour line. Wow, a line has never passed by so quickly. Even the outdoor portion once you enter is just amazing. I was mesmerized by the mountain and plants, I didn't even want to go into the cave until I had too. Of course, it only got better once I entered the cave. Great job Disney! That long line just needs a restroom though lol.

Edited by Bubba
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  KarlaKoaster said:
and honestly the only bit I don't like about AK is Dinoland which I will actually go so far as to say that I think it is one of the worst lands at any Disney park I can think of.


I don't really have a problem with Dinoland as a whole, it is what it is but my kids love it so there's that. My biggest issue with the land is Primeval Whirl has a 48" height requirement, taller than Everest and anything else at Disney besides Rock n Roller Coaster, for what should be a family mouse coaster. If they tore that out tomorrow and replaced it with a family coaster that had a 38 or 40" height requirement it would be a massive improvement IMO.


I like Dinosour, just wish the ride building wasn't so dark that you can barley see anything. If they turned up the lights like 10% percent so you could actually see the dinos and the sets it would be so much more memorable.

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Hey guys, heading down to Orlando on Friday. I think my only goal is to get on Flight of Passage this whole trip. Is the verdict in on which is more ideal; arrive early and head straight to the attraction or go a few minutes before park closing? I am there for 5 days so I am fine to even try both. I just want to see what the opinions were here on the forums.



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  Cj1990 said:
Hey guys, heading down to Orlando on Friday. I think my only goal is to get on Flight of Passage this whole trip. Is the verdict in on which is more ideal; arrive early and head straight to the attraction or go a few minutes before park closing? I am there for 5 days so I am fine to even try both. I just want to see what the opinions were here on the forums.




I'm no expert as I've only been on the ride once but we rode with Robb on Sunday night, got in line about 5 minutes before closing and waited less than 30 minutes. I actually had to chug my beer when I realized we were already at the boarding area.


If you're a morning person and you want to get up at the ass crack of dawn, then I'm sure that works great too. It probably comes down to personal preference about whether you'd rather sleep in or get up and go first thing in the morning.


  Hilltopper39 said:
  KarlaKoaster said:
and honestly the only bit I don't like about AK is Dinoland which I will actually go so far as to say that I think it is one of the worst lands at any Disney park I can think of.


I don't really have a problem with Dinoland as a whole, it is what it is but my kids love it so there's that. My biggest issue with the land is Primeval Whirl has a 48" height requirement, taller than Everest and anything else at Disney besides Rock n Roller Coaster, for what should be a family mouse coaster. If they tore that out tomorrow and replaced it with a family coaster that had a 38 or 40" height requirement it would be a massive improvement IMO.


I don't hate Dinoland but I don't love it either. I do enjoy the subtle beauty this park finds in objective sh*tiness. They're experts at making things look like sh*t on purpose, but somehow making them look awesome in the process. Honestly that's basically the theme of the entire park aside from Pandora and the Tree of Life area.

Edited by coasterbill
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^ Thanks so much. I think I will do the evening and just go in before closing. It seems to be Robb's preference, too, and as they go a lot, I trust the opinions of Robb, Elissa, and of course you. Plus... I like having beer while I wait in line for rides lol. You can't really get beer in the morning lol.

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  Cj1990 said:
^ Thanks so much. I think I will do the evening and just go in before closing. It seems to be Robb's preference, too, and as they go a lot, I trust the opinions of Robb, Elissa, and of course you. Plus... I like having beer while I wait in line for rides lol. You can't really get beer in the morning lol.

Yep, this is my preference. The only caveats to doing the night time wait in line are:


- Don't do it on an EMH night. It doesn't work because there are EMH people waiting to ride and often times they will start by putting them in the FastPass queue while the standby line of day guests clears out.


- Just remember that if this is your only day at DAK and you wait until the very end of the night and the ride breaks (which doesn't actually happen very often) then that was your only chance to ride.


I've actually never heard of someone not getting on the ride due to it breaking down, but I just wanted to throw that out there. Usually my average wait at the end of the night (and I mean END of the night getting in line at like :58 whatever hour the park is closing) is about 50 minutes.


If you get in the line at :30, you're just going to stand there for 30 minutes until the park closes as they are trying to get in as many FP+ people as they can to clear that line. So you might as well go grab a beer and get in line right at :58!

Edited by robbalvey
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  robbalvey said:
  Cj1990 said:
^ Thanks so much. I think I will do the evening and just go in before closing. It seems to be Robb's preference, too, and as they go a lot, I trust the opinions of Robb, Elissa, and of course you. Plus... I like having beer while I wait in line for rides lol. You can't really get beer in the morning lol.

Yep, this is my preference. The only caveats to doing the night time wait in line are:


- Don't do it on an EMH night. It doesn't work because there are EMH people waiting to ride and often times they will start by putting them in the FastPass queue while the standby line of day guests clears out.


- Just remember that if this is your only day at DAK and you wait until the very end of the night and the ride breaks (which doesn't actually happen very often) then that was your only chance to ride.


I've actually never heard of someone not getting on the ride due to it breaking down, but I just wanted to throw that out there. Usually my average wait at the end of the night (and I mean END of the night getting in line at like :58 whatever hour the park is closing) is about 50 minutes.


If you get in the line at :30, you're just going to stand there for 30 minutes until the park closes as they are trying to get in as many FP+ people as they can to clear that line. So you might as well go grab a beer and get in line right at :58!



We will honestly try to get on a couple different occasions. I would like to ride it more than once during the trip I think. Thanks Robb, I will wait until the last couple minutes like you suggested! If you guys are around at the parks this week, I'll say hi if we bump into you!

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  robbalvey said:
  Cj1990 said:
^ Thanks so much. I think I will do the evening and just go in before closing. It seems to be Robb's preference, too, and as they go a lot, I trust the opinions of Robb, Elissa, and of course you. Plus... I like having beer while I wait in line for rides lol. You can't really get beer in the morning lol.

Yep, this is my preference. The only caveats to doing the night time wait in line are:


- Don't do it on an EMH night. It doesn't work because there are EMH people waiting to ride and often times they will start by putting them in the FastPass queue while the standby line of day guests clears out.


- Just remember that if this is your only day at DAK and you wait until the very end of the night and the ride breaks (which doesn't actually happen very often) then that was your only chance to ride.


I've actually never heard of someone not getting on the ride due to it breaking down, but I just wanted to throw that out there. Usually my average wait at the end of the night (and I mean END of the night getting in line at like :58 whatever hour the park is closing) is about 50 minutes.


If you get in the line at :30, you're just going to stand there for 30 minutes until the park closes as they are trying to get in as many FP+ people as they can to clear that line. So you might as well go grab a beer and get in line right at :58!


I'll be at Disney a week from Saturday and will probably end up doing this. On the off chance the ride breaks down on Saturday night, I'll bite the bullet and do the early morning strategy the next day.

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I’m happy to say we got to do both Pandora rides and flight of passage twice. Once at rope drop and once we scored fast passes for it! It’s a really impressive ride! We are still here at the parks for another couple days, but when I arrive hole I may include a small trip report and share some photos from this awesome trip!

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Flight of Passage was fantastic! Easily the best motion simulator style ride I've been on. The movement felt much more convincing and exaggerated with the ride system.


I also cannot emphasize how well entering the queue at closing is. The line was posted at 150-165 minutes, but 70 minutes later I was at the first pre-show.


About that pre-show, is the bit about there being an error and then performing a Windows esque loading reboot present every time or was it a clever little way to kill time before reaching the next room?

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  Canobie Coaster said:
Flight of Passage was fantastic! Easily the best motion simulator style ride I've been on. The movement felt much more convincing and exaggerated with the ride system.


I also cannot emphasize how well entering the queue at closing is. The line was posted at 150-165 minutes, but 70 minutes later I was at the first pre-show.

Awesome! Glad that worked out for you!


  Canobie Coaster said:
About that pre-show, is the bit about there being an error and then performing a Windows esque loading reboot present every time or was it a clever little way to kill time before reaching the next room?

it's a way to kill time. There are actually 3-4 of these little "stalling" sequences and sometimes you'll end up with multiple ones depending on what is happening in the next two rooms. If you got the "we need to scan you for parasites" that's also another one of those time-killing devices. The normal pre-show is just Dr. Stevens telling you about the Banshee species and why it's important and then going into talking about Dr. Ogden and her book. Then you move into the next room. It's been a while since I've been on it that you just go through the basic 2 pre-shows without any time killers added.

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  robbalvey said:
it's a way to kill time. There are actually 3-4 of these little "stalling" sequences and sometimes you'll end up with multiple ones depending on what is happening in the next two rooms. If you got the "we need to scan you for parasites" that's also another one of those time-killing devices. The normal pre-show is just Dr. Stevens telling you about the Banshee species and why it's important and then going into talking about Dr. Ogden and her book. Then you move into the next room. It's been a while since I've been on it that you just go through the basic 2 pre-shows without any time killers added.


I didn't know that, that's fantastic. Knowing that the pre-show changes based on what's going on in the next room to stall for time somehow makes the ride even more impressive. I assumed the parasite thing was done on every ride.

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^^ That's a really cool way to kill time! The amount of detail that went into that attraction is astounding.


We were pretty worried the ride had broken down or was having some trouble after we heard "Brer Fox causing a commotion downstream" on Splash Mountain earlier that day. It seemed to be down quite a bit this weekend and the queue was at an absolute standstill for non Fastpass users.

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