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SFMM Mark Shapiro meeting for employees

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So I decided, to leave my cozy dept. for a day or two. It seems they are a bit understaffed in operations, so i called HR, and i'll be working front gate from 9:00am to 11:00, then they will put me in Merch. or ride opps. Although I am a bit excited to see a change for a few days, i am kind of nervous, being out of my normal zone, i probablly will be the most enthusiastic ticket taker ever.


Haha, you'll get to see how bad they have it. Although they do have an awesome manager.

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I'm glad that Six Flags has a new management structure.


I would rather see Six Flags spend some money on themeing, than building another coaster. This new coaster looks great! I can't wait to ride it! But in the future I would like to see an overhawl of the entire park.


Disneyland is popular and very successful because it has great rides and fantastic themeing.


Six Flags would only benefit from a major redue.


I remember reading a quote in the paper from Robb, where he talked about how the ride Scream was built over the parking lot and you could still see the painted parking spaces while riding the ride. I mean you spend millions of dollars to build this hugh ride, and you then spend nothing on themeing. Thats Sad!!! If not pathetic!


But the future looks bright! The new management will shake things up for the better!

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I'd forgotten they had a petting zoo


I'm extremely happy with the direction Magic Mountain seems to be going, but just imagine if Flashback got new trains, and it was actually smooth. I think it could happen.

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^Smooth or not, Flashback is pure lame!


I say, close down that whole area of the park--from the WB theatre, back to flashback, and over to the Metro station--the shut that whole back area down, and give it to Hurricane Harbor. Honestly! That would be a great addition of land for Hurricane Harbor!

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^my question is: Why leave a ride standing when it is painful, closed basically all year, and it just a waste of space. Heck, a wild mouse in that spot would be better.


Um. Because it costs a lot of money to employ workers and rent equipment to dismantle it. A lot of people tend to forget life ISN'T like RollerCoaster Tycoon - where all you do is point and click and a ride is demolished in half a second and you actually EARN money back. Dismantling a ride is a loss in two ways - the park loses an attraction and loses a good amount of money by spending it on its removal.


But then your retaliation would most likely be - "That's not a good excuse to leave a ride SBNO for so long."


Well, my answer to that would be, "This is Magic Mountain we're talking about here."


The only possible way I could see Magic Mountain removing Flashback is if the space it currently occupies is most ideal for the next upcoming new ride/attraction. I can see the logic on the park's behalf - not a good one, but still logical. By leaving Flashback there, they don't pay thousands of dollars just to have it removed, and at the same time, they don't pay money to staff the ride and the electric bill to operate it. And because of its low key location and poor visibility in the park, combined with its apparent low popularity, the park has no real reason to bring it back to operation. I'm sure since its closing back in '03, the park has received not one letter about Flashback's closure. Honestly, how many people do you know that would have Flashback on their mental MUST RIDE LIST on the way to the park? I can't imagine too many. Simply put, Flashback is nothing more than a giant lawn ornament right now.


Do any of us really even know the REAL reason why Flashback is out of operation? Is it 'cause of its close proximity to Six Flags Hurricane Harbor? Was the ride's structure or foundation discovered unstable? Did CAL-OSHA not certify the ride to operate after an failed inspection? Was ridership too low in contrast to the amount of money the park was spending on maintaining and operating it?


I think all us enthusiasts have done was bash Magic Mountain for leaving the ride idle all this time, but never really knew the reason why. Is there any way to find out the real answer?

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I just wanted to add, that I heard that SFMM had started to drop, upkeep was bad etc (this was during my research before heading over from Australia). I was there a couple of weeks ago and damn was I impressed. The park was clean and tidy! The staff could have been nicer, at Knotts the staff really got into it and it was excellent, but SFMM was amazing, infact I am going back tommorow before I fly back to (virtually coasterless) Melbourne, Australia.

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the meeting was very interesting i agreed with him on alot of things.

like that how alot of the workers could not speak english and how people line up to hug a hershy bar at hershy park and how we never have enough entertainers out in the park.


i got really mad when he said that he wanted push admission to 73.99 and to get rid of the hand stamp re-entery.


plus no more coasters for the next few years



RIP xtreme park

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All I ask is few things for SFoT:


A) Get rid of the Go-Karts and other "added expense" attractions, they cheapen the park and focus on the asthetics of the park.


B) Extend park closing back to midnight on summer weekends


C) Kick up Fright Fest a notch, get it to the level of a haloween horror nights at Universal Orlando. Also, make holiday in the park worth going to, keep the "heavy hitters" open to drum up more business.


D) Refurb the Music Mill and bring in more "quality" artist, not just the same retread jesus dreck on easter weekend. Turn the facility into something artist will want to perform at.


E) Deal carefully in the corporate sponsership pool, Papa Johns isnt a bad idea, but expand your business and bring in some decent heavy hitters that wont take a chunk out of my wallet.


F) Give me more value for my dollar. (i.e: allow the gold passport to be used at hurricane harbor)

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About the In-N-Out thing.... I work at store #200 in Temecula, which just opened. Meaning, the head-honcho's and what not's are still there. I asked if they do sponsor amusement parks and that answer was no. So kiss that good-bye.


Money talks. Never say never.

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Ever heard the entire company story? Doubtful that money would make them talk, especially as long as Esther's still around... and the next in line (Lindsey, 23) is pretty in line with her when it comes to history and what not. But who knows...


I personally wouldn't like to see In-N-Out @ SFMM or any amusement park for that matter...

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Ever heard the entire company story? Doubtful that money would make them talk, especially as long as Esther's still around... and the next in line (Lindsey, 23) is pretty in line with her when it comes to history and what not. But who knows...


I personally wouldn't like to see In-N-Out @ SFMM or any amusement park for that matter...

There's always Carl's Jr, Fatburger, or even one of the nationwide chains.

I remember Expo 86 had outrageously priced food, but 5 McDonalds'-at regular price. VERY popular.

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^my question is: Why leave a ride standing when it is painful, closed basically all year, and it just a waste of space. Heck, a wild mouse in that spot would be better.


Um. Because it costs a lot of money to employ workers and rent equipment to dismantle it. A lot of people tend to forget life ISN'T like RollerCoaster Tycoon - where all you do is point and click and a ride is demolished in half a second and you actually EARN money back. Dismantling a ride is a loss in two ways - the park loses an attraction and loses a good amount of money by spending it on its removal.


But then your retaliation would most likely be - "That's not a good excuse to leave a ride SBNO for so long."


Well, my answer to that would be, "This is Magic Mountain we're talking about here."


The only possible way I could see Magic Mountain removing Flashback is if the space it currently occupies is most ideal for the next upcoming new ride/attraction. I can see the logic on the park's behalf - not a good one, but still logical. By leaving Flashback there, they don't pay thousands of dollars just to have it removed, and at the same time, they don't pay money to staff the ride and the electric bill to operate it. And because of its low key location and poor visibility in the park, combined with its apparent low popularity, the park has no real reason to bring it back to operation. I'm sure since its closing back in '03, the park has received not one letter about Flashback's closure. Honestly, how many people do you know that would have Flashback on their mental MUST RIDE LIST on the way to the park? I can't imagine too many. Simply put, Flashback is nothing more than a giant lawn ornament right now.


Do any of us really even know the REAL reason why Flashback is out of operation? Is it 'cause of its close proximity to Six Flags Hurricane Harbor? Was the ride's structure or foundation discovered unstable? Did CAL-OSHA not certify the ride to operate after an failed inspection? Was ridership too low in contrast to the amount of money the park was spending on maintaining and operating it?


I think all us enthusiasts have done was bash Magic Mountain for leaving the ride idle all this time, but never really knew the reason why. Is there any way to find out the real answer?


Yes, but Flashback is in prime Real Estate, as it is already level for a flat, it would bring more to that area of the park, and the park would get more out of, say, a huss giant frisbee, than a SBNO ride. Besides, it wouldn't cost nearly as much as putting in multiple flats, or a coaster. I personally think it'd be worth it. (I do know that my opinon has no effect on the park). Logically, I think it'd be better to tear it down, and replace it with a good flat. Even if they put in a cheaper flat to balance out costs, it'd be better than leaving Flashback there to rust even more.

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My lead was a green tag, and it was funny because I was making $8.50, my regular wage, and she was making a whopping $7.00.


My point exactly. There's not much motivation to work hard and impress for a measly .25 cent raise. Not to mention all the other stuff I mentioned already...


Bottom Line: This grand scheme of Red Zone is going to fail if Six Flags doesn't make things better for the line employees. You can spruce up the park, place a HUGE emphasis on guest service, and all of that other good stuff...but what extra motivation are the line employees going to have to keep up the park?


I just hope they're smart enough to realize that is a large part of the problem...


BTW, if they remove Flashback it will be for a Hurricane Harbor expansion.

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