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The Youtube Thread


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This is easily one of the greatest videos I've seen all year. I don't know why, but I love it.



You might want to click on the link to be able to watch it in High Quality, it helps A LOT.


That is so cool! I read about in the newspaper the day after he danced here, and how alot of people came to dance with him, and I was simply kicking myself for not having known about it, since that fountain he danced to is 2 blocks from my house and I would of loved to have met him and been in that video!

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God, I laughed so hard after this part in Horton Hears a Who. I had no idea what had just happened, and my friend insisted on replaying that part over and over again to the point where I was on the floor crying. Katie is the most amazing movie character ever.

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^ Okay, I don't speak that language in the video, so what exactly was the point of that video?





They were evacuating the train, and uneven weight distribution caused the train to move forward and make the course but people still had their restraints up. They pulled them down at the last minute!


It's be terrifying!!



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