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The Youtube Thread


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Anyone remembering Betty Boop's cartoon, "Dizzy Dishes" and enjoyed it is sure to enjoy this video, a live action version of it. I did the editing, first time I have done anything like this and ate up most of last week leaving Smash Bros untouched for a few days.



Enjoy and comment!

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Here is a video that my odler brother and his friends made.


It is reminiscent of the old vaudeville shorts, and is actually quite funny.


The NY Times actually reviewed it. Here is their quote:


"Is it possible for someone to be so lame that they can't even dance? This loveable vaudville throw-back reminds us that even the darkest tunnels have a spec of light. In a delightful array of poetic images, it playfully, yet eloquently reveals an age-old truth: Anyone Can Dance."


- New York Times


Let me know what you think about it, and feel free to rate it on youtube! Thanks.



It is entitled "Anyone Can dance"


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Hanna Montana Theme REVERSED!




The new lyrics are:

Swirl, blowup, you said yous gag or when your making the rice and swirl, burp and SAY but maybe we're Sh** like aquanet. War singing on hill dish. War, burp and SAY but maybe SHWAAAAAAAAAH. We're good so all of the gloop mean ya'll lurk a lot all on the woop. Through the mud so that no one will eat and if they, now I keep missing you your new wife. Through mud with whoosh shoes, last long. oooh. They're quite... they're made quite icky. (from video's message)


I'm just cracking up at the "SHWAAAAAAAAAAH!"

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