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game: would you rather

major woodie

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Play piano with Pokemon. We would recorda piano version of the theme song, get a Grammy, go to the Grammys, and say "It takes all kinds of fruit to make fruit cup" thus solving a world crisis.


Would you rather go to Cedar Point or SFMM?

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Wrestle Mickey Mouse in a no-holds-barred, cage match with chairs, ladders, stun guns and a tube of Icy Hot.


Would you rather spend the rest of your life coupled with the hottest, sexiest, most inconsiderate, mean hearted waste of space in the world or the most unattractive, homely, kind hearted, self-less, sweetheart ever to live?

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Watch a documentary on Pee Wee Herman's Life. It'd be so wacky, weird, and strange that it would be entertaining.


Would you rather spend a week in Hawaii or go on a TPR Trip?

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Shorter ride cycle of pain.

White Canyon goes on and on and on and.... it's still going!


If you had an allergy, would you rather be allergic to dairy? Or nuts?

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