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Whats The Weather Like Where You Live?

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In Texas it's storming, no surprise because it's been raining and storming for like 2 months. I'm getting sick of it.


We had 100 days in a row with rain in late 2006/early 2007. June has been excellent here, but July has been mostly rain and today is no exception. Around 14-15 degrees celcius.


Im on the west coast of Norway if anyone is wondering...

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In the morning, Florida is 70 degrees out and sunny, but it feels like 90 degrees thanks to the consistently high humidity. By 10 AM, its about 80 degrees but it feels like a sauna.


By mid day, Florida becomes hell and its 95 degrees out, but thanks to humidity, it feels like somewhere around 105/110 degrees.


Usually during the afternoon (anywhere from 2-7 PM) there is a thunderstorm. But thanks to this drought, a thunderstorm in your area is like winning the lotto.


By night, the humidity falls down a little and its 80 degrees out. Now the only peeve about that is mosquitoes.


That's a basic Florida summer day in weather.


As for now though, sunny and muggy.

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