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What would rides be like on the moon?

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BTW, just why is Earth's moon just called "The Moon?" I mean, other planets have cool names for their moons. Why can't ours have a cool one? We can name it Fred or MoonTums.


How about when we build all the roller coasters on the moon, we can call it...






I have a feeling that was either really clever or really corny....

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Dippin' Dots aren't just ice cream... they're {insert trumpet fanfare-- dah-da-da-daaaaaah} "the Ice Cream of the Future!!!" (and have been since 1985-- when's the future going to get here already?)


If there were rides on the moon, Cedar Fair would close the park and start moving them to other planets.


Six Flags would charge $12,000 to park your lunar module. And most of the rides would be down anyway. Would lines move faster on the moon?

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Actually, Cedar Fair would step in after rides have been built on the moon. They will add trash cans and a waterpark, and THEN close it down and move everything to other planets.


Speaking of which, what would waterparks be like on the moon? Would a Master Blaster work? How about Deluge, or a Tornado?

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Would lines move faster on the moon?


No, but you could literaly line jump in the zero gravity enviroment! Think of the airtime you could have just moving about! You wouldn't even need rides... Unless those rides were credits. Credits are more important than funky moon walking airtime!

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It would be a great deal of fun, and also probably the fastest elevator on earth! Sort of. But since the moon isn't geo-stationary, or whatever the term for 'in the same place relative to' to the earth an elevator simply wouldn't work.


Shuttles would be too expensive, and....hang on a minute, why are we going to the moon again?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry to stoop to the level of having an argument about physics on a forum, but why?


The gravitational field is less, but it exists. The coaster would work but acceleration due to gravity would be less.


And there goes the last piece of my online pride...

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Wouldn't friction overcome the gravitational force though? The moon has 1/6 the gravity of Earth. Is that strong enough to overcome the friction (although there isn't air resistance)? I suppose you probably could get a coaster to work on the moon, just not very well.

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