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What would rides be like on the moon?

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Only way to go would be with a launch since it would take forever and a day for a traditional coaster to get any apreciable speed. As far as what kind of launch, i'd have to say i'd stay away from hydraulic with the change in pressure.

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I'm thinking that weight drop, magnetic, and flywheel launches would work. With the moon's gravity, a launch would mean that huge hills would be possible with the same energy for a small hill on Earth. Also, without air and wind resistance, the launches would also be much faster.


I wonder what a Boomerang would be like on the moon. What would happen if it valleyed?

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I'm thinking that weight drop, magnetic, and flywheel launches would work. With the moon's gravity, a launch would mean that huge hills would be possible with the same energy for a small hill on Earth. Also, without air and wind resistance, the launches would also be much faster.


I wonder what a Boomerang would be like on the moon. What would happen if it valleyed?


That weight would have to have a helluvalotta mass! (Mass! Not weight! They are different!!) Really, I would see Magnetic launches as the best choice for a ride on the moon.

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OMG, LEVEL 3.8?!?




OMG! A Professor Like you must know the answer to this completely pointless question! Do what I do mate, make yourself sound clever.... Se that last post, I sounded like a genious didn't i? half those words were made up! but they don't know that.... they don't know a thing....

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OMG, LEVEL 3.8?!?




OMG! A Professor Like you must know the answer to this completely pointless question! Do what I do mate, make yourself sound clever.... Se that last post, I sounded like a genious didn't i? half those words were made up! but they don't know that.... they don't know a thing....


They know now... You just told them

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OMG, LEVEL 3.8?!?




OMG! A Professor Like you must know the answer to this completely pointless question! Do what I do mate, make yourself sound clever.... Se that last post, I sounded like a genious didn't i? half those words were made up! but they don't know that.... they don't know a thing....


They know now... You just told them



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If the Mayans were so smart, how come there calendar didn't have a date with a big circle around it called "getting massacred by the Spaniards day?"


But seriously, could you have a drop ride on the moon?


Even more seriously, what would Dippin Dots be like on the moon? Could you eat them? Or would they just float away, form into one giant mass of frozen crap and zoom toward earth sometime in 2012?

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Even more seriously, what would Dippin Dots be like on the moon? Could you eat them? Or would they just float away, form into one giant mass of frozen crap and zoom toward earth sometime in 2012?


You can't eat anything on the moon, you have to keep that stupid head gear to breathe!

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