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What would rides be like on the moon?

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Question. WTF are "assburgers"?


Asperger's Disorder is a weakening in the mirror neuron system, as was eloquently explained in Scientific American, which I read cover-to-cover. Now this may have nothing to do with therianthropy, or it could. "Assburgers" is a bastardization that would make Hans Asperger spin in his grave. Of course, I should probably act like I have a lower IQ than I really do in order for you to understand me. (For the record, my IQ is 167.) People with Asperger's tend to be bright and have incredible skills in reading and math. (I took AP Calculus in my junior year, and I have not studied for a single latin test in four years. I still get A's.) I can read at 100 pageds an hour, and have a slight pronunciation problem (I mess up pronunciation of words I have read and understood, but not heard.) I beat Myst in 3 minutes, and could do it again in 2. I do Scientific American crosswords (more difficult than a New York Times Sunday puzzle) and can argue any point I wish to. All this may or may not be linked to therianthropy, but I know this: Dragons are real. They are nearly impossible to kill. Onyxia dropped out of training because she did not meet the minimum requirements for strength and fortitude. This is why she gets ganked a lot. If you think making fun of the mentally ill is a good time, then you are clearly mentally ill yourself. So confess your illness and I might let you off. Comprende?


I dunno about America, but where I come from, assburgers = poo. We also call it bum-nuggets.


Your intelligence has nothing to do with therianthropy and everything to do with Asperger's Disorder. As well as the negative symptoms, it also has the effect of focusing the mind more firmly on some tasks, making them easier. Of course, its that very disorder that stops you from realising that and seeing anyone elses point of view. Its also why you are obsessed with the therianthropy thing, and cant see that its little more than ancient myths used as god figures and to frighten children. Of course it makes no difference me saying this because another symptom is the "Im right, your wrong, no matter what anyone says" thing.


Anyway, cant we get this back on track to the serious topic at hand, Coasters on the moon?

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All this may or may not be linked to therianthropy, but I know this: Dragons are real. They are nearly impossible to kill. Onyxia dropped out of training because she did not meet the minimum requirements for strength and fortitude. This is why she gets ganked a lot. If you think making fun of the mentally ill is a good time, then you are clearly mentally ill yourself. So confess your illness and I might let you off. Comprende?


You claim to be "book smart", though you obviously have no problem propagating the obvious lie you are a mythical creature, thus I can't see why you wouldn't lie about test scores and academic achievements (and you did not beat Myst in three minutes unless you were cheating).


Maybe because your aspergers makes you feel disconnected from society, you feel like you have to escape the reality of your life and live as a mythical creature.


I am asking you as caring person to go get help. If you're already seeing a therapist for your aspergers, please try to seek counseling and treatment for this as well. It is not healthy to continue to believe things like this.

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All this may or may not be linked to therianthropy, but I know this: Dragons are real. They are nearly impossible to kill. Onyxia dropped out of training because she did not meet the minimum requirements for strength and fortitude. This is why she gets ganked a lot. If you think making fun of the mentally ill is a good time, then you are clearly mentally ill yourself. So confess your illness and I might let you off. Comprende?


You claim to be "book smart", though you obviously have no problem propagating the obvious lie you are a mythical creature, thus I can't see why you wouldn't lie about test scores and academic achievements (and you did not beat Myst in three minutes unless you were cheating).


Maybe because your aspergers makes you feel disconnected from society, you feel like you have to escape the reality of your life and live as a mythical creature.


I am asking you as caring person to go get help. If you're already seeing a therapist for your aspergers, please try to seek counseling and treatment for this as well. It is not healthy to continue to believe things like this.


Thats kind of you Wes, but how do we know this isnt just someone having a blast messing with our heads?



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I don't need to be tormented here.


Um, then don't come begging for it by posting about your "draconic side." Your over-inflated IQ should have tipped you off about the repercussions of doing such an ignorant thing.


I am asking you as caring person to go get help. If you're already seeing a therapist for your aspergers, please try to seek counseling and treatment for this as well. It is not healthy to continue to believe things like this.


I second this.



But hey, if anything, maybe you could use your powers of flight to check out what coasters on the moon would be like. We'd definitely appreciate that.

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This is getting stupid. There are nearly 3 to 4 pages nothing but unnesessary arguments of weither dragons exist. Lets settle it with this answer: yes and no- The Komodo Dragon. Even though it does have "dragon" in it's name it is actually a large lizard.


NOW! Back to the actual topic.


You could build coasters on the moon execpt the track would have to be a tube and the trains would have to be windowed compartments just like those message tube thingys. The compartments would be launched through the track at fast speeds. (I learned about this from the Science Channel today.)


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I LOVE that you said this, I literally just clicked "repy" in order to simply post that sentence. Rides on the moon, draconic halves, Asperger's syndrome, and Wes being caring... This thread has everything I need in life. I love it.

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Random question: Is Wes caring, or is he a complete jerk? I'm leaning jerk. It's because he touches himself at night.


Wow! What a GREAT comeback!!!! Where could you have POSSIBLY gotten that from!?!?! Thats SOOO Hillarious! Wait..as I recall..that was something WES said!!! Hmmm...


And Laura..you rock my socks!



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Don't let one troll ruin the fun!



BTW, I was surprised no one mentioned 2012 as the end of the Mayan calendar. Or I think it was the Mayan calendar.



As for how coasters would be on the moon? Well, since gravity is three times less, we could build them three times as tall!!! And they'd be three times awesomer! And the height restrictions would be three times less! All because you paid three dollars to ride.


Or something?


Either way, a roller coaster on the moon, properly engineered, would be very gouda.








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