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What would rides be like on the moon?

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pffftt... ill i will need to do is call my guild up.


Onyxia, Nefarian, Sapphiron have all fallen to us... what makes you think the outcome will be different for you than it was for the children of Deathwing or the servant of the Lich King.


My shadowbolt + Dragons= original recipe.

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Wonderful. You have been reported to the People for the Ethical Treatment of Dragons.


Now was that a "formal complaint?"


Exactly who heads up that department? Because I'm really busy this week and don't have time for some angry ass knomes to come cart me off to "pixie prison."


Also, if you're so upset by our comments... quit posting that you're half dragon. You obviously are well aware of what the general response is going to be.

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Actually, I do go to a psychologist for Asperger's syndrome. If you don't know what that is, you are hopeless. Wikipedia has a delightful article on it. I am not psychopathic, nor am I a "freak". Furthermore, because of the six suicides and the car crash over the past two years (eight students in my year died in total), most of the class of '07 is depressed. I don't need to be tormented here. My sister, whom I renamed Sybil, torments me enough at home. Now you can make it up to me by either apologizing or by visiting the link in my signature.

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Question. WTF are "assburgers"?


Asperger's Disorder is a weakening in the mirror neuron system, as was eloquently explained in Scientific American, which I read cover-to-cover. Now this may have nothing to do with therianthropy, or it could. "Assburgers" is a bastardization that would make Hans Asperger spin in his grave. Of course, I should probably act like I have a lower IQ than I really do in order for you to understand me. (For the record, my IQ is 167.) People with Asperger's tend to be bright and have incredible skills in reading and math. (I took AP Calculus in my junior year, and I have not studied for a single latin test in four years. I still get A's.) I can read at 100 pageds an hour, and have a slight pronunciation problem (I mess up pronunciation of words I have read and understood, but not heard.) I beat Myst in 3 minutes, and could do it again in 2. I do Scientific American crosswords (more difficult than a New York Times Sunday puzzle) and can argue any point I wish to. All this may or may not be linked to therianthropy, but I know this: Dragons are real. They are nearly impossible to kill. Onyxia dropped out of training because she did not meet the minimum requirements for strength and fortitude. This is why she gets ganked a lot. If you think making fun of the mentally ill is a good time, then you are clearly mentally ill yourself. So confess your illness and I might let you off. Comprende?

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Question. WTF are "assburgers"?


Asperger's Disorder is a weakening in the mirror neuron system, as was eloquently explained in Scientific American, which I read cover-to-cover. Now this may have nothing to do with therianthropy, or it could. "Assburgers" is a bastardization that would make Hans Asperger spin in his grave. Of course, I should probably act like I have a lower IQ than I really do in order for you to understand me. (For the record, my IQ is 167.) People with Asperger's tend to be bright and have incredible skills in reading and math. (I took AP Calculus in my junior year, and I have not studied for a single latin test in four years. I still get A's.) I can read at 100 pageds an hour, and have a slight pronunciation problem (I mess up pronunciation of words I have read and understood, but not heard.) I beat Myst in 3 minutes, and could do it again in 2. I do Scientific American crosswords (more difficult than a New York Times Sunday puzzle) and can argue any point I wish to. All this may or may not be linked to therianthropy, but I know this: Dragons are real. They are nearly impossible to kill. Onyxia dropped out of training because she did not meet the minimum requirements for strength and fortitude. This is why she gets ganked a lot. If you think making fun of the mentally ill is a good time, then you are clearly mentally ill yourself. So confess your illness and I might let you off. Comprende?


You need to have sex, go buy yourself some.


Colin C

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Question. WTF are "assburgers"?


Asperger's Disorder is a weakening in the mirror neuron system, as was eloquently explained in Scientific American, which I read cover-to-cover. Now this may have nothing to do with therianthropy, or it could. "Assburgers" is a bastardization that would make Hans Asperger spin in his grave. Of course, I should probably act like I have a lower IQ than I really do in order for you to understand me. (For the record, my IQ is 167.) People with Asperger's tend to be bright and have incredible skills in reading and math. (I took AP Calculus in my junior year, and I have not studied for a single latin test in four years. I still get A's.) I can read at 100 pageds an hour, and have a slight pronunciation problem (I mess up pronunciation of words I have read and understood, but not heard.) I beat Myst in 3 minutes, and could do it again in 2. I do Scientific American crosswords (more difficult than a New York Times Sunday puzzle) and can argue any point I wish to. All this may or may not be linked to therianthropy, but I know this: Dragons are real. They are nearly impossible to kill. Onyxia dropped out of training because she did not meet the minimum requirements for strength and fortitude. This is why she gets ganked a lot. If you think making fun of the mentally ill is a good time, then you are clearly mentally ill yourself. So confess your illness and I might let you off. Comprende?


You need to have sex, go buy yourself some.


Colin C


Hey, I could hook him up with some good Fresnonian Chicks! Or some in San Diego...Hey AllisonlovesTPR...you up for a good challenge?



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