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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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  toomuchstereo said:



I know who that “maintenance guy” was! Not me though. I was there for the Pandemonium unloading though.



Hope I didn't get anyone in trouble for talking. We were questioning him pretty hard and I wasn't surprised at anything he told us.

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Sorry about the double post, not sure what happened there.


As an add on to my previous post. At the end of the night during ert I spoke to one of the security guards who happens to be friends with a co-worker of mine and he confirmed that the queue for Boss will not be altered in anyway, that the new flat will have the lighting package, and that they are discussing the possibility of moving the moon cars to what will then be the unused portion of the go kart track.


That's it, that's all my sleuthing uncovered on this trip. Do what you will with the info!

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  toomuchstereo said:
Those are all true things. To be honest I’m surprised a security guard would know any of those things though. He or she’s been listening.



.......And I have taught 7th grade for 27 years, I know how to root out important info from people when I need to.

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Honestly at this point, I’d just like to see Tidal Wave get removed for either an S&S free spin, a Zamperla giant Discovery, or a Mack powersplash. It is one of the rides of my childhood, but it just doesn’t seem worth it anymore. At a small park with three huge wooden coasters to maintain, I just would think the cost to keep it around wouldn’t be worth it, especially given that it will only get worse in the future.

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  LegendLover said:
Honestly at this point, I’d just like to see Tidal Wave get removed for either an S&S free spin, a Zamperla giant Discovery, or a Mack powersplash.






That's a good idea.




Maybe that will happen.

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I remember being told a few years back that the off season rehab is around $250,000 for the woodies, now I cant remember if that was total for the three or how the breakdown really was. On another note, you should be seeing more updates with excalibur around the time Fright Fest opens.

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  prozach626 said:
I don't think you're going to see RMC Boss or a Raptor. Our park doesn't need a new roller coaster as much as we all want one. I think it will be many more years before we see a new coaster.



For the most part, I do agree with you. But I will say that a lot of GP people I talk to (and I mean outside of the park like work and such) do complain about the fact that there hasn't been a new coaster in so long. So it is something being noticed by the GP which as we all know is the target audience.

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Wow. First time here and just spent the last 3 hours riding everything as a walk on and I really dig these rides (though most of the queue paths are ridiculous). Huge surprise to me that ALL the woodies were way way way better than what I was anticipating. -- also enjoyed Wonder Woman and Justice League though our vehicle was a bit messed up. Batman was insane mode, I swear every time I ride these they get wider each time lol.


Great night. Loved The Boss. Especially that extra downward hill after the first drop.... totally caught us off guard.

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