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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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^ Agreed. Although, I have to say, when they announced they were going to put it in the Illinois section of the park, I thought for sure it was going to be Tidal Wave that was being taken out. I don't see the point of that ride anymore. For me, all that ride was ever good for was to cool off when the heat index is 110. Now that they have a water park, what's the point?

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Even though it's only a Boomerang, it's still exciting that SFStL is getting a new coaster. Yes, I know it's less exciting because WoF also has a Boomerang, but it's a new experience, and going to change the coaster line-up.


The disappointment factor isn't because WoF has a Boomerang. The disappointment factor comes from the fact that we're getting a Boomerang, period. I would have rather seen Batman get new paint and refurbishment, than this piece of garbage.

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^ Batman does need new paint badly. I believe it's the only 6 Flags Batman that has not been repainted EVER (although I'm not sure about SFOT's, although that's a newer version), or at least it's still the only one that's black.


^^I also thought Tidal Wave would be leaving, but I'm really glad it's not. Those rides are fun and the soakage is excellent. I do see it leaving probably within a few years, though.


I think the space beyond Tidal Wave is screaming for a new coaster. The path just dead-ends after Tidal Wave and there's enough room back there for a good-sized ride. Hopefully one day they'll concentrate on that area with or without Tidal Wave's removal.

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I totally agree. BTR at SFStL totally needs a paint job BAD!!! As far as all the SF parks I've been to, it seemed to be the one that has been let go the most. They totally need to clean up the BTR area. Painting and cleaning out all the over grown weeds in the area would be a major improvement.

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^^ I never really thought about using the land Tidal Wave occupies and beyond that way, but I like it! Maybe the next big addition will be a signature steel coaster that starts where Tidal Wave currently is. One can hope!


That or tear down Ninja and put in an Intamin vertical lift coaster.

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Even though it's only a Boomerang, it's still exciting that SFStL is getting a new coaster. Yes, I know it's less exciting because WoF also has a Boomerang, but it's a new experience, and going to change the coaster line-up.


The disappointment factor isn't because WoF has a Boomerang. The disappointment factor comes from the fact that we're getting a Boomerang, period. I would have rather seen Batman get new paint and refurbishment, than this piece of garbage.



The money would have been better spent on improvements to what we already have, not on getting a worn out Boomerang. At adds nothing new. We already have a two way direction coaster that is taller, much quicker, more unique, and adds more character.


Adding a weak attraction for the sake of adding an attraction while continuing to neglect one of the park's most popular rides is a bad move. The Batman is getting rough and the queue area looks very run down. It does not reflect very well on the park's image when the queue looks that run down considering that this is one of the rides they are most likely to spend the most time in. It is silly that Mr. Freeze has already had a paint job when it is newer, and the Ninja has had two, and the Batman still has not had one.


Not to mention that some of our flats look like they are in need of some TLC, the Highland Fling looks awful and I have seen it break down a couple times in the middle of operation.


No matter how you cut it, there are a lot of things that could have improved the park experience much more than this.

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"Come check out our new Boomerang coaster" will bring in more guests than "well, we painted our 18 year old Batman coaster, so come check that out." The more guests/money they can bring in, the larger the budget they can justify for more/bigger improvements.

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"Come check out our new Boomerang coaster" will bring in more guests than "well, we painted our 18 year old Batman coaster, so come check that out." The more guests/money they can bring in, the larger the budget they can justify for more/bigger improvements.

"Come check out the revised, faster, and better than ever Batman. Missouri's most intense inverted coaster with a record breaking five inversions." Marketing has little to do with telling it the way it is, it has more to do with creating an image. All you have to do is put forth an effort to make it interesting. If they can honestly call a 23 year old Boomerang new, they could pull this off. On top of this, the problem is the overall state of many of the parks top rides are in a state of decline. If a "new" ride is in good shape but the park favorites are becoming a worse and worse experience, this can ensure that they won't want to return.

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^^It's a bit of a stretch to claim that repainting a coaster makes it revised, faster, and better than ever, even for Six Flags. Besides, I thought Batman looked fine when I went last spring. Maybe the garden side could be spruced up, but once you get past that it's themed to walking through the crummy side of Gotham City and a sewer. It's supposed to look run down. And seeing as the station is a rusted power plant building, shouldn't the track look a bit rusted to match that? From what I saw the only things I would change is how stupidly long the queue line as and put the cop car back.

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Well they did try that approach with Mr. Freeze this year. How many years in a row can you do that before your target audience gets tired of there not being an actual new ride put in?

How long can you sustain a park's existence by giving them worn out reject rides and neglecting the crowd drawing attractions?


deathbydinn, marketing has less to do with the truth and more to do with creating excitement for your offering. A new paint job would have little to nothing to do with it, the idea is to tempt the target audience to want to try it again. After having seen the condition of SFOT's Batman and SFFT Goliath (Batman Clone) and ridden both, SFSTL needs some work. Again, between the three, it is hands down the roughest.


The queue line becomes useful during Fright Fest, it still has its place. My complaint about the queue looking run down IS a reference to the garden area, the theming they removed to the walls to show the contrast of what the outside image was supposed to be to Gotham full with pleasant sounding sound effects contrasted to what it is like on the inside being all run down with the crashed police cruiser, machine gun fire, etc.

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How long can you sustain a park's existence by giving them worn out reject rides and neglecting the crowd drawing attractions?


2013- Used Boomerang coaster

2012- New waterslide/Mr. Freeze Reverse Blast

2011- New Starflyer

2010- No new attraction/general improvements

2009- New waterslide

2008- New GCI wooden coaster

2007- New Gerstlauer spinning coaster

2006- Used Intamin freefall, new kids area (mix of new and used rides)

2005- New waterslide


That's six years with a brand new attraction, one year with a mix of new and used, one year with just a used attraction, and another season with no new rides/slides. It's not like they have received used ride after used ride like Six Flags Astroworld did before closing, or how Dorney Park has been getting from CF the past few years.

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Hey guys


Not to change the subject


But I was thinking what if during our extreme heat months (July-August) would Six Flags consider opening later in the day and possibly staying open til Midnight or later (if local authorities permits). Or maybe 1 week out of the season maybe opening up after dark 8pm or later and staying open all night. It seems unless you go during Fright fest there isn't much night time ride time with our early closing hours.


It seems our attendance takes a hit during the high temp months.


I got the idea after seeing the a episode of "Extreme Makeover" where they took a group of kids to Disney after hours due to the kids having some type of skin condition that would not allow them to go out during the day.


What do you all think.. Would you attend something like this?

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Extreme heat??? Really?? If anything doesn't the extreme heat only happen a few times a year?? And what is actually considered extreme heat for St Louis?


I'm sure they wouldn't even consider it simply because it defeats the purpose of the water park.

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Extreme heat happens in St. Louis. Maybe its not as bad as Texas and Louisiana but it gets pretty bad here. Upper 90's with very high humidity sucks. In fact I consider those upper 90's and high humidity worse than our 100-110 days with low humidity from last summer. Mix in a blacktop theme park and it sucks.

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Extreme heat??? Really?? If anything doesn't the extreme heat only happen a few times a year??


I know you're from Arizona, but it can be very extreme especially with the humidity July-August during what should be the height of the amusement park season. I remember TPR participants "melting" during their last visit. I also encountered one of these extreme days last summer during the middle of the drought last summer. I bought an ice cream cone and it was a mess within 30 hands.


I have spent hours outside in Arizona in 100 degree weather golfing and playing softball and it was not nearly as brutal as those few days in the Midwest last summer. The only day I've ever had that was comparable was that 114 degree day with TPR at Isla Magica in 2007.


Then again, that's why SFSTL has been investing in their water park recently.

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Hey guys


But I was thinking what if during our extreme heat months (July-August) would Six Flags consider opening later in the day and possibly staying open til Midnight or later...


I like this idea. I can remember suggesting something similar when GL was still in full operation. If you kept traditional hours for the waterpark you could really extend length of stay. Spend a full day at the waterpark and then a full night at the theme park (rather than half at each).

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Extreme heat??? Really?? If anything doesn't the extreme heat only happen a few times a year?? And what is actually considered extreme heat for St Louis?


I'm sure they wouldn't even consider it simply because it defeats the purpose of the water park.


It's like the old cliche says: "It's not the heat, it's the humidity." I grew up in the San Joaquin Valley of California, and a dry 102-degree day there is easier to take than a 90-degree day in Virginia with outrageous humidity.

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^^ I hear ya. I grew up in Houston and Then lived in San Antonio and now I live in Phoenix. So I have experienced 100° with 90% humidity in Houston to 110°and dry in Phoenix. I spent my summers at Astroworld and WaterWorld and then college years working at SFFT.


In any case, Sfstl has a water park for when it gets really hot out.

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The day we had in St. Louis during the Road to Cedar Point TPR trip was one of the hottest days I've ever had (only an Italy day and the Deep South(?) day was worse). It's definitely the humidity that kills you.

Edited by jray21
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With the backwards Batman news no coming out about SFGAm, does SFStL pull it out too, as was rumored back in the fall?


I think they will keep it exclusive at SFGAm for a year and then try it at other parks.

Edited by larrygator
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