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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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Yeah, the quick changes in direction on B:TR taken backwards don't seem like a good idea - the body can't prepare for them, especially for any person that doesn't know the ride. But hey, if they decide that it works, I'm up for it!


Not sure if I would want to see parks with a Batman start fiddling with what I would say is the perfect looping steel roller coaster, but (assuming this has no legs) I'm incredibly envious of the employees that got the chance to try this out. There aren't too many things that would convince me to take a job at a park, but I would grin and bear an entire season of St. Louis summer conditions at this park if I knew ahead of time that this was included. Well, up until the train I was on completed it's circuit and the restraints were opened. Then I would high tail it to my car and drive somewhere that it isn't lolwtf ℉ everyday from May through August.

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I would grin and bear an entire season of St. Louis summer conditions at this park if I knew ahead of time that this was included. Well, up until the train I was on completed it's circuit and the restraints were opened. Then I would high tail it to my car and drive somewhere that it isn't lolwtf ℉ everyday from May through August.


You get used to the heat. I have to put up with it in a bullet proof vest and 20 pounds worth of gear, while wearing black polyester. I'll take the humid heat over the frigid cold any day.

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I've heard from someone in the know that we are NOT getting the boomerang. He won't give us anymore information than that, but he's consistently been right about what we have been getting for the past few seasons.

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Eh....We'll just have to see. Everything about the coaster is still functional no matter how old it is and no matter if there's another Boomerang at some other park in the area. SFStL could use the extra coaster anyways. I'm sure all they'll do is get a new Vekoma train for it, slap some new paint on it and there you go, new coaster for dull park.

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^ Says the guy from Arizona. How're those castles n coasters?


There was that survey ScreamScape reported on back in June that SFSTL conducted asking about possible thrill rides for 2013/2014. One of the rides mentioned in the survey was an Intamin ZacSpin, so maybe we'll get one of those? A Disk-o was also mentioned. To be honest I'd prefer we get none of those and just wait a few years for something a little more substantial. But yeah, it really is looking like Flashback is headed our way.

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^ Says the guy from Arizona. How're those castles n coasters?


There was that survey ScreamScape reported on back in June that SFSTL conducted asking about possible thrill rides for 2013/2014. One of the rides mentioned in the survey was an Intamin ZacSpin, so maybe we'll get one of those? A Disk-o was also mentioned. To be honest I'd prefer we get none of those and just wait a few years for something a little more substantial. But yeah, it really is looking like Flashback is headed our way.


Yup.....that's exactly what I said. Castles and Coasters is GREAT! It's melting in the HOT AZ sun as we speak. I actually prefer Wet N Wild though. SFAW used to be my home park, then I moved to San Antonio so then SFFT and SWSA were my home parks....and now I'm in this crappy ass state of AZ.


Sorry if I offended but it seems like SFStL is the most "mistreated" of the Six Flags parks in my opinion. Hope they would get more but it seems that Six Flags really isn't interested in investing too much $$$ in that park. The best attraction in the past 5 years or so was EK. I guess Boomerang is better than nothing and the GP will still eat it up!

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No offense taken ArizonaGuy. I was just joking with my reply. I agree SFSTL feels a bit looked over within the chain, but I'm sure if we had higher attendance numbers it would be reflected in larger additions. In the last five years we've gotten two coasters and SkyScreamer so it's not all bad.


We have three woodies that are unique to the park, and even though our best steel are all clones they're good coasters. Ninja sucks but the layout is at least unique(-ish). SFSTL doesn't feel like a "Boomerang park" to me, but I guess everyone feels that way about their homepark.

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No probs it's all good. I used to feel like SFFT got overlooked by the chain but it seems like SFStL has been overlooked a little more lately.....but not as bad as SFA as was pointed out by someone else. LOL I agree there are some nice coasters at SFStL......American Thunder is my favorite. The Boss was my favorite before that but it's really starting to show it's age. I think it's still nice if they get a Boomerang than nothing at all.

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I'd rather live in Arizona than the Midwest, any day. Going to Sedona next week to get married. The only reason I stayed in the Midwest is because I landed a Police Officer job that I'd been working toward for years and those are hard to come by in any area. You can always do a 2 day trip to California and ride great roller coasters if you wanted. SFSTL isn't worth moving to a depressed area for.

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Oh trust me, I'd never move to St Louis just for the sake of SFStL. I always take trips to Southern California so it's easy to get my coaster fix on. Living in the desert can totally suck balls but the cool thing is that it's a major hub for Southwest and Usairways so I can pretty much get anywhere on a nonstop flight.

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^ Says the guy from Arizona. How're those castles n coasters?


There was that survey ScreamScape reported on back in June that SFSTL conducted asking about possible thrill rides for 2013/2014. One of the rides mentioned in the survey was an Intamin ZacSpin, so maybe we'll get one of those? A Disk-o was also mentioned. To be honest I'd prefer we get none of those and just wait a few years for something a little more substantial. But yeah, it really is looking like Flashback is headed our way.


Can someone clarify for my why exactly we all think the boomerang is coming here BESIDES the screamscape post? I think the boomerang would be a really nice addition to SFStL, even though I personally don't really care about it. Why, though, is everyone convinced it's coming here?

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I don't live anywhere near SFStL, so it's really of no consequence to me, but I think for Six Flags to send a 23-year-old Vekoma Boomerang to a park that hasn't seen a whole lot in the way of large capital investments in the past decade, and try to pass it off as a new addition, would be a huge slap in the face to the park. Just saying! But it sounds like the rumors aren't going to pan out luckily.

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Can someone clarify for my why exactly we all think the boomerang is coming here BESIDES the screamscape post? I think the boomerang would be a really nice addition to SFStL, even though I personally don't really care about it. Why, though, is everyone convinced it's coming here?

I'm hoping you are joking. This ride is older than most of the steel coasters already featured in the park. These designs have a terrible reputation for pain and are one of the most cloned coasters around. We already have a two way direction coaster shuttle coaster (Mr. Freeze) which is beyond superior to a Vekoma Boomerang and isn't cloned everywhere. Beyond the fact that WOF already has one, what would the park have to gain by matching one of WOF weakest offerings when we already have it beaten with what we have?


The other problem with getting this ride (which I agree with ProZach that it sounds unlikely) is SFSTL hasn't had a major adult steel coaster since the Mr. Freeze, which was around 1997 (didn't open until 1998). If they dump this junk pile of a coaster on SFSTL, it will assure people whom have been loyally investing in season passes waiting for something new that it will probably never happen. This could hurt sales, but I have my doubts it will come to SFSTL.


The reason why people believe it is because this is one of the few mid-sized parks that Six Flags has that doesn't have one of these. SFFT, SFDK, SFMexico, SFNE, Great Escape, and La Ronde all have one. The bigger parks or at least the ones that have been getting the majority of the investment (SFMM, SFGAdv, SFGAm, SFOG) would not be likely candidates as they tend to get new or used but still relevant. SFSTL and SFA are about the only ones that don't have one. SF has scrapped better rides than this, I hope they either sell it or scrap it because frankly, it isn't going to help any of the six parks it isn't already featured at.

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^^While we enthusiasts may think it would be a horrible addition, a large roller coaster is a necessity at SFStL.With Vekoma's new trains, a heavy rehab, a new paint job, and a nice upgrade to the surrounding area (ala Carolina Cobra) you can't honestly tell me this wouldn't be a welcome addition to the park. Most park-goers at SFStL aren't going to know any different. The lines stack up for all the other clones in the park don't they? (...Mr. Freeze, Batman: The Ride, American Thunder, Pandemonium...)


It would be an inexpensive way to liven up the park with a new coaster. Even though I'd despise seeing a relocated boomerang pop up at Six Flags St. Louis, the logical side of me sees why it could be a great business move.

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^^While we enthusiasts may think it would be a horrible addition, a large roller coaster is a necessity at SFStL.With Vekoma's new trains, a heavy rehab, a new paint job, and a nice upgrade to the surrounding area (ala Carolina Cobra) you can't honestly tell me this wouldn't be a welcome addition to the park. Most park-goers at SFStL aren't going to know any different. The lines stack up for all the other clones in the park don't they? (...Mr. Freeze, Batman: The Ride, American Thunder, Pandemonium...)


It would be an inexpensive way to liven up the park with a new coaster. Even though I'd despise seeing a relocated boomerang pop up at Six Flags St. Louis, the logical side of me sees why it could be a great business move.

Look at history. When SFKK added the Greezed Lightnin', the attendance dropped and continued its decline. Just adding a ride for the sake of adding a ride doesn't guarantee anything. You have to do market research and see if that is what people are wanting.


There is a significant difference between having couple clones that are brand new (Mr. Freeze, American Thunder), multi-clone models that were at least relatively new designs at the time (Batman and Pandemonium), and the "village bicycle" equivalent of a rollercoaster. There are around 40 of these coasters and they have the same lame layout. On top of this, just because people are tempted to ride it the first time doesn't mean that they will want to come back to ride it a second time if they have a bad experience. Attending WOF with people whom are by no means enthusiasts earlier this summer, no one wanted (myself included) to ride the Boomerang as we have all ridden it at least once and don't want to go through that again.


On top of this, the non-cloned Screamin' Eagle and Boss generally have longer lines than the newer and smoother American Thunder. The Pandemonium from what I have seen doesn't have that long a line. The Batman and the Mr. Freeze depends on the day.


It no longer is cheap once you start doing what you mentioned and even if smoothness is resolved, it is still slower than any of the current offerings inverted offerings in the park. In fact, the only thing slower would be the Pandemonium.


The money would be better spent elsewhere. A flat ride would be much better than a Boomerang.

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In all honesty......SFKK could have added something else other than Greezed Lightning and still had an attendance decline. Just because they added a used coaster doesn't mean that was the cause of SFKK's attendance decline. If you're saying a flat ride would be better than a Boomerang.....I'd say give it a chance. A new coaster, although used and a little old is still gonna be an asset no matter what IMHO just because people see that as something BIG. ehh oh well...we'll just have to see how it plays out. Wish the best for SFStL.

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