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Top 10 Video Games of All Time

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I started gaming at 3 and still do to a lesser extent today, so this is a bit of a mix.


Some of these are probably not very good, but Im listing them as they either changed the way I thought about games, or have some of my fondest gaming memories attached to them.


So, in no particular order (because direct comparison wouldnt be fair)


Pitfall II (2600)

R-Type (arcade)

Street Fighter 2 (arcade)

Creatures (C64) I thought his was awesome, but its forgotten by many.

Microprose Grand Prix (amiga)

The Secret of Monkey Island (Amiga)

Grand Theft Auto (PSX)



Metal Gear Solid (PSX)


OK, this will make it 11, but I think I should mention it..


TOCA Touring Cars (PSX)...Just because it has some of the best, most exciting pack racing. Nothing has come closer to the feeling of racing for real than this, in my opinion. Though the Race Driver follow ups are also pretty good for this, the first two TOCA games got it spot on.

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Man this is tough and I know I am leaving some out but here are my favs


Mrs Pac-man*


TMNT (arcade)

Super Mario bros (1,3 and world are my favs)*

Megaman 2

Super Mario Karts (all)*

Street Fighter 2/C.E./Turbo*

Mortal Kombat 1&2

Sonic 2D (2 is my fav)*

Resident Evil (all) 4 & CV are favs*

Mario Partys (all)

Advance Wars (all)*

Tetris DS*

Super Monkey ball 2*

Burnout 2&3


Crazy Taxi (DC)


*= top ten in no order



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I'm also not much of a gamer anymore. But, here goes.


Quest for Glory I-IV (PC): My favorite Sierra online game series. They had a wacky sense of humor that my juvenile self liked. I never got into the fifth game much.


Final Fantasy 7 (PSX)- Duh.


Terranigma (SNES)- this was never released in the US, but it's my favorite action RPG ever. I think it pwns all Zelda games.


Star Control II (PC)- I imagine nobody here has even heard of this game, but it's incredibly unique. It's a space RPG with a sweet space ship fighting arcade mode for when you get into battles. There is nothing else even remotely like it.


Yoshi's Story (N64)- A kiddie game that got bashed for being easy that I happen to love. I think the creators were on LSD or something when they made it. It's so trippy and awesome.


Super Mario World (SNES)- Duh.


Super Mario Brothers 2 (NES)- Duh.


Yoshi's Island (SNES)- Duh.


Bust-a-Move- I wasted more time on this dumb game than any other.

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Star Control II (PC)- I imagine nobody here has even heard of this game, but it's incredibly unique. It's a space RPG with a sweet space ship fighting arcade mode for when you get into battles. There is nothing else even remotely like it.


Man I was totally hooked on that game way back then. I started playing it when I was in my early teens when my brother bought a 3DO.


In fact I don't think I did any homework for weeks after I first got a hold of it.

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Star Control II (PC)- I imagine nobody here has even heard of this game, but it's incredibly unique. It's a space RPG with a sweet space ship fighting arcade mode for when you get into battles. There is nothing else even remotely like it.


Man I was totally hooked on that game way back then. I started playing it when I was in my early teens when my brother bought a 3DO.


In fact I don't think I did any homework for weeks after I first got a hold of it.


I think that may be my #1 game of all time. Only I played it on the PC. I never owned a 3DO.

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  • 1 year later...

1. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (PS3)

2. Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

3. The Orange Box (PS3)

4. Resident Evil 4 (Gamecube)

5. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (Wii)

6. Golden Sun (GBA)

7. Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (PS3)

8. Timesplitters: Future Perfect (PS2)

9. Bioshock (PC)

10. Resistance: Fall of Man (PS3)

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1. Assassin's Creed

2. Guitar Hero seires

3. Rock Band

4. Grand Theft Auto Seires

5. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

6. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

7. Resistance: Fall of Man

8. Super Mario Brothers

9. Gran Turismo Seires

10. Roller Coaster Tycoon Seires

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I don't play that many video games, I play the ones I have for a LOOOONG time. Here are some of mine in no particular order:


-Kingdom Hearts (PS2)

-Guitar Hero Series (PS2)

-Mario Kart DS (DS)

-Elite Beat Agents (DS)

-Star Fox: Command (DS)

-Katamari Damacy (PS2)

-Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

-Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii)

-Super Mario Bros. (NES)

-Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (DS)


EDIT: I just got Advance Wars, I'm not all that far into it, but it's by far one of the best games I've played in a long time.

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In no particular order after #1.


1) PacMan - this is like the "Beatles on Ed Sullivan" of video games. Kids today have NO idea how big a craze this was.




Super Mario Bros.

Return Fire

First few years of NHL EA on Sega

Madden Series - Heck, its annual release date has almost become a holiday


Tecmo Bowl

Combat (Atari)


Marble Madness

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Ms. Pac-Man (the super-speed version)

Stun Runner

Mario Bros. (the first one)


Missile Command




Tales of Destiny (PS1)

Final Fantasy II (SNES)

Phantasy Star (Sega Master System)

Katamari Damacy (PS2)

Adventure (Atari 2600)

Arc the Lad Collection (PS1)

Suikoden (PS1)

Super Mario 3 (NES)

Worms: Armageddon (PC)


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1.Legend of Zelda:Ocarina of Time

2.Metroid Prime 3:Corruption

3.Golden Sun:The Lost Age

4.Paper Mario:The Thousand Year Door

5.Legend Of Zelda:Majora's Mask

6.Need For Speed:Carbon

7.Super Paper Mario

8.Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess

9.Legend of Zelda:Windwaker

10.Guitar Hero III





I'm a bit of a Nintendo fanboy I guess.

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The list of games I've had the most fun with and spent the most time playing. What game goes at what number, I dunno:




Animal Crossing Wild World

Animal Crossing (Game Cube)

Roller Coaster Tycoon

Roller Coaster Tycoon 3

One of the first 3 Tony Hawk Pro Skaters




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1. GTA IV (Because it will be)



Seriously? I think it looks pretty crappy.


(No Particular Order)


Wolfenstein 3D

Outrun 2

Super Metroid


Call OF Duty 1

Super Mario Land

Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal

Street Fighter 2

Jet Set Radio Future

Super Smash Bros Melee

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