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"We finally got a steel coaster". Then Holiday World blew up, as it did not have the ability to contain a steel coaster. Darien Lake somehow elusively got away from being blown up, so Darien Lake blew up again. Darien Lake forever ceased to exist, let me repeat DARIEN LAKE FOREVER CEASED TO EXIST except for the lake part. Although Holiday World existed again as it was rebuilt, but with only wooden coasters. To make up for not getting a steel coaster, Holiday World added a RMC with...

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A loop, but they were forced to close the RMC coaster and they got rid of the loop and sold it to Darien Lake which came back to existence. They named their RMC coaster from Holiday World as "Predator's Revenge" as a result the Predator was removed for the new coaster. Then Darien Lake added as Gerstlauer spinning coaster called...

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Nothing BECAUSE DARIEN LAKE DOESN'T EXIST EXCEPT IN DARIENLAKER'S MIND. DARIEN LAKE DOES NOT EXIST ANYMORE BECAUSE IT BLEW UP. The Holiday World RMC coaster came back and with tons of airtime, and it has more airtime then the Voyage and more OMG airtime than El Toro. It was called........

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Grant: The Theme Park. (You know when you are being recodnized Grant ) At Grant, they had a giant 300 ft. Flying Turns called The Troller (if you do not know, Grant, otherwise known as Mean Streak, was a former TPR troll who went on and messed up chat). There was also a giant...

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200 ft. tall B&M looping coaster called "Zonga". But Cedar Fair forced Grant to close down his theme park because it was drawing business away from Cedar Point and all of the rides were scrapped. Meanwhile, Grant found himself at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom....

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"Of course we can put Timberliner cars on Roar" and so Roar got new Timberliner cars, but Grant wanted Zonga back, but it never happened. The Mexicans refused to give Zonga back to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom. So Grant went down to Mexico and said "Hey, man that's Zonga, it belongs in America", but the owner of Zonga said "No hablo inglés, senor!". So Grant went back to America in disappointment, but he found himself at Six Flags over Texas...

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Where he rode Shockwave and said "Why do I want Zonga? I remember major headbanging on that ride. I want Shockwave in Six Flags Discovery Kingdom!" So he traded Kong for Shockwave and went back to Mexico and went to Selva Magica where he saw a Schwarzkopf shuttle coaster with...

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A sombrero on the front car and Grant said "pfft, that isn't impressive as Shockwave or Zonga!". On his way back to America, he saw Zonga laying in pieces on a flat bead truck and so Grant followed that truck and he found out that Zonga was going to be Darien Lake's new coaster. Zonga was reassembled at Darien Lake next to Ride of Steel and the coaster was named...

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