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GAME: Continue the Story!


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.....The Daleks are never truly gone. The dalek emperor escaped the time war when the doctor supposedly destroyed them, and restarted their race as shown in season 1 episode 13 The Parting of Ways. In that episode, it was thought that rose destroyed the daleks, but because of the void ship, later shown in the episode "doomsday", the cult of skaro (Sec, Thay, Jast,.and Caan) managed to escape. In the episode doomsday, it was shown that the daleks became sucked into the void, but using an emergency temporal shift, the cult of skaro escaped, and would appear in the episode "Daleks in manhattan." In that episode, sec, jast and thay are destroyed but Caan uses another temporal shift to escape, leading to his role in the series 4 finale "journey's end." The moral of the story is, no matter how many times you destroy the dalek race, you.don't actually destroy the dalek race."

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The Daleks went to Six Flags Magic Mountain and took the park over turning all of the coasters into Tony Hawk's Big Spin (SFDK) coasters. Tony Hawk threatened to destroy the Daleks for misuse of his name and likeness, but the Daleks can't be destroyed. So the Daleks to took over the right to use Tony Hawk's name and likeness and turned all of the spinning coasters in the world into Tony Hawk's Big Spin coasters...

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...until the Coaster King returned. Seeking vengeance for the Daleks for turning Revolution, a classic Schwarzkopf coaster, into a Tony Hawk clone, he quickly set out on a long and dangerous journey to the Shadow Proclamation. Fortunately, however, this next chapter was to be written by Neil Gaiman, which meant that...

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