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Have lack of variety in theme parks since Six Flags bought every single theme park in the world including their former parks such as Darien Lake, the Cedar Fair parks, and even the Disney and Universal owned theme park. Disney and Universal fought tooth and nail with Six Flags to buy back the parks that they owned, but...

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The Random Park chain was able to out last the other parks, the owner,the famous Superhero, Hero of Lime, knew something was wrong in the theme park world. Shocked at what had happened, he declared war on Six Flags as a one man army, armed with only The Master Sword and Hylian Sheild. During this war...

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HeroofLime gets killed in battle but an army forms to fight in his honor. The army's main goal is to protect the sacred coaster El Toro. Six Flags...

Freak no.

The master sword heals the Hero of Lime, all better, plus I have an army, yay!

Anyways, Six Flags loses El Toro, for the power of The Master Sword was too much for them, but they had their own plans,

these plans were to harness the power of terrible Vekoma's and Knockoff loopscrews! So...

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That they can remake Zonga and bring it back to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom. So Zonga came back to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom as a Vekoma loopscrew coated in Kryptonite to kill Superman which was in the spot where Zonga once sat. Everyone hated Zonga more than they hate Kong, but Six Flags Discovery Kingdom had no plans to close Zonga. So they decided to close Kong and move it to the middle east where it stood rusting in piles of coaster tracks and trains. Meanwhile Six Flags Discovery replaced Kong with...

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The terrors of the Her0. A ride full of propaganda trying to convince the public that the Hero of Lime is evil.

So our army's next target was destroying this ride. But once we arrived we discovered that they had been putting they're loopscrew technology to good use,because once we stepped at the ride entrance,our heads were sent flying against the nearest wall. With our army in his grasp the Six Flags CEO revealed himself to be the evil Darien Laker! (This is what you get for trying to remove my park) Who in turn revealed himself to be the evil...

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Master of everything about Six Flags and Darien Lake and the first order of businesses was to renew the licensed properties the Six Flags had dumped such as Tony Hawk, The Wiggles, and Thomas the Tank Engine. This was the start of the new world order of Six Flags and Her0 of Lime was given a lifetime pass to every single Six Flags theme park and ERT on any ride he wanted. The first Six Flags that Her0 of Lime went to was Six Flags Discovery Kingdom and he got ERT on Medusa, Zonga, and...

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Kong. Meanwhile, bombs were sent spiraling towards all Six Flags properties after Her0 left. The bombs were made by TPindustries, lead by the great Lord TP. After that, the TPindustries bombs hit the SF properties, blowing them up. All parks were rebuilt perfectly under the TPindustries park chain. TPindustries joined forces with Her0 and they began the quest to conquer Six Flags. On the journey to SF headquarters...

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We discussed the fact that Darien Laker/The Master Of Everything has no idea that I had gone to SFOG and SFGAdv long before SFDK and the war and he doesn't get that this is a war, and the fact that he gave me a lifetime pass is kinda stupid.

Also after bombs were spent spiraling and asplodded the original Six Flags parks aside from the ones that we had taken over, all the parks that Sf stole were given back to their origins. Whence arriving...

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They found that Six Flag over Texas was no more because of warfare destroyed it. Every single coaster that was there was in ruins, New Texas Giant had burn marks and missing track pieces from having bombs being thrown at it, Titian was melted to make a steel rocket that was aimed towards Six Flags Fiesta Texas. The rocket was fired and the first thing at Six Flags Fiesta Texas it hit was...

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YOLOman: Ride of YOLO since TPindustries doesn't own the rights to use Superman in their parks. The new Six Flags over Texas also had an B&M invert coaster called Donkeyman: The Ride. TPindustries ended up hiring DarienLaker as their CEO and their headquarters were located in...

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The Moon, but Lord TP fired DarienLaker and the idiot who decided to make him CEO and Lord TP again became the leader. Without DarienLaker or any of their parks, Six Flags spiraled downward until they went bankrupt and vanished from the face of the Earth. TPindustries soon opened "Moonland," a park situated 30 or so miles from TPindusries headquarters. It included a full resort with shuttles entering and exiting Earth to bring guests to the resort. The park became so popular that...

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