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One day, they lost track of how many people were in the park. They closed the park for the day and while they were helping everyone out of the park,A sinkhole hit the area, killing 910 out of the 4000 people in the park (The park was made to support 3900 people) The accident became the front page of many newspapers and many news channels had helicopters surrounding the park. The owner became depressed and left the park abandoned. Many years later, Disney announced that they bought the park and named it Disney Southern Point. When Disney employees went to find the trillionaire, They found out.....

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He built on a soft spot in the earth. Brian announced it to the news and said he was really sorry. He also announced the building of a new theme park from scratch. It was called AZoosment Park. It had animal exhibits, rides, and 3 roller coasters. The park was built in his hometown of Windsor, Ontario which is across the Detroit River from Detroit, Michigan. But when AZoosment Park opened, Windsor had major traffic issues because...

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AZoosment Park was in the way of an international crossing between the US and Canada so Azoosment park was forced to close. The animals were sent to live in other zoos, the rides were sent to various theme parks, and the three coasters went to the following parks, one (a Vekoma Roller Skater) was sent to Six Flags over Texas as part of their kids area, another one (a Vekoma SLC) was sent to Kennywood, and the last one (an Arrow double looping coaster) was sent to Darien Lake. the only Azoosment Park rides that were demolished along with the rest of the park for a new international crossing between the US and Canada were a log flume, a train ride that went through the animal exhibits, and a 200 foot. Von Roll sky tower. Brian decided to become the CEO of Six Flags and...

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He made the parks look better, add more flat rides, and add more dark rides. Six Flags was so popular that he opened a new location called Six Flags Canada. It was in Ottawa, Ontario. Lots of people in Ottawa were happy because there was a theme park nearby. But some people complained because...

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There was Canada's Wonderland. He had low money so that made the park ghetto. He had a Boomerang, a used TOGO, an SLC, a 35 foot high drop tower, and other dumpy carnival rides. He was doomed when he could only be close to CW. The owner lacked so much luck, he couldn't put his place on the map. so he ran out of options until he signed a contract with......

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Six Flags and they bought the dumpy little Canadian theme park and closed it down. The rides from the park were scrapped except for the Boomerang and the SLC. The Boomerang coaster went to Six Flags Magic Mountain as "New Deja Vu" and was place in the old Deja Vu spot. The SLC was sent to The Great Escape as "Viper" since Six Flags wanted to name The Great Escape's "new" coaster as "Batman: The Ride", but Six Flags decided not to use any licensed properties that they own the right to use in their parks for use at The Great Escape. The Great Escape's Viper became the most popular ride at the park and people forgot all about Steamin' Demon and as a result, Six Flags sold Steamin' Demon to Darien Lake were it operated as "Steel Rodeo", but nobody cared for the ride and Darien Lake tore apart the coaster and place its track next to the former Batman: The Escape coaster. Darien Lake introduced a new coaster built from the Steamin' Demon and the former Batman: The Escape coaster tracks called "Lake Monster" and they had tear down Predator to make room for the new Lake Monster coaster...

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Frostbender and it was billed as the coldest coaster in the world and it had icicles on the track making the ride rather slippery. Meanwhile at Darien Lake, they rebuilt the Predator and reopened 'Cuda Falls and scrapped any plans to build Lake Monster in wood or steel. Darien Lake decided to repiant Mind Eraser to a black track with teal supports and they decided to focus on restructuring the park...

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But it was too big of a fix. Lake Monster's original plans were sent to Point Pelee Pier, a new amusement park on Point Pelee in Leamington, Ontario. Lake Monster was built in 2016 under the name Lake Erie Monster. Lake Erie Monster had a lot of tunnels, which made it heavily themed. Lake Erie Monster was a gigantic hit with the public, as it was the first inverting woodie in Canada. Meanwhile, at Random Antarctic Park, Frostbender had a fatal accident where a train slipped off the track, hit a loop support column, crashed into the ice under the coaster, breaking it, and plunged into the chilly waters below, drowning the riders. Frostbender was relocated to Point Pelee Pier where it was renamed...

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Great Canadian Scream Machine and Six Flags bought Point Pelee Pier shortly after the coaster was added to the park. Point Pelee Pier was renamed Six Flags Point Pelee Pier and it became the only Six Flags branded park in Cananda. Six Flags Point Pelee Pier added a new family coaster in 2014, a Maure Shone spinning coaster named "Pandemonium" in addition to the existing coaster line up which include Great Canadian Scream Machine (Formerly known as Frostbender at Random Antarctic Park), Nightmare (Vekoma Illusion roller coaster opened in 1990), Samurai (Arrow Dynamics Suspended coaster opened in 1987), Fighting Dragons (B&M inverted dueling coaster opened in 2000), a Vekoma Boomerang (opened in 1985 one of the park's first coasters), and a Python Pit kiddie coaster...

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....Which placed number one in the Mitch Hawker Poll in its first year of operation. Featuring a 7.8 foot drop reaching insane speeds up to 4.32 MPH, Python Pit's mix of forces, airtime, and smoothness made it a force to be reckoned with in the coaster world. Despite its success, Python Pit was moved to Six Flags Great Adventure in 2017, where it became Great North American Scream Machine. The drop was lengthened to a mind-boggling 8.1 ft, raising the top speed to an unbelievable 4.67 MPH, and the ride continued its reign atop the Mitch Hawker poll. In 2019, however, it was dethroned by a brand new Chinese knockoff Wacky Worm built in Somalia which was called...

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Crazy Caterpillar which operated at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom in Superman: Ultimate Flight's place. Six Flags Discovery Kingdom sent Superman: Ultimate Flight to Busch Gardens Tampa where it operated as "Sahara Skyhawk". Meanwhile at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom, Crazy Caterpillar became the most popular ride in the park and everyone had forgot all about Medusa and Six Flags Discovery Kingdom sent Medusa to Random Antarctic Park under the name of...

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Frostbite. Frostbite was located at the former Frostbender location. It was billed as the coldest coaster in the world, just ike the former occupant of the location.For 2018, Six Flags Point Pelee Pier added 3 new coasters: Batwing, a Vekoma Flying Dutchman, Joker's Jinx, a Premier LIM Spaghetti Bowl, and Two Face: The Flip Side, a Vekoma Invertigo, all placed in the new DC Comics World are Two Face: The Flip Side replaced the parks Vekoma Boomerang, Boomerang: Coast To Coaster. 2019 brought Lex Luthor: Drop Of Doom, the fastest drop ride in the world! Lex Luthor was 415 feet tall. Lex Luthor was a stand up drop tower with rotating seats.Lex Luthor was a gigantic hit with the public. Some people loved it, but others didn't because...

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A rider was killed by the ride and Six Flags Point Pelee Pier had to close Lex Luthor: Drop Of Doom. Six Flags Point Pelee Pier tried selling their Lex Luthor: Drop Of Doom, but no park wanted it because they thought it was unsafe and so Six Flags Point Pelee Pier had to scrap Lex Luthor: Drop Of Doom and it was melted down for tracks to build Darien Lake's new water slide called "Splash of Doom", the world's tallest water slide at 300 feet tall and it was built where 'Cuda Falls was. By now Darien Lake was operating solely as a water park leaving New York state without a major theme park. Most of the flat rides were either sold to the carnival or scrapped. As for the coasters, they all found new homes; Viper went to Six Flags Point Pelee Pier, Ride of Steel went to Random Antarctic Park under name of "Ice pick", Boomerang went to Martin's Fantasy Island, and Mind Eraser went to Kennywood...

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Frostbender was relocated back to Random Antartic Park, as the park revealed the accident was a hoax made by DarienLaker and coolkid trying to get their parks more popular (Seriously, how does a train just slip off the track? There is a such thing as upstop wheels. Mindbender is not a scenic railway). As a result Darien Lake and Six Flags Pelee Peir faced major issues as after the hoax was revealed people were discouraged from going to the parks. So...

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So they decided to plant an even bigger hoax at the Cedar Fair Parks. After hearing that Millenium Force was devoured by giant steel-eating monsters, the media swarmed Cedar Fair HQs to get all the information. Cedar Fair, clearly having no answer to this, responded by baking cookies for the media. The media responded by...

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making Darien Lake, Six Flags Point Pelee Pier, and Random Antarctic Park merge in order to bring back people and to put whole Frostbender hoax behind. The new was name Random Six Flags Darien Point Pelee Lake Pier of the Antarctic despite the fact it was located where the old Darien Lake park Random Six Flags Darien Point Pelee Lake Pier introduced a 525 feet tall stratocoaster called "Top Chill Dragster"...

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but the manegement of Random Antarctic Park (me) was like "Hell No" and separated from the weird abomination monster of a theme park called Six Flugsarien Lpier OH GAHD CAN'T tThiNK of NAmE and took Top Chill Dragster with them. Coolkid and Darien Laker were arrested for fraud, and all was good.

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Coolkid and Darien Laker (me!) ended up breaking out of prison and decided to hide out from the law at Random Antarctic Park and rode Frostbender and Top Chill Dragster all day. When the Antarctic police found Coolkid and Darien Laker (me!), they were frozen in ice and were sent back to America in a federal maximum security prison where they spent the rest of eternity without a single coaster to ride. Her0ofLime was happy to get rid of those two people who tried to ruin his Random Antarctic Park and he decided to buy a Gerstlauer spinning coaster and he had gotten the right to use Tony Hawk and the coaster was called "Tony Hawk's Big Spin"...

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...But the owner of the original Point Pelee Pier hated the idea to merge parks, so he bought back Six Flags Point Pelee Pier. He found out that Frostbender really slipped off the track when he found a wheel in the Antarctic waters, dead bodies, and a full coaster train. He bought back Frostbender, But renamed it Triple Trouble. At Cedar Point, the news killed the CEO of cedar point for lying about a steel-eating monster. Mind Eraser was renamed Hangman when it was relocated to Kennywood. When Viper was relocated to Point Pelee Pier, it was renamed Lake Looper and got new Vekoma trains. The station was built on sea level, so a portion of it was underwater. It was billed as having the largest underwater tunnel in the world. Joker's Jinx, Two Face, and Batwing were renamed to Spaghetti Bowl, Stinger, and Condor. in 2021, they added Tidal wave , which was a...

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new "Coolkid doesn't understand the concept of upstop wheels" coaster from Vekoma. It was created for executing coolkid for his crimes as he was an insane murderer after hallucinating seeing a coaster train in Antarctic waters, killing 45 park guests at Random Antarctic Park. But coolkid...

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Decided build shuttle loop coaster with an underwater loop. Meanwhile Her0ofLime wanted to move his Random Antarctic Park to Point Pelee Pier and he renamed the park "Random Canadian Park" and the Tony Hawk's Big Spin coaster from Random Antarctic Park was sold to Darien Lake and it was renamed "Extreme Skateboarding Coaster"...

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but Coolkid was revealed to have played off as me and held me hostage. With the power of the Master Sword, I defeated coolkid and saved Random Antarctic Park from stupidity and executed coolkid as he had escaped from execution by the power of plothole. The land was saved, and all of TPR chat thanked me for my good deed. But...

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Darien Laker (me!) becomes the CEO of Six Flags and brought back the rights to use Tony Hawk and decided to build the world's largest spinning coaster at Six Flags Great America called "Goliath and Tony Hawk's Big Spin". The coaster towered 290 feet high and had five loops and skateboard theme cars. In order to make room for the ride Six Flags Great America had to get rid of Whizzer, so they sent Whizzer to...

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