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Which 2006 Coaster Are You Most Excited For?  

  1. 1. Which 2006 Coaster Are You Most Excited For?

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Cute idea...why don't we turn this into a poll...I'll add a few options!


Poll up, go ahead and vote, and if you want explain why!


I tried to include the 'bigger' or 'more interesting' coaster installations for 2006.

Edited by SharkTums
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Yes they are all different, but they are all still coasters and will all provide different experiences. I am excited about Tatsu, not only is it the closest to me (probaly the only one I have a chance to ride) but it looks amazing, I can't wait to try it!


*Thanks you guys for helping me with the poll thing too, I've never tried to set one up before *

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Speed Monster


I'm looking forward to riding Speed Monster the most because of how awesome it looks. I think Speed Monster is going to be the best steel coaster of the 2006 season.




I'm also looking forward to riding EE at WDW next year but I'm looking forward to the scenery of the ride more than the coaster.


Goliath at SFOG


I'm also looking forward to Goliath at SFOG because it will be the first hyper coaster in the south and its at my home park.




I think Voyage will be the best wooden coaster opening next year and I'm looking forward to riding it.

Edited by CoasterCrazy
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I have to go with Voyage. This thing is absolutely massive and looks nothing shy of incredible. Kentucky Rumbler is up there, but it can't quite surpass the Voyage. I don't want to suffer anticipointment, but I really think the Voyage may be one of the best coasters I've ever ridden when they finish it. Goliath at SFOG is also up there a bit.


EDIT: Now that I'm heading out to California and Vegas, Tatsu is neck and neck with Voyage... assuming Tatsu is open.

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For me it would be El Toro and it doesn't hurt that it's only ten minutes away. I just think that it's so significantly different that we're going to see a lot of these if it's as good as the Euro versions. But I really would like to see these in addition to, not replacing the handmade traditional woodies we all love. Nothing like variety.

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I feel the world is lucky next year. Every park is getting a unique coaster and I am sure all of them will not disappoint. I know I expected a lot from SFMM with Tatsu but I'm sure that ride will be good. I think El Toro will be more of a coaster to shock you since it looks amazing with these ground hugging turns. Speed Monster I have got to get on that Pretzel looking Loop looks awesome. The theme of Black Mamba looks amazing. I voted for El Toro cause I had to pick one and since its closer I know I will have more of a chance to ride it more. Over all I think Black Mamba will be one of the best next year with all those feet choppers it might have. Any one want to loan me some money? LOL

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^Hey now!


I did the poll options, and I left off Goliath's and Rumbler on purpose. Like I said, I was trying to go with the more 'different' rides, and I hate polls with 57 options on them! You have your 'write in' vote, use it!


Trust me they weren't forgotten! I also left off:



Italian Job

Kiddie Coasters

Smaller International Rides

and more!

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  SharkTums said:
^Hey now!


I did the poll options, and I left off Goliath's and Rumbler on purpose. Like I said, I was trying to go with the more 'different' rides, and I hate polls with 57 options on them! You have your 'write in' vote, use it!


meh, I was joking


... even though I dont think Patriot is different at all


Billy Madison voice: YOU BLEW IT!!


- a very sarcastic Joe

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Ah crap! I voted for El Toro because I'm really happy that Great Adventure is getting such an amazing looking ride, but at the same time I'm sad that poor Black Mamba has no votes. I'm also looking forward to that, even though the "official" layout hasn't been shown yet. I've seen the plans for it, but I'd like to see the elevation changes etc (same with Tatsu, SFMM did a poor job at showing pictures of the ride from various angles unlike SFGAd)!

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