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Six Flags Over Texas (SFOT) Discussion Thread

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Still at the park, doing some waitng. I never rode the old Texa Giant, so I can't compare it, but having just ridden it twice, I'm willing to bet it won't be comperable. It really is a holy effin eff kind of ride. I was in the middle, and got some major airtime. Its gonna definitly be a success.

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I noticed on certain parts of the ride, they didn't have the ledgers (that's what the walkway is called, right?), are they still working on that, or is it pretty much finished?


I think you mean catwalks. Ledgers are actors that provide surprise buttsecks in cowboy movies.

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I noticed on certain parts of the ride, they didn't have the ledgers (that's what the walkway is called, right?), are they still working on that, or is it pretty much finished?


I think you mean catwalks. Ledgers are actors that provide surprise buttsecks in cowboy movies.


I am still laughing so hard and wiping the tears away from my eyes, this is about as modern cowboy themed coaster as you can get. I don't think I'll ever ride this coaster with out giggling or when I read about roller coaster ledgers ever again....


It's cool that some of the first riders are some of the kids at TPR. Now, before you two jump all over me, I'm old enough to be your dad (just wait til the day comes when you two can say that, it will be surreal, trust me). Too bad they don't let you take anything from the holding area, but I understand. Very encouraged that one of you got "major" airtime in the middle of the train. Hope you guys get several rides in today.


How is that third over banked turn? It looks freaky in a good way.

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These posts from the early riders make me want to get out my credit card and book a flight to Texas.....now.


It also pretty much confirms the reaction I had by just watching that POV video - WOW. Have fun breakin' it in, to all those lucky enough to be there today!

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Uh oh......based on the reports so far I'm worried that El Toro will get knocked off of its pedestal. Is it June yet?

Oh, don't worry about that. We'll of course rig the Hawker poll again so that doesn't happen! Because, you know, it's OUR FAULT that El Toro is an awesome coaster....

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Oh, don't worry about that. We'll of course rig the Hawker poll again so that doesn't happen! Because, you know, it's OUR FAULT that El Toro is an awesome coaster....


Clearly TPR's fault. HaHa.


^^Good point sir


Jake, would you say the back is better than the front?

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Jake buddy, good job on reporting!


Proud your a Valuable Big Mike Reader banner supporter


Question - How are the restraints? Will The Big Man fit?? Do they staple like El Toro?


Thanks buddy, see you in Texas April 22nd dude!



Peace, Big Mike

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