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Six Flags Over Texas (SFOT) Discussion Thread

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  Axman said:
Wow I'd be totally pissed of either of the SF Texas parks were my home park.


Within the laste 10-15, years, SF has done poorley when it comes to building the right coasters for the right parks. None of the parks seem to get what the deserve. SFOT should have gotten a custom flying coaster, and SFMM should have gotten a family spinning coaster. SFOT seems to be one of the better parks in the chain, but it doesn't get treated that way. They seem to get every thing last, like a Superman or Batman ride.


SF is treating SFOT and SFFT like their the same park. They have way too much in common for parks ony a few hours away.


You said it better than I ever could, that's exactly what I was looking for to say!

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Alright, we may not be getting an amazing coaster, but at least we are getting a coaster! It seems like Shapiro is going the family route for now, but it is only 2008. This almost assures that we will be getting something amazing for the 50th anniversary, or at least in my opinion. Just look at this as we arent losing any roller coasters. Who knows? Maybe it will be like SFStL and we will get something new next year. Probably not till 2011, but who really knows? Lets just see how this goes.

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  EBL said:
Whether these are good rides or not, I wonder what will happen when "Tony Hawk" is passe. Maybe just a retheme...who knows?




Probably the same as what happened to Mr. Six's Pandemonium. Take out the cardboard cutout theming and take out that part of the name. Big Spin.

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  ebtkid said:
^ Wildcatter is very close to the USA section, the entrance is no more than 50 feet away from Aquaman. Therefore, it could be placed in USA's area, and it would somewhat fit.


Gosh, all this complaining, be glad on what you get. I still find Boot Scootin' from 06 VERY fun. Crazy Legs as well.


BUT, we could do without a clone. Let's review...


Shockwave - Custom

Titan - Similar

Runaway Mountain - Clone

Mine Train - Clone

Mini Mine - Similar

Freeze - Clone

Flashback - Clone

Judge Roy Scream - Custom

Vibora - Similar

Batman - Clone

Giant - Custom

Wile E. Coyete's Canyon Blaster - Clone


Now THBS - Clone


Need I say more?


You make it sound like Six Flags Over Texas is clone city...


I don't hear Six Flags Great America fans complaining with what they have, and if anything THEY should have a right to complain ----


Superman Ultimate Flight - Clone

Vertical Velocity - Clone

Viper - Similar (Mirror image Coney Island Cyclone)

Ragin' Cajun - Clone

Deja Vu - Clone

Spacely's Sprocket Rockets - Clone

Demon - Clone

Batman The Ride - Clone

Whizzer - Clone (The other one was removed from CA's Great America)

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I still don't get the whole clone thing. So more than one park has the same ride...does it matter? Remember, parks don't build rides for us---they build for the *gulp* general public. Who, by the way, couldn't really care less.



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  EBL said:
I still don't get the whole clone thing. So more than one park has the same ride...does it matter? Remember, parks don't build rides for us---they build for the *gulp* general public. Who, by the way, couldn't really care less.




I second that.

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  EBL said:
I still don't get the whole clone thing. So more than one park has the same ride...does it matter? Remember, parks don't build rides for us---they build for the *gulp* general public. Who, by the way, couldn't really care less.


I third that


Why is it such a big deal that this will be a clone? A great coaster doesn't have to be a custom, $20 million B&M, and having ridden this coaster at SFSTL, I can say it is a great family coaster. The general public will not care that they can ride the same coaster five hours away since they probably won't go to SFFT for a family coaster.(or any coaster for that matter)

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Clones of rides are not a bad idea... if the ride is good... but I think the bigger deal in that the theme gets cloned as well. This can make a huge difference. Batman: The Ride and The Great White at Sea World San Antonio are the same ride, but to many people, they can't tell that because the theme is totally different.



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^ I would not be suprized.


Perfect sized ex-Zonga location + Shapiro's unorigonality + Tony Hawk is a moneywhore + Need a family coaster = Tony hwak's Big Spin @ SFDK.


If the location is in the "Sky" section of the park, then at least the area will make sense--since skateboarders are all about getting big air and whatnot.

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  Axman said:
Clones in general are not a problem, but SF relies on them a little too much. It should be every park's aspiration to build something unique, or at least, a less-common clone.


Yet I don't read you b*tching about Disney's multiple Space Mountains, Splash Mountains, Big Thunder Mountain Railroads, Star Tours, It's a Small World, Twilight Zone Tower of Terror, Soarin' Over California, Jungle Cruises, Honey I Shrunk the Audience, Buzz Lightyear's Astroblasters, Toy Story Mania!, It's Tough to be a Bug and Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh.


Seems like only Six Flags gets the flack for building clones. And a clone is a clone. Don't be trying to push it to say "oh, well, but it's Disney."

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