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GAME: Yes or No Game


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Yes! Not in a long time, but I used to be a member of "Squares Across The Border" in Vancouver,

one of the first all-inclusive square dance clubs in Canada. I danced from 1986 - 1995. Got to Level C1.


Do you know how to bake from scratch?

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Yes. And we have quite a few eating spots and grocery stores that supply us with all the ramen we could ever want, LOL!


It's good stuff. We like it.


Do you enjoy having candles lit, in any of your evenings at home?

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Almost never. If it's something really good, far away, and closing soon, then yeah. But for the most part, No.


Have you ridden any defunct coasters (No relocated coasters, only coasters that are now scrap metal or firewood)?

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