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Six Flags [FUN] Corporate Discussion Thread

p. 91: Six Flags and Cedar Fair to enter "merger of equals" agreement, company will still be called "Six Flags"

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47 minutes ago, DannySixFlags said:

Is Cyborg gonna be meetable??

he wasn't mentioned (or shown). . but since they are naming a ride after him (it's a Nebulaz). . .and all other "named" rides have statues of the characters in front of them (even Kid Flash). . . I'd expect we'll get a statue, and a character meet opportunity.

(pic from yesterday)

IMG_8424 (002).jpg

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2 hours ago, coasternut said:

I don't think the DOJ will be an easy hurdle to overcome. I've said this from the beginning. It's not that the parks will compete, it's just DOJ doesn't like mergers period. We shall soon see. Cedar Fair is still saying this will be complete by the end of June.

I have to respectfully disagree. I really don't think the DOJ will take a merger between theme parks all the seriously and I don't think they will give it the same consideration as say merging airlines, or tech companies, or media companies. In other words they are not likely to consider the theme park industry as essential use.  Also, SF/CF would have likely gotten some behind the scenes assurances that it's going to go through or they wouldn't be publicly touting it will be a done deal by summer. I could of course be totally wrong, we shall see; but I will be surprised if it is blocked.

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3 hours ago, teacherkim said:

I have to respectfully disagree. I really don't think the DOJ will take a merger between theme parks all the seriously and I don't think they will give it the same consideration as say merging airlines, or tech companies, or media companies. In other words they are not likely to consider the theme park industry as essential use.  Also, SF/CF would have likely gotten some behind the scenes assurances that it's going to go through or they wouldn't be publicly touting it will be a done deal by summer. I could of course be totally wrong, we shall see; but I will be surprised if it is blocked.

We'll see as you said. The lady that runs the DOJ is power crazy! She stopped the Microsoft / Activision merger. Microsoft had enough money to fight it in court and won. I honestly don't see a conflict myself. I'm really not sure how I feels about this merger. I think it will save me money possibly. I pay for: CF prestige and SF Diamond membership. I guess we'll find out in a few months.

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14 hours ago, coasternut said:

We'll see as you said. The lady that runs the DOJ is power crazy! She stopped the Microsoft / Activision merger. Microsoft had enough money to fight it in court and won. I honestly don't see a conflict myself. I'm really not sure how I feels about this merger. I think it will save me money possibly. I pay for: CF prestige and SF Diamond membership. I guess we'll find out in a few months.

The head of the DOJ is Merrick Garland, the U.S. Attorney General. I THINK you are talking about the head of the FCC, Jessica Rosenworcel? She is the chairwoman but the agency is overseen by congress, whereas attorney general is a cabinet position. Both agencies do get input on mergers. I too am kind of waiting to see how this plays out but will be hopeful for a good result. We have SF DE memberships so just hanging onto those at the moment and usually get CF plat passes (which I guess they are doing differently now) but since we don't have any immediate CF park plans and I can rebuy those at any time I am waiting to see what they do about passes. 

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On 3/16/2024 at 9:51 PM, SoCalJasonland said:

I would imagine that Warner Brothers would want top dollar for Looney Toons characters that have not been relevant in this   millennium or generation of children.  The few Looney Toon episodes that were on HBO Max had all the guns, dynamite and other violence censored.  It was absolutely worthless.  At least Charie Brown specials still show up at the holidays.  They will probably want a lot of money for DC superheroes when that genre is dying.  I am guessing generic coaster names and Peanuts characters are the cheaper option and it has worked for Cedar Fair.  Do you really need to ride on a coaster named Superman at Magic Mountain that is always broken or barely makes it up the tower?  How about renaming it The Barely Functional Intamin?

I agree, but won't get on a soapbox about it.... Looney Toons has gotten the woke treatment but yet look at the FPS games out there and the violence in action movies and they label Looney Tunes as too violent, makes sense to me but I"ll hush.

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2 hours ago, coasternut said:

^ My mistake, you are correct. I was speaking of the FTC. The lady in charge is Lena Kahn. Sorry I got my letters confused...🙃

Ha, ha....no worries I realize I did as well. I MEANT FTC when I was trying to remember the name of the chairwoman and tried to look up her name I inadvertently punched in FCC. Yikes.  The rest about it being an independent agency with congress overseeing it still applies though

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1 hour ago, mikeykaise said:

I agree, but won't get on a soapbox about it.... Looney Toons has gotten the woke treatment but yet look at the FPS games out there and the violence in action movies and they label Looney Tunes as too violent, makes sense to me but I"ll hush.

I really don't think it has anything to do with wokeness, but it does have a lot to do with litigiousness. Looney Tunes are aimed at a much younger demographic than FPS games, most of which I believe have a recommended age on them. If I remember correctly there was a lawsuit aimed at holding a LT cartoon responsible when some kid jumped off the roof imitating a character; and no I don't remember the outcome. However, whether that is justified or not it does mean that companies, including the media outlet airing said cartoon, will then protect themselves in the future. That all happened way before anyone used the term woke. If you want to blame anyone blame people that launch frivolous lawsuits.

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On 3/18/2024 at 9:55 AM, mikeykaise said:

I agree, but won't get on a soapbox about it.... Looney Toons has gotten the woke treatment but yet look at the FPS games out there and the violence in action movies and they label Looney Tunes as too violent, makes sense to me but I"ll hush.

Looney Toons is not really a victim of wokeness.  In the early 1990s, Looney Toons changed to Tiny Toons and Disney's afternoon changed to family fun like Rescue Rangers.  The differnce was Disney understood that is wasn't socially acdeptable to sell children sugar, cerale, or fast food loaden calories durign Looney Toons is not really a victim of wokeness.  In the early 1990s, Looney Toons changed to Tiny Toons and Disney's afternoon changed to family fun like Rescue Rangers to be more relevant with the youths.  The difference was Disney “understood” (or correct assumed) that it wasn't socially acceptable to sell children sugar, cereal, or fast food loaden calories during commercials, and instead convinced the parents that they needed to pay for an expensive Disney vacation or at least subscribe to a cable network with both Disney and ESPN channels. Warner through their many transitions, failed at it.commercials, and instead convinced the parents that they needed to pay for an expensive Disney vacation or at least subscibe to a cable network with both Disney and ESPN channels.  

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5 hours ago, bert425 said:

^ Marvin is often out and about at SFFT



Jealous. I hope he appears at SFGAdv this season.


But what I mean is the commercials with Marvin from the '90s. "Oh, goody! Six Flags is open again!"

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On 3/17/2024 at 10:41 AM, DannySixFlags said:

More people know Hal Jordan; so it's probably gonna be him.

and it's finished. . .and it's a Non-Specific to a specific GL:   Planet Oa



I'm assuming signage will go up explaining the Home planet of the Guardians in the Queue Line



(and yes, it's 100% "Planet Oa". . it's how Jeffrey just introduced it on Twitter)

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On 3/23/2024 at 10:58 AM, bert425 said:

^ Marvin is often out and about at SFFT



Someone took away his Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator.  Its either the woke people, a dastardly rabbit or that front gate security.  Help!  Security has taken my space modulator!  Delays, delays.

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1 hour ago, SoCalJasonland said:

Someone took away his Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator.  Its either the woke people, a dastardly rabbit or that front gate security.  Help!  Security has taken my space modulator!  Delays, delays.

note that Pepe is there too.

nothing to do with "woke". . .which is a GOOD word, it needs to be taken back from those who think it's an insult.

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On 4/3/2024 at 2:01 PM, Nrthwnd said:

^ It's a thing, remembering characters not seen, that often. Marvin and K-9 are standouts, to me.

And .... apparently we're all bored, lol. (kidding)

I watched Looney Tunes evey Saturday morning in the 1970s as a child and I couldn't remember that Marvin had a dog. Nice!  


I do remember the Instant Martians.


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