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Universal Orlando Resort (USO, IOA) Discussion Thread

P. 624: DreamWorks Land passholder preview report!

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^^Just finished the new survey. They seemed to ask mostly about certain movie/TV characters. The ones asked about in my survey were Luke Skywalker, Jack Sparrow, the M&Ms characters, BeetleJuice, and Harry Potter. ...Though all the themes/characters you listed were asked in a question or two.

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Heck, I'd settle for a Bioshock Meet & Greet. Can you imagine what a Big Brother would look like in real life as done by a professional costume company for a movie?


I can easily see a Rapture/Bioshock dark ride... pneumatic tubes, anyone? Underwater elements? Bioshock has so many elements that lent it to a theme park attraction... heck, they could even make in a ride similar to Men In Black.



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I had the chance to revisit The Wizarding World of Harry Potter this past Friday with Renee and Andrew, and quite a bit has changed since my last visit...




More of the Potter tarp...


Hogwarts sits atop the Potter Box we've grown to love...


A new tarp has sprung up behind the supposed queue for Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey.


The base of the old Oak has been brought out and re-themed to match its new environment.


Another look at the new restaurant under scaffolding...


Hogwarts Castle looks pretty nice!


The Flight of the Hippogriff has received some new theming in the middle of its course.


An overview of Potterville from the temporary bridge between the Lost Continent and Jurassic Park.


Even the remnant of the old Tavern has received some work to become integrated into the new Wizarding World.


The former location of the Enchanted Oak Tavern has been built up to an externally near-complete state.


Curvy chimneys ahoy!


Notice the Hogsmeade sign?


And the Hogwarts Express has made its way into Platform 9 3/4.


Ice has appeared at the entrance of Hogsmeade...


The Sinbad side of Potter has taken on much shape since the last time I was here.

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This is for the banner enthusiasts.. HRRR was down open to close Friday 12/11 due to the installation of a new banner on the lift hill. Only the bottom half was installed, so I would expect the ride to be down sometime this week while they install the top half.


Also, if you are interested in getting 2 rides for the wait-time of one, check your videos at the kiosk! There is a train (I believe its train 5) that has a camera installed incorrectly in the front-right seat. The camera is upside-down, and only records in black and white. We got off the ride and checked our video, and when the attendant saw we were in that seat she offered to get us back on the ride without waiting. Not only did we get back on, but they put us in the front row for our re-ride. So if you ride the front right, pick a normal song and check your video afterwards.. You might get lucky!


I don't know how quickly they plan to resolve the issue with the camera, but the attendant seemed to give off a vibe that this has been going on for a while. Thought Id give you a heads up since the wait times are still insane.

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I have to agree that I cannot see them shutting down DD until after the holidays. A re-paint does not take too long, and I imagine the wheel covers can be replaced just as easily. If I am not mistaken, the queue is already being worked on, with the entrance re-routed through the exit path.



I was planning on going to IOA the week of the 18th. Are there specific dates to when the coasters will be down? I can't seem to find any info.


This is what happened a few years ago when we went to Busch Gardens with Kumba...they were painting it so I never got a ride.

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I went back to Universal yesterday to try and ride Rockit with my best friend, but it was closed... But there is a new banner up!


It looks a little different than the old one...


The new banner is up and tear-free!


Closed for "Preventative Maintenance..."


Comforting, right?

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^I'm guessing that the gap will be filled in in the near future...


I was able to stop by the Wizarding World again yesterday, only to find that a significant amount of work has been completed since my earlier visit last week. An entirely new structure has been erected, and several buildings have received some new external work as the Potter world nears its projected Spring completion.


A closer look at the arched entrance from earlier...


This building in Hogsmeade has received its snow's paint, completing the external look of the building for now.


Another look at the Hogwarts Express...


Back over on the Sinbad side of Potterville, the area looks to be closest to completion.


Looks about the same from here...


A look at the large new structure at the edge of Hogsmeade...


Another look at the soon-to-be Flight of the Hippogriff.


A look to see just how close the new Hogsmeade structure comes to the guest queue for Dueling Dragons...


More detail in Hogsmeade...


Hogsmeade is really looking like (externally), its close to being ready.


The supports for the Flying Unicorn (soon to be the Flight of the Hippogriff) have been stripped of some of their rusted color.


A larger look at Hogwarts Castle, home to Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey.


Works continue to climb the Hogsmeade heights to get the job done.


The former Dueling Dragons castle has been covered in tarps in preparation for its conversion into the Dragon Challenge entrance.


The other side of Hogwarts is still under work.


I believe this balcony has been featured in the movies several times... It looks familiar.


Now that the wraps have come down on this side of Hogwarts, there is much to be seen.


External work on some of the buildings of Hogsmeade continues...


Over by the queue for Dueling Dragons, a new structure has sprung up in a matter of days.


I don't know why, but I really like the look of this turret.


I can only assume that this steel work will help fill in the gaps between the rock work and the floating castle...


The queue has received some minor brick work and offers a small peek into a themed archway.


More work has been done on the queue tarp. No word yet on if the tarp will be themed externally, but there is some work going on inside...

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