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Universal Orlando Resort (USO, IOA) Discussion Thread

P. 624: DreamWorks Land passholder preview report!

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I have a feeling that they haven't started the lift hill simply due to the fact that they haven't finished the station....The track that returns to the station isn't even complete so why would they finish the lift hill? This might explain why the crane is gone. It's probably going to take a while to finish the station to their liking and I wouldn't expect the crane to be back around the end of April or the beginning of May to finish this bad boy up...


The track that would be returning to the station not complete

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Hey everyone! I got back from Italy this past Friday in time for my father's birthday which we celebrated with a meal at Bubba Gumps. Needless to say, I took the opportunity to run over to the parks ahead of the family to get some photos for your all of the latest happenings between Harry Potter and Rip, Ride, Rockit.


Note: These photos were taken yesterday.


One more "sun shot" to wrap up this report...


Though it is still not ready...


Work is being done to fix the "fail."


Work continues of the firehouse bust-thru.


One last shot of the active production at work.


The non-inverting loop continues to look more impressive with every visit.


There was no evidence as to what the filming was for, though the people seen on the stage were dancing to various rap songs blasted over the speakers.


This drop looks like it will be great!


The newly constructed Hollywood Bowl stage was used for some filming.


This bay looks ready to start holding some trains...


The maintenance bay and train storage building is attached directly to the right of the station.



It's a tripod!


See what I mean?


Expect to see more "Rockit Red" throughout the station as the weeks progress.


Most of the construction focus has moved to the station.


"Lonely... I'm so lonely... I have nobody... All on my own..."


Work on the station continues...


Even though nothing new has been added to the lift, the tower itself still provides a clear picture of what is to come.


One last piece of track has yet to be installed on this side of the ride.





Nothing new here.


Looking good...


The CityWalk portion of the coaster looks like it will keep the pace of the coaster through the end.

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Hey everyone! I got back from Italy this past Friday in time for my father's birthday which we celebrated with a meal at Bubba Gumps. Needless to say, I took the opportunity to run over to the parks ahead of the family to get some photos for your all of the latest happenings between Harry Potter and Rip, Ride, Rockit.


Note: These photos were taken yesterday.


What looks like an additional Hogwarts Spire has continued to grow...


And the Flying Unicorn still sits untouched.


Nothing major has gone on over at the Potter Box since our last visit either.


Or here...


Still not too much to see here...


Some additional metal frames/spikes have gone up as well.



It looks like roof frames, from what I can tell.


Vertical work has begun on the former Dueling Dragons/Enchanted Oak Tavern entrance plaza.


Ministry of Magic proclamations line the fences of the Harry Potter bridge as construction continues.

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Thanks for both reports! Great updates.


I will post on this thread, since people are saddened by the lack of work being done and haven't been posting here as much.


I am truly shocked that the part through the firehouse was obviously not thought of to the fullest. I mean, what if they couldn't structurally take any more apart than they previously had to fit that sucker through? That would be a Total Epic Fail! (Ok, move the ride...it has to go into another part of the park! <-- Yeah, ok.) I know that I am a bit repetitive, but I truly hope they fix this, and fix it fast. I feel that if I keep saying that, maybe it will happen!

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^ That's what I heard as well. That the angle on the lift is messed up, or something of that nature, so they may need to have new track pieces fabricated..


Take that with a grain of salt, of course.


IF this is true, it should delay the opening until late summer. Lets look at an example, Maverick at CP. Scheduled to open May 12, four days prior the park decided to pull three pieces of track and have them replaced with a less stressful s turn (over the present heartline roll). Intaride (Intamin, not sure which branch dealt with this, though I assume IntaRide) built three 40 foot sections of track, resumed testing and opened the ride just 18 days later, and that included redoing some supports as well. So I would think even if they had to redo part of the track, it shouldn't delay it that much. Granted these pieces are lift pieces versus Mavs regular track pieces.


Regardless, I have to say I am a little disappointed over the poor quality of install and the constant reworking of the original plans. Ie) epic fail at the firehouse, the missing connector from track to supports and now the fail at the lift.

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^ That's what I heard as well. That the angle on the lift is messed up, or something of that nature, so they may need to have new track pieces fabricated..


Take that with a grain of salt, of course.


I read that the whole lift hill might have to be taken down and re-built.


Again, take that with a grain of salt.

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