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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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All I can say in tribute to one of the best experiences I've ever had at a park is SHARK SHARK SHARK SHARK SHARK SHARK SHARK SHARK SHARK. I will never forget that night.




That was amazing!


Really hoping this is Transformers and not another expansion of Potterland.

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They should give it the Earthquake to Disaster conversion treatment. If you can't beat the cheese, join it and make it worse!


I really like Jaws, all two times I've been on it. It gives Universal it's own identity and a welcome attraction that doesn't have to be in a building or on a soundstage. Please no more rides that require work and thought, such as shooting in the guise of being interactive...

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It used to be that when I heard the words "Universal Studios," Jaws and Back to the Future immediately popped into my head... I was sad to see BTTF go, and now this...


It seems like whenever they take out these older attractions, the newer replacements lack that "magic of the movie" feeling. Too bad. Hopefully Harry Potter will stay restricted to IoA and not invade the Studios. I understand that to stay relevant change is needed, but WTF Universal!?

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Poor old Jaws. Another classic ride about to bite the dust.


Guess it's time to bring out "Jaws the Musical" (created by the Skippers the last time management decided to shut Jaws!):



Seriously, watch it, it's awesome


I'm legitimately crying from laughing at this, seriously, working at UO, or any theme park really, you understand all this pain.

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I am totally taken by surprise!


Jaws was one of my favorite Universal Attractions. The ride system alone was amazing! (It was designed by Intamin and I believe only 3 were ever constructed! One in Florida, One in Japan and one was in Las Vegas)


Jaws occupies a pretty large area too. I could only imagine what they would put in that area (I'm imagining another "land" simular to how Harry Potter is designed.)


I'm curious as to how the decision came to close it. The ride does have very high operating costs in terms of staffing and resources (The wall of fire effect in particular is VERY expensive

During normal operation, each time the flame effects go off it costs an estimated $590 This means that within one hour the gas prices of Amity would be $7,080
) I'd also wonder (and hope) they would keep the ride system, there is a ton of infrastructure that was built for that ride and a lagoon.


That being said, the Jaws area must have something special in terms of the topography that is there. (Otherwise why not just get rid of the stadium for Fear Factor or even Disaster)


I've heard Rumors that Universal may be in Talks with Peter Jackson for his new Lord of The Rings/The Hobbit series. Just a Rumor.


R.I.P Jaws- You will be missed

I'll miss these the most!

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I still see Phase 2 of Harry Potter being the rest of Lost Continent, getting rid of Sindbad (eh), Poseidon (yay) and Mythos (boo), probably for something resembling Diagon Alley and probably resembling what the plans are for the Harry Potter at Universal Hollywood.


Though my hopes are with all that it will become Sharktopus and the greatest thing known to man and alien, I think this is more for Transformers. Spielberg already dropped a couple months back when talking about Transformers for Singapore and CA that an Orlando one should be announced soon, and I think the space for Jaws is enough space for the show building they'd want to build. I think the choice was between Jaws and ET and Jaws just had the space needed, though I have a gut feeling ET is next...

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I'm a little surprised that they're taking the ride out. I haven't been on it in years, because the line is always at least 45 minutes (and I just can't justify that wait!). It was always really popular, but wayyyy out dated. I'm kinda glad to see it go.

I agree, I think ANOTHER Potterville in ANOTHER park would be beating a dead horse. I hope that doesn't happen.


I'm trying to think of something that they could transform the "San Fran Bay" area into, and I could see an easy renovation of that area into a "Transformers" type land all together.

Though I'm hoping for something new we haven't seen before.


This is big news because so much land is involved. Looking forward to the upcoming developments.

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My guess is that they'll use most of the space for an expansion of Harry Potter stuff in IOA. Aren't those spaces relatively adjacent? They've been saying that they're going to expand that area, but there aren't many other options, besides losing what's left of Lost Continent or cutting further into Jurassic Park. The best thing about expanding the whole area is that it will be easier to get into the whole land if they have a greater capacity. So, if you want to get back there to ride the Dragons while everyone else is waiting for the newer rides, it will be easier.


Maybe they'll also put something smaller in Universal Studios itself to partially make up for the loss.


Jaws was always a fun ride, but it's a really old ride based on a really old movie that few kids today have seen, so it makes sense that they'd want to get rid of it, even if the rest of us don't agree. Especially if the space can be better used for something more modern and current to bring and keep the crowds these days.


Is this the last of the original rides at the park to close? Or was ET there at opening?

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