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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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I believe on Sunday I guess they installed new brakes or something to one of the break runs and I heard if all testing went well after that the soft opening could be this weekend. But I'm not sure if everything went smoothly. I just hope the soft opening is SOON.


There is currently no opening scheduled or planned. Any rumor of a soft opening is false.

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My contact there is now saying they are gunning for HHN. Other than that they are considering legal actions on the manufacturer and the contractors they are so upset at this delay. I know a big law suit could kill little ole' Mauer Sohne so hopefully they will get the issues worked out quickly and calmly.

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My contact there is now saying they are gunning for HHN. Other than that they are considering legal actions on the manufacturer and the contractors they are so upset at this delay. I know a big law suit could kill little ole' Mauer Sohne so hopefully they will get the issues worked out quickly and calmly.


Ya me to it would be horrible to see a company like Mauer Sohne go away because of this.

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For those of us Orlando folks who remember,

Test Track was scheduled to open in May 1997 but didn't officially open til March 1999. So, 4-5 months delay is not the worst we have ever had to wait for a new ride to debut.


That's what a lot of people have forgotten. Robb has posted this many times in this thread, yet people complain. It's a freaking roller coaster. It will open eventually. Until an OFFICIAL announcement from Universal, no one should believe any estimated softs or openings from undercover sources.

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I will be there the beginning of December. Although I would really, really, really like to ride it considering this will be my only trip to Orlando for a long period of time, it is just a roller coaster. Life will go on if it isn't open the day I go.

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Get ready for this everybody: I'm at the park now. The effing banner got ripped in half by the wind!!! Bahahahaha. i'm dying laughing at what retard didn't put holes or something in it- it was asking for it all day.

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