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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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My guess is that they'll use most of the space for an expansion of Harry Potter stuff in IOA. Aren't those spaces relatively adjacent?


Not at all, the rumor is that they'll run whatever the hell the special magical train is called between the two lands.



I highly doubt this, although I highly doubt it will be ANYTHING Potter just based on distance. As stated above by another poster, I believe also that the rest of LC will become Potter and we will see something brand new for Amity.


Just look at the distance between the two lands.. It's approx half a mile between them and to say they will run the Magical Train Express thingy between them would be pretty difficult considering the limited access roads they already have.


It's a magical train. They will make it work. Seriously, they could always elevate it somehow above the service roads. I am sure Universal has had a hard time convincing the "potter fans" that are there just for Potterland to visit the studios park. So, this area being slated for Potter World East just makes a ton of sense to force them to have to buy the park hopper tickets. (like Elissa mentioned before)

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It would actually be very easy to put a train on that road and make a Hogwarts Express train to connect the two areas. The windows would be all tv/projection so you couldn't see that you where actually traveling down a backstage road. There would just be train crossings for the road and cars could still even follow the train, similar to street cars do now on roads. The only real issue would be to have a turn around for the train, or they'd have to run it in push/pull mode.

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^If they really wanted to have a train between the two lands they could find a way to make it work. While I'm not a huge Potter fan, the concept of having a form of transportation between two themed sections is pretty cool and I'd love to see how they execute it.


Like Rafiki's Planet Watch in AK? That worked so well, it isn't even that popular and has capacity issues. Now just Potterize it and they will have to have a full circuit system to keep up with capacity!


Exactly like Rafiki's planet watch except with a higher capacity more efficient transportation system and an attraction people would actually be interested in visiting. The Planet watch is just dumb, but put a E-Ticket attraction back there and it would work.

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I wonder if it's a possibility for them to keep the Jaws theme, but just do a MAJOR overhaul of the attraction with new technology and better animatronics. I mean, they did say:

So, we’ve got a couple things planned to ensure we always remember and honor it. We know it’s hard to say goodbye, but we can’t express how EXCITED we are about the new, innovative & amazing experience we’re going to be bringing you.

Or maybe they'll make a new water based attraction and just drop little "hidden" pieces of the old ride system in there.


I hate secretes. They make me nervous.

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^^ I feel like that would create a huge bottleneck especially with all those who are just passing through the area or hopping in and out. *If* they do this idea the best option would be to check tickets before you board the train.


From what I have heard, Potter World is already a huge bottleneck, so it would fit right in.


But seriously, if they checked tickets just on the train, you would still have the issue of people being able to have access to both parks, unless the exit to the Studios park was associated with the train station. (like a gift shop)

Edited by ernierocker
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We know you love JAWS! and we do too. It has been an amazing attraction and after terrorizing the waters of Amity here at Universal Orlando for 20 years, it’s a VERY important part of our history. So, we’ve got a couple things planned to ensure we always remember and honor it.

Translation: "We're keeping the 'Jaws' parking deck."


Edited by BeemerBoy
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Knowing that the parks abut one another my first thought was Diagon Alley; however, looking at the map below I realize that wouldn't really work. I am thinking that maybe a smaller attraction will open over there where JAWS was and then maybe some of the smaller backstage buildings northeast of Dragons will be moved (rebuilt) over there to provide Potterverse Expansion.


On an unrelated note, is that Walgreens really right there or is that a misplaced label?


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^^ I feel like that would create a huge bottleneck especially with all those who are just passing through the area or hopping in and out. *If* they do this idea the best option would be to check tickets before you board the train.


From what I have heard, Potter World is already a huge bottleneck, so it would fit right in.


But seriously, if they checked tickets just on the train, you would still have the issue of people being able to have access to both parks, unless the exit to the Studios park was associated with the train station. (like a gift shop)


What I ment was have the turnstiles before you get to the train station but only allow people park hopper tickets through. Having ticks for just harry potter access would be a mess.

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I've always thought a permanent ride-through horror attraction would be perfect for Universal since HHN is such a huge success. They have years of experience, and I think with the right technology they could make a scary attraction for teens and adults.


Of course, I doubt that is going to happen so I think Harry Potter is going to invade USF. I really doubt the feasibility of the train idea. Screens for windows...I don't know.

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I've never been to Universal, so I really don't know what to say, other than it sucks that a Universal Icon such as Jaws is on his way out of the park. ET's probably next, since it's been ripped out of all the other parks, and Back to The Future is fading fast as well.


This got me thinking, does Universal really have any bankable franchises these days to use at their parks? Harry Potter's from Warner Bros, The Simpsons are a Fox property, and Transformers was a Dreamworks/Paramount venture. The only Modern Universal franchise I can think of is Mummy. Can we really call the place Universal anymore?


I can understand the need to stay innovative, but I don't know why they can't just improve on their existing franchises to keep them fresh. It must be expensive to get the rights from all those other franchises as well.

Edited by Movieguy
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ET's probably next, since it's been ripped out of all the other parks, and Back to The Future is fading fast as well.


That may be just as well. As I recall, that re-released, enhanced ET that came out a few years ago was a surprise flop. At least the ride was sort of "trippy."

Edited by cfc
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^yeah that thing looks awesome, I could see something very similar working at Universal if they do decide to go with a two park accessible Potter attraction of some sort. I think the biggest issue would be capacity, and making sure they have enough trains or whatever to run consistently enough to transfer guests when they need.

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That may be just as well. As I recall, that re-released, enhanced ET that came out a few years ago was a surprise flop. At least the ride was sort of "trippy."


Funny you should mention that. Sorry to get off topic, but it does seem that ET hasn't held up as a film too well in the years since its release, at least in terms of its impact on popular culture. That may be why the re-release flopped.


On the other hand, you look at two films that came out the same year and were forgotten immediately in ET-mania, Blade Runner and John Carpenter's The Thing, but over the years have become much, much more popular (The latter even having its own maze at HHN).


I was never on the ET ride, only saw videos, so I guess this might be why its been ripped out of all the parks except for Florida's...for now.

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Here's an interesting idea, and it's my prediction of what will happen. If the Universal Dubai park project gets back up and running, then they will relocate Dueling Dragons there and expand HarryWorld (whatever) into that section, making a forbidden forest dark ride, maybe. Then with Jaws, I'm guessing that they'll still use the island for a show (maybe waterworld) and replace FearFactor Live with another show. Possibly Men in Black themed. I really want to know how much of this seems plausible to you, so quote and reply.

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