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Weirdest Things The 'GP' Have Said

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I don't understand people who go to theme parks and ride everything except for the star attraction.


"Star attraction" is a relative term. My "star attraction" at Hersheypark is Lightning Racer Thunder side, but my teenage sister's "star attraction" at Hersheypark is the East Coast Waterworks.

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WTF at the question and the "best answer".


Question: How bad is the negative g-force at six flags?


The WTF part of the Best Answer: Well, it says an example of negative G-Force is an inverted roller coaster. This means that the roller coaster track is overhead of the roller coaster train. A ride at a lot of Six Flags parks is Batman the Ride which is inverted. Other inverted rides at Six Flags parks are Mind Eraser at Six Flags America and Six Flags New England, Kong at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom.



*FACEPALM* Hey have you guys felt that airtime on Batman the Ride? Intense man.

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From "Hidden Disneyland and Beyond" by Lisa Oppenheimer about the Knott's Boomerang - Especially GP sayings are in bold.


This is the ride you've heard about. As you wait in line, the freight train sound can start the adrenaline rushing. When you step into the four-person car and settle under the padded, horseshoe-shaped restraint, you know you're in for a ride to remember...With a lurch, the chain of cars begins to inch to the top of a tower that seems to go nowhere except into space. For a second the car pauses at the top, and then the shrieking begins. You're launched on a terrifying drop from an 11-story height through three loops that not only flip you upside-down but twist at the same time. The cars slow as momentum carries you up a second tower. Is the ride over? Not a chance. Boomerang does it to you again, somersaulting through the same three loops before jolting you to a halt. This UNUSUAL, European-designed roller coaster, which lasts only 33 seconds, gives terror a new twist.
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I don't understand people who go to theme parks and ride everything except for the star attraction.


"Star attraction" is a relative term. My "star attraction" at Hersheypark is Lightning Racer Thunder side, but my teenage sister's "star attraction" at Hersheypark is the East Coast Waterworks.


I more mean the star attraction not being what your favorite ride is, but what is the tallest, fastest, most popular ride in the park that the GP always run to first like:


Storm Runner - Hersheypark (soon to be Skyrush)

Top Thrill Dragster - Cedar Point


Kingda Ka - SFGAdv

Intimidator - Carowinds

Medusa - SFDK

Edited by XYZ
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on robb's video of Nemesis i posted this comment "the same as Kumali. lame Kumali was first!" i was just joking.. this where the reactions


"Kumali was built 12 years after this"



Nemesis --> B&M

Kumali --> Crap Vekoma

Nuff said"


"go and kill yourself please you fucking knobhead"

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I've heard a bunch of things from people, but I can only remember 3 right now.


At Wild Waves, either last year or in 2009, I was waiting in line for the Ring of Fire with a kid who claimed that it had split in half. He said that the state had tried to shut down the park but that Wild Waves had fixed the ride and promised that it would not have any issues after that. Obviously, I've never heard of any accidents like that on RoFs and I think he was just trying to scare me into not riding or something. (Although I was reluctant to ride before that because I hate RoFs. )


In 2008, when I visited Silverwood for the first time, I was talking with a lady in line for Timber Terror about how I thought it could use a second train. She said something about how how it was impossible to do so because it'd be unsafe. I wonder if she's ever ridden California Screamin'.


Finally (but I'm not completely sure if this counts as 'GP'), I was talking about Leviathan at Canada's Wonderland at school before my Italian class started, and a kid from Canada said that he had heard of it and it was supposedly based on a ride that was successful at many other theme parks in Canada. Obviously, he had no idea that it was the VERY FIRST B&M Giga-Coaster.

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On the Gadv fb page....


U guys shud do a wonder woman coaster u guys have alo of coaster as guys n make it fast n lots of deep scary drops



I found out that if you ride a roller coaster more than 3 times a day, it does damage to your brain. But screw it, I'd do it. Lol. And I know I could ride bizarro for 8 straight hours, that's easy lol
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From Yahoo Answers: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080703183049AANuVTX


I don't ride [coasters]. Look at the guy operating them - high school dropout who hasn't bathed in days or shaved in weeks, who gets drunk every night on Busch Lite. Look at the people who repair them - not much better. You risk your life on those things. People die every year on those things. Do you want your obit to say that you were thrown from a roller coaster? That whatever your purpose in life is, you threw it away for a three minute thrill ride? And who knows what kind of brain damage the shaking and speed can do - if you can't shake a baby, if a soccer ball off the head can cause a concussion, then don't you think that maybe, just maybe, the haunted elevator ride could possibly knock a few brain cells loose?
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