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SO, what did you do this weekend?


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What did you do this weekend (in case you didn't make it to a Theme Park)


Not the best pictures (don't have the hardwork for it) but as you can see I went to see the Monstertrucks from the US who where in Antwerp (Belgium). It was a lot of fun




and you?

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My daughter and I went to see an new local children's theater group peform "The Wizard of Oz". It was a cast of 70 kids, ranging from a 5 year old Munchkin to the Scarecrow who was 17 and I've got to say, I think he's Broadway bound. He was amazing. I think he was channeling the late Ray Bolger, because he had it down pat. In fact, the costuming, staging and everything was completely a stage version of the movie, and really well done. It was the best $16 I had spent in a long time.


Shari "Now my daughter wants to audition for their next show" Shoufler

Edited by disneygurlz2s
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disneygirlz2s wrote:


My daughter and I went to see an new local children's theater group peform "The Wizard of Oz". It was a cast of 70 kids, ranging from a 5 year old Munchkin to the Scarecrow who was 17 and I go only think is Broadway bound.


Wow! Are you kidding me? 70 kids?! That is amazing. My mom just directed and produced the musical "HONK" (tale of the Ugly Duckling). She had four kids under age 11 and she could barely handle them. I would rather stab myself in the eye, with a pencil, than direct 70 kids!



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^You and me both, Kip!


Yesterday the Notre Dame and Penn State games were on at the same time, so we went to a sports bar to watch them. Both teams were SCREWED by crap officiating! What a joke.


Mary has to go to the UK today, so I will be really bored for the next two weeks, except when I go to FL for a few days...



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^^ Our middle school did Honk two years ago and I was the assistant stage manager! What a coincidence.


Um thursday I went to a concert (not really the weekend but whatever), friday I relaxed at home and watched High Tension, yesterday I did homework and at night went to Six Flags Great Adventure for Fright Fest (Most packed I've ever seen the park. 30,000 people) and today I'm writing my science fair procedure and background!


Mark "Science fair sucks" Luskus

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On Friday night, I chilled and went to bed early. Saturday morning I took the PSAT, then went home and hung out until like 5 when my friend called and asked if I wanted to go to a party, and of course I said yes 8) . Got back at like 1 AM this morning, went to bed, woke up at 11:30.


Now, I'm watchin the Giants game then doing Physics homework.

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On saturady I woke up 12:30pm. In the evening i ate pizza. To day I... :?


so, I had a great weekend




it's very boring to live in a place with only 500 people... especially since I'm one of very few in my age here

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Stayed in Friday night and did my Bridget Jones thing, drank a lot of wine, listened to music that made me cry followed by "I Will Survive" and "Holding Out For A Hero" on repeat, and swore about men a lot.


Yesterday I spent most of the day trying to make a start on the five assignments I got this week... Stupid university!!


Then nipped out for what was supposed to be "a couple of quick drinks" last night... Got in about 3.30am. :?


And today I've had a cheer up day! Whenever I feel a bit run down I just chill out for the day, watch a couple of films, have a soak in the bath with a few glasses of wine, listen to music, dance around my room, etc... Recharges my batteries before tonight and the coming week.

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Do you seriously want to know what all I did?


Okay, so Friday was homecoming day and we made our float and had the parade. Then I had to decorate for student council. I then went out to eat mexican and then to the football game. I had to sell 50/50 tickets there. We won 34-33!! I came home and fell right asleep. Then on Saturday I had to get up and we had a youth group cookout. After that I came home and took a nap, and got ready for coronation. I went to a friends house to get pictures. Then we went to the coronation, then the dance, and then to IHOP on campus at the U of I. I came home and fell right asleep again, but I had to get up and go to church today to watch all the little kids. I'm finally home and can't wait to take another nap.


This weekend was a really fun, but busy weekend. Now back to normal life!


Sfgam in two weeks!

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I went camping at Pinery Provincial Park (Google Map it, I guess...). The extent of "wildlife spotting" was 2 raccoons.


*sigh* They used to have an abundance of deer there... too bad they care more about the plants, and hire local Aboriginals to shoot the deer...

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Wow... I feel like I'm back in Elementary School writing a paragraph about what I did over the weekend. lol... ah, childhood memories.


Friday, right after school I went to swim practice... after practice, the high school swimmers went to my house for a pasta party, which a different swimmer hosts every friday night before a home swim meet. After that, I went to my first club WOOT! Since I just turned 16 yrs old a couple days ago, I was old enough to go clubbing (I live in Germany... remember?) Didn't get home until 1:00 AM


Saturday, Just hung out with friends


Sunday, what a day... today I was rudely awoken by one of my friends that also just moved here, and asked me if I could show him how to get home. So being the nice guy I am , I took showed him around downtown Heidelberg, and took him home. After getting him on his train, I realized that I only had an hour to get to the swim pool for the swim meet. To my convenience, my bus to the pool was at it's stop, and I simply just walked on, and rode to the pool. I arrived with 45 mins to spare. After the swim meet, I came home, turned on the laptop, checked out myspace, and now... I'm sitting here typing this reply...


It's frickin' 8 PM over here!

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On Friday I stayed in because I had just got my braces and I was in pain


On Saturday I was at work and then I went to my friends house party which ended in drunken drama, as most do! lol! I wasnt drinking because I was drugged up so my mouth wouldnt hurt


Today I was working alllllll day and now Im just about to get ready to go to my fave club because I havent been there in 3 weeks! wooo!!

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- Got home

- Took a long nap

- Went to go see "Domino"

- Hated myself for going to see it.



- Exchanged a pair of jeans

- Bought some stuff at TARGET

- Hung out with my girlfriend, watched a few episodes of Arrested Development

- Saw LCD Soundsystem in concert at the Avalon!! Awesome show!


Today (probably):

- Going to Guitar Center to buy strings to restring my guitar

- Maybe hit Amoeba and/or Best Buy


Sorry for the craptacular camera phone quality. This was the best shot I could get at the LCD Soundsystem show.

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Went to the movies since my sister had her friend over for her b-day (even though it's not until Tuesday). We went to see Wallace & Grommit, which was actually good-I was shocked. Then we went to California Pizza Kitchen at like 2:00 and the place still had a 30 minute wait to eat outside (and it was cold...). Then I went to my friend Jessica's bday party and ended up losing my voice.


Well so far I've only done my French homework and ate breakfast/lunch. Now, I'm supposed to be looking for science fair topics (science fair sucks so much-hopefully it's not something we will have to do every year) and then do my math homework. And tonight I have youth group.

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