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Another Cedar Point trip report...guhhhh.

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Riding Raptor with your head slightly forward is pretty good advice. I always do that instinctively. There's nothing you can to to prevent the snap so the best advice for that is to stop being a b**ch and embrace it.


I do that instinctively for pretty much any coaster with OTSRs that are near my head. I never actually remember the snap being that forceful at all. Maybe I'm just used to Iron Rattler's snap into the brakes. Now that one is stupidly forceful.

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Hi again folks...


Given that I realized that I had posted some no-no photos whilst on the Skyride, I have pulled those and added a few bonus photos until I can get more time to do another update.


While I did ask a ride-op for permission (so assumed that it was okay to post), I just read the rules on the website and it strictly says no photography or video on any ride except the LE & CP railroad. Out of respect for the park and TPR, I sincerely apologize and have deleted those photos from my report.


Sorry 'bout that, folks!!!


It is legal to look like a lunatic on Gatekeeper, but not legal to post on-ride photos of SkyRide. D'ohhh!!!!


Gotta love the line for Raptor - walk-on for the front seat!


Caveat - I do have a belt loop on my zippered camera case, so this photo was legal, I swear! ;-)


I have had instances where a ride op will remind me of the loose article policy, but when I show them the zippered case attached to my belt, they are cool with it.


First ride on Valravn - end of row 2 at night - what a great add this is for CP!


Kudos to the person that walked that during an evac last week - that must have been exhilarating!


TTD in all of its new paint at night sexiness.


More later.

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I have the Sky Wheel and a smaller "Balloon" ride that the ride ops know me on,

here at Playland, but I still ask them about the camera, show it to them,

and they say "No problem," so far.


I never try and wear it and/or use it on the stronger, bigger rides, like AtmosFEAR, or

even on Coaster. Way too risky, even I can see that. I don't want to lose it, at all.


But nowadays, with open seat sky rides involved, the times have changed for allowing

cameras out and being used. I was okay on the ones at Alton Towers, because they were enclosed.


That's going to be the big difference with some skyrides: Enclosed > Open Seat, for camera use.


My 7 cents.

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But nowadays, with open seat sky rides involved, the times have changed for allowing

cameras out and being used. I was okay on the ones at Alton Towers, because they were enclosed.


That's going to be the big difference with some skyrides: Enclosed > Open Seat, for camera use.


My 7 cents.

And then there are the exceptions. I could not take pictures at Cedar Point, even though their Sky Ride is enclosed, but I could at Indiana Beach's open Skyride. Go figure.

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^ You are correct...I also noticed the same thing at IB when we visited.


I guess from now on, I will try to look for these types of rules before I go to parks (on their websites) and if there are no rules posted, I'll just ask before I ride. To be honest, I admit that I never asked about photos while on the Giant Wheel (and I did have some GREAT sunset photos) because you are actually strapped into seat belts during the ride now.


Not to mention that you come to a complete stop more than once and just sit there for ten minutes while they load the other cars. I figured that it would be cool as long as I wasn't trying to stand up, hold the camera out over the edge of the gondola or doing some other dumb thing. And I always have the strap around my wrist & keep a firm grip on it as to not accidentally drop it.


Hope to have time to post more photos soon, folks. I have recently been on the process of purchasing our new RV, so between finalizing that deal, getting the storage place set up and my work hours, I have had very little time to get on TPR.

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Quick foodie update...


So we just HAD to go to our favorite breakfast place just south of Sandusky in the small town where Thomas Edison was born - Invention in Milan.


And Sir Thomas happens to be here today, see him there on the right??? I never knew that he was a Pepsi fan/endorser though...you just never know who those Pepsi and Coke enthusiasts are going to be. ;-)


But wait. Whaaaaaaat is this???? Oh NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well, at least they are opening soon...but what will happen to the awesome breakfast skillets??? What would TE think of this???


Hope the new owners keep the same menu!


I felt like I had been punched in the gut after the Invention fail...but fear not! We decided to take the advice from a couple of kind souls on TPR that recommended a restaurant closer to Sandusky - Berardi's.


In order to get there, you have to wait for a 5 million car train to pass. Seriously, we waited about 20 minutes for this train to pass!


But so worth it in the end...check out this breakfast. Or at this time, let's just call it brunch! ;-)


This is a homemade hash and eggs with sourdough toast that Michael got - it was delicious! Look at the size of those yolks...the biggest that I have ever seen! Don't you want to just admire and perhaps even gently place your tongue or shoulder onto them in admiration? lol


I opted for the more heart healthy (?) protein wrap with egg whites, spinach and mozzarella. I gave Michael my tomatoes and covered my wrap with hot sauce and dipped it in the salsa. I like salsa but hate raw tomatoes - how weird is that?


We went to this place the next day and I will vouch for whoever praised this place before - Berardi's RULES!


Fun Fact - Berardi's used to have a french fry stand at CP back in the day - anyone remember that? Pianojohn, I am looking at you! ;-)


Thanks for reading this non-coaster enthusiast update. I wont even change the sub-title because I don't want to get people's tits hard if they think that this is an actual coaster/CP/Valravn update.


Thanks for reading, folks!



PS - Congrats to the city of Cleveland for winning their first professional sports championship in 52 years!!!! Is it time to rename Rougarou, King James & place his statue on the top of the lift hill like Superman at SFFT yet???? ;-)


PSS - Fun fact # something: You can order booze and beer for breakfast and lunch at Berardi's. Hungover before your epic day at CP? Never fear...Berardi's has you covered with a full AM bar - RULE!


Bloody Mary + Coffee + Great Lakes Brewery Mason Jar + kick-ass breakfast = rock.

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Hey, a non-coaster, FOOD-filled report is ALWAYS welcome, Phil!


Michael's breakfast looked good there. Unfortunately, breakfast wraps have never been high

on my must-have breakfast lists. Probably that hot sauce you used, too. But it did look good!


And that - is a BIG - Bloody - Mary! Ohhhh Mary, indeed.


Thanks for sharing your eating choices, Phil.

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A few more non-food pics...this time, let's take a trip around the CP peninsula, shall we?


On Saturday, we headed over to the Marblehead Lighthouse as we knew that crowds would be insane at the park.


What a view!


Best theme park skyline ever.


Battery Park has some GREAT views of the park too!


New hotness.


Other hotness.


Mean Streak does look kick ass from here. And of course, Maverick.




I am way too sober here - time to head back to the park to grab some beers...more to follow!

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^ Thanks for recommending a stop there, Mark...it was beautiful with great views of CP!


Now how did you get to Johnson's Island? We couldn't seem to find the road...do you need to ferry or take a foot bridge over?

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Sorry for the delay in getting more pics on here folks...been quite busy for the past two weeks.


How about we start out this report of what looks like the evac unit for Windseeker....ooooohhhhh/ahhhhhhhh.


I can tell you're all impressed at yet another CP TR first, aren't you?


Or how about some Chickie & Pete's fries?


These things are ridiculously good. The restaurant service? Not so much. We waited about 15 minutes for a table despite the fact that there were probably close to 15 open tables. There seemed to be a real disconnect between the hostess and wait staff, but luckily we were still able to wolf down the fries and a beer and make the Bandstand USA show in the Aldrich Theater with two minutes to spare - which was quite good, I might add!


Still wish that CP could fit a Cirque-style show somewhere


Now brace yourself for a whole butt-load of sunset shots.


This was on a Saturday night - the ride lines were fairly long, so after watching the Bandstand show and the Extreme Wheels show (which was also good), we just walked around and took photos. It turned out to be a great evening for that!


I think that this one of Raptor is one of my fave pixs of the report.


This one just screams sexy coaster porn, doesn't it?


Leaving the park for the evening - but I'll be back for Sunday's return to the park.


Happy Canadian Day everyone...hope everyone has a great 4th too! :-)


Bonus pic #1.


Bonus pic #2.


Bonus pic #3.


Okay...last one for now.



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OMG those crab fries. Better than any fries Ive had at any park ever. Love C&Ps!!!


We had a great experience @ the CP Chickies last year. Sat at the bar, had a fantastic bartender, one of our favorite employees we met all weekend.

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If you look next to Johnson's there is a peninsula that when I was a kid had a campground at the tip. It went private with other condo developement in the 90's, not sure what happened, but it failed. Not sure of its status now. But man was that the perfect campground. You could pitch your tent on the beach and feel like you could almost touch the Point. So much so that you could even hear the train whistle at night. To this day my parents even say it was the ideal place to camp. I did see that the resort is now Baypoint, they rent trailers and cabins, but is pricey now.

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^^ I figured that we must have encountered a couple of newbie employees as neither the hostess nor the waiter really knew the ropes. Their English was also very limited as the park seems to have more ethnic mixtures of kids this year than in years past - they just appeared a bit overwhelmed by the American culture. We were going to sit at the bar, but all seats were taken, unfortunately.


^ That sounds awesome with regards to the campground, Mark! I was very surprised by the amount of campgrounds on or near MH peninsula we noticed while driving around. Definitely some options for us with our new RV should we not be able to get into Camper Village or Bayshore Estates in the future.

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Another campground option around Marblehead is East Harbor State Park. It was always my go to park. Very clean, full hookups and being a state park, fairly inexpensive. Plus the beach there is pretty nice, and don't miss the fresh fried donuts at the commissary in the morning. The line forms early and those donuts are to die for. (the park doesn't have the view of the Point though)

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