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Another Cedar Point trip report...guhhhh.

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Another campground option around Marblehead is East Harbor State Park. It was always my go to park. Very clean, full hookups and being a state park, fairly inexpensive. Plus the beach there is pretty nice, and don't miss the fresh fried donuts at the commissary in the morning. The line forms early and those donuts are to die for. (the park doesn't have the view of the Point though)


All I would have to say to Michael would be "fresh fried doughnuts" and he would probably ask when we're going!


Thanks for the head's up on this state park...it sounds lovely!

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Wait, where was I?


Oh yeah, Cedar Point, right?


Sandusky Sunday Funday means another big breakfast at Berardi's.


How's this for a stick to your ribs breakfast that will sail you right into drinking time at approximately 12:01 PM? Let's not get carried away with the early drinking here, folks...it's Sunday after all. We skipped the Bloody Mary for breakfast today and did (or is it 'said'?) a couple of Hail Mary's before heading to the park.


Anyway....our 2nd visit to Berardi's started out interesting enough when Michael and I saw an elderly lady do a face-plant over one of those parking lot cement stopper thingies that they have in some parks. You know the ones I'm talking about, right? The ones that absolutely no one can help but scrape Le Bra on your bitchin' Guy Fieri-style Camaro when you pull into a classic All-American diner like this? Yeah, THAT cement stopper thingie!


Well, she sees someone she knows, starts to say hello and WHAM! Down she goes...and HARD! We saw the whole thing coming like it was slow motion....only it happened fast enough to not be able to prevent it.


By instinct, I rushed to her aid (because I'm a good doobie, I suppose) and asked if she was okay and if she needed help. Of course the elderly friend and her husband were there and as we were trying to get her back to her feet (she probably weighed in around 250), she actually hollered at me because I was hurting her shoulder that she had previously broken during a previous fall!


While it didn't bother me that she hollered at me (elderly people can do whatever they want as far as I'm concerned), I had to laugh when her friend said to her that she shouldn't have drank her dinner last night! LOL


I guess that she was more embarrassed than anything else. She never thanked me or anything for trying to assist, but again...old people can do whatever the hell they want. So she just said, "I'm okay" walked into the restaurant and had her breakfast.


Now some stupid, self-entitled Americans would probably have been on their Smart Phones Googling "Local Lawyers" instantly claiming that the restaurant didn't do enough to prevent the fall (despite that it was heavily marked in yellow). But I'll give props to this tough old broad...she knew she wasn't paying attention, tripped over something she would have normally seen, walked away (luckily unhurt), but only embarrassed versus screaming at the restaurant owners "You'll be hearing from my lawyers, A-holes!!!!"


This time, I got what Michael had the day before...the eggs over homemade hash.


Man their food is good! And the eggs....my God, the eggs! No kidding, the yolks were the size of giant areolas....just like the ones I used to peek at of the nude African women in the National Geographic magazines when I was a kid.


And don't even act like you didn't peek at NG boobies when you were a kid....yeeeeahhhh, thought so.


For $73 and a Platinum Pass you can walk around and act like you're a bad-ass Pimp Daddy for a day.


I own this park, yo!


More people need to stay away from this ride because it is veddy, veddy bahd.


I marathoned the eff out of this later in the day.






And yeah, Skyhawk was pretty fun too.


Jive Turkey says, "Make sure that you properly recycle my head, my ball-less droopy neck sack and my other delicious innards into leftover soup after your next Thanksgiving feast....gobble, gobble, gobble!"


'This Country Rocks' was not as rockin' as I had hoped.


No Free Bird = UnAmairakin.


But the Goose Island was cold and expensive, so it was all good. Actually this one was a free bird, as you can see Michael down there in the blue shirt hooking me up whilst I warded off a middle-aged heavyset couple that was trying to make off with Michael's seat.


The hubby was wearing a 'Git 'Er Done' t-shirt and the woman, a spaghetti-strap shirt that read 'Sweetie Pie'. The wife's skin-tight shirt exposed an uber-sexy stretch-marked, belly flop-out that added a somewhat stimulating effect that almost won my heart. If she would have flashed me a droopy, silver dollar-sized areola, I would have probably caved and gave up the chair.


Michael probably wouldn't have been impressed after he just paid $9 for my beer.


After drinking, we decided to go drinking...this time at Faymous Dave's.


Obligatory shot for those obsessed with CP Marina boat porn. I wish that I could tag that goofy girl on the 'BOATSSSSS' GIF to this photo, but alas, I'm too dumb to figure that out.


I still post on a desktop for God's sake.





Oh yeah, the boat thing? Please let it just die after you see this.....please just let it DIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE.


Couldn't ask for a better setting to yep, you guessed it....drinking!


So you guys wanna see any more, or have you had enough?



PS - The appetizers we had here sucked, but the drinks were expensive and delicious. Props to our awesome waitress, Peggy....YAY PEGGY!!!!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Oops...I forgot that I never did complete this report.


Just a few more shots to add of our trip to CP in June.


So nice to splurge for this...if not just for Maverick and Valravn!


Oh wait, I already posted this one. LOL


That's what I get for not drinking and being full of hash this time around - that being of the corned beef variety.


Funpix is awesome!


I am pointing to Michael as that was his first time in the front row of Valravn...and he looks like he is going to hurl! LOL


And to be honest, I have no idea why there were so many empty seats as the line for Valravn was two hours long. Very unlike CP op's to let that many go out empty - especially for the front row.


Michael disguised himself as a young black girl for this photo - he did a good job!


Me? The weird look is trying not to ingest the mayflies as my face was getting pounded with them!


Can you tell I know where most of the ride cameras are located? LOL


Oops. Posted this one already too. That's what I get for doing a PTR so early in the day. I haven't even had my first beer yet and it's already 1:00! ;-)


The mayflies were not present during this ride so we got to scream as much as we wanted during the awesome airtime on the bunny hills


We did the Coasterbill trick on Magnum and it worked wonderfully - still love the first drop and the slow trek up the lift - awesome.


No alcohol was consumed before this photo was taken - honest.


Please disregard those previous updates to this trip report.


What you all have been waiting for...


These were all over the supports, but not on all of them.


RMC, RMC, RMC!!!!!!


Only a few brave souls were on Thunder Canyon. The air was cool and those waterfalls must have been freezing cold!


But THIS is how you do a rapids ride, people...not like that pathetic excuse of one they have at Kings Dominion!


Stopped in Cleveland on the way home.


Did we go to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame you might ask?


Of course we didn't...this is Philrad, so of course we stopped to do only what I know how to do best!


Of course I meant...eat good food!!!!


Thanks for reading!

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