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Funny Top Thill Dragster picture

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Aww the trains looked so cool with the engine and the tires. Oh well...


Btw, does anyone know why they changed the train length on TTD a few times? As far as I know it started with 5 cars per train and it still has, but on the picture it only has 4 cars. I've also seen video clips where theres only 4 cars per train and the train is totally flying over the top.



Some of the pictures on RCDB also shows the ride with only 4 cars per train.


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There were only 4 cars on opening days also. The fifth got added shortly after and then the tires/spoiler were removed shortly after that.


I take a guess that picture was taken during the launch, but my question is why are the brake fins up infront of the train.


With the woods to the trains right, this was definately taken on the brake run.

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There were only 4 cars on opening days also. The fifth got added shortly after and then the tires/spoiler were removed shortly after that.


I just though it was weird because this picture was taken before the ride opened and the train has 5 cars http://www.rcdb.com/ig1896.htm?picture=40


Edit: Umm nevermind! I wasnt looking very closely at the picture so I thought the nose section was a car

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Aww the trains looked so cool with the engine and the tires. Oh well...


Btw, does anyone know why they changed the train length on TTD a few times? As far as I know it started with 5 cars per train and it still has, but on the picture it only has 4 cars. I've also seen video clips where theres only 4 cars per train and the train is totally flying over the top.



Some of the pictures on RCDB also shows the ride with only 4 cars per train.




It started with 4. I believe it even tested with 4. I know they had 5 cars per train to start with but some unforseen event caused them to go with 4. This is why early pictures, I think from the first 1-3 months show the train with 4 cars.


Then in late June or July we got the 5th cars per train. It ran like that and with the full 5 cars plus the themeing, the trains rocked. Then of course the wheel came off and then 2 seats were added.


Recently I believe the entire red train was off for some months though its back now. However, I got an email from Monty Jasper saying they hope to have it up by seasons end but they are still working on the problem which was called "unforseen".

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Okay, time for everybody's TTD Train History lesson:


Yes, TTD did start with 4-car trains for press previews, and that was only two trains (red and green I believe). Almost IMMEDIATELY after that, the fifth car was added to those two trains and all the trains ran with all the cars.


By the way, the fins up front are NOT brake fins. They're strictly for theming. All the brake mechanics (magnets on train, copper fins on track) are below the train.


The weekend of May 16, the tires were removed. I was there that weekend, I got two trips with the tires, one without. Also, all the trains had five cars.


When TTD was shut down for most of June, they removed the engine and rear spoiler, which were replaced by two additional seats. I think the front spoilers have since been removed, but I'm not entirely sure.

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Okay something cool about the trains... Last season the trains had holes where the front fins used to be, now for this season the holes are gone, but the black engine theming mount is still there. I really did like the origional themeing with the engine and wheel's, but with the two giant tires hanging out Im sure it caused a lot of drag and many rollbacks.


Also, the red train was operating about a month ago when I went, but the gold train was off on the transfer track the whole time I was there. Also, I know there are two purple trains, but did the REALLY dark purple train used to be black? It looks like the nose piece is black, not purple...


Colin"I love my TTD"C

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