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"No Single Riders" policies.

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Of all carnival policies, none is more alienating to single adults than "No Single Riders" policies. One of my all time favorite carnival rides is the Zipper. I have ridden single innumerable times on the Zipper and never had a single problem. But nowadays, practically every single carnival company, especially including Windy City Amusements, Modern Midways, and several others, carries literally a Zero Tolerance Policy for single riders! Literally, not only are our carnivals becoming boring, they are also more and more becoming restricted to couples and groups only, and being single is starting to mean pure, all out misery and boredom.

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What does this even mean? Are you trying to ride alone or something? Pair up with another single rider.


literally a Zero Tolerance Policy for single riders

This comes off as a bit sensationalist. Sorry, I can't wrap my head around what you're mad about.

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Must be an American carnival thing.


That's just it, it's not a thing at all. Anywhere. Someone is butthurt about an incident.


"No single riders" discriminates against all odd-numbered groups. Which is literally half of everyone. Furthermore:


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Pair up with another single rider.



I tried to do exactly that on Friday, June 27th of this year at a carnival in Countryside, Illinois (a suburb of Chicago) and nearly got arrested and thrown in jail for it. They had the Zipper at that carnival, I tried to go on alone, the operator would not even budge to let me on by myself, then I asked around if anyone was available to ride the Zipper with me, and they complained to the police. And not only did I not get a chance to ride one of my all time favorite carnival rides for the first time in almost 3 years, but I nearly end up spending the night, possibly even longer, in jail.

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Of all carnival policies, none is more alienating to single adults than "No Single Riders" policies. One of my all time favorite carnival rides is the Zipper. I have ridden single innumerable times on the Zipper and never had a single problem. But nowadays, practically every single carnival company, especially including Windy City Amusements, Modern Midways, and several others, carries literally a Zero Tolerance Policy for single riders! Literally, not only are our carnivals becoming boring, they are also more and more becoming restricted to couples and groups only, and being single is starting to mean pure, all out misery and boredom.

Solution to your problem? Make friends.


Seriously, though, ride companies put certain restrictions in place for safety reasons, like them or not, agree with them or not. No ride company is going to jeopardize your safety so you can go on some ride by yourself. I'm sure most Zippers probably take thousands of riders each night at carnivals without issue. You can't blame the ride for not finding a suitable person to ride with.


--Robb "Sorry, just being honest." Alvey

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Here in the UK we had signs as a kid saying single rider double Fair. The seem to have disappeared today. Bus as fairs and Carnivals make money per ride and not admission this is why sky coater is cheaper for 3 than 1!


Stu K

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single rider double Fair


That would at least be fair.


On larger rides there is normally no problem here like a Frisbee, TopSpin or TopScan as these offer ample seats for single riders and large groups. And if you visit during the weekday most rides are happy to get every rider they can get - they nearly never get full and happily take single riders. I cannot remember an European flat that has restraints that will only work with two riders - but we also do not have those small flats by US manufacturers, a small flat here is a BreakDancer, Paratrooper, Shaker or Monster.


There are some rides I only do with friends on local carnivals and parks like waterrides and ferris wheels as those are only fun with a group. Only made an exception for Spanish Shoot-The-Chute as it was hot - and those boats also have ample seating for single riders.

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When a single rider restriction is a manufacturer suggestion, I fully support it. When a park is incompetent enough to not enforce general safetey and they feel added restrictions are necessary, I have a problem with it. Restrictions not based on common sense only hurt the paying customer.


I had a weird case last weekend at Jolly Roger Amusement park in Ocean City, MD. A no single rider sign was posted oustside Avalanche, a Schwarzkopf Wildcat. No biggie, I had a friend with me. Then as we are getting to the station, I saw they were letting people on the ride one per row... kind of defeating the purpose for the sign.

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I agree with Robb--either make more friends or stop going to carnivals. For me, I wouldn't go to a carnival unless I was with a group of friends, as it would be more enjoyable.


You'll find these rules at some theme and amusement parks, too. For example, Six Flags America's Rodeo requires riders to pair up.

Edited by cfc
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I tried to do exactly that on Friday, June 27th of this year at a carnival in Countryside, Illinois (a suburb of Chicago) and nearly got arrested and thrown in jail for it. They had the Zipper at that carnival, I tried to go on alone, the operator would not even budge to let me on by myself, then I asked around if anyone was available to ride the Zipper with me, and they complained to the police. And not only did I not get a chance to ride one of my all time favorite carnival rides for the first time in almost 3 years, but I nearly end up spending the night, possibly even longer, in jail.



I'm calling serious BS on this one. Am I the only one that thinks you possibly being arrested is BS? I mean unless you through a big hissy fit like my 5 year old or something and became a public nuisiance? Really, you want us to believe that they said you couldn't ride alone, you said something and they almost called the police? I think that's crap. And guessing by the fact you didn't put your age in your profile, I would say your a new teenager who just wants to complain because you didn't get what you wanted. Anyway, your whole post and attitude is BS, grow up and deal with it.

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I go to a lot of theme parks alone. I have plenty of friends, but friends interested in visiting foreign theme parks...not so much. In theme parks I've never had any issues. It's a shame that this carnival visit didn't let you ride single rider, but there may be a reason for that policy.

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In the case of the Zipper, the no single rider policy was implemented by the manufacturer after concerns arose that a single rider might be able to twist sideways and out from under the lap bar. Enforcement is strictly up to the operator, as was discussed in the thread on Zippers. I once rode one at the CNE as a single rider. The James E. Strates Shows, however, enforce it. It depends on the ride and the park. I've ridden Waldameer's Spider by myself without a problem. Try to make friends with the owner/operator of the carnival. That's how I got the Zipper ride of my life from a friend of mine who was determined to make me sick, and failed. Problem is, he only did it once, but that was enough.

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Pair up with another single rider.



I tried to do exactly that on Friday, June 27th of this year at a carnival in Countryside, Illinois (a suburb of Chicago) and nearly got arrested and thrown in jail for it. They had the Zipper at that carnival, I tried to go on alone, the operator would not even budge to let me on by myself, then I asked around if anyone was available to ride the Zipper with me, and they complained to the police. And not only did I not get a chance to ride one of my all time favorite carnival rides for the first time in almost 3 years, but I nearly end up spending the night, possibly even longer, in jail.


I really have a hard time believing this. Yes, there are some real bitches and bastards in this world, but the notion of someone going out of their way to call the police on you because you wanted to ride a Zipper because you're a single rider is just too unbelievable.

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