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West Coast Bash 2014 - TICKETS ON SALE!

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That was so much fun taking that last min picture at the end of the night.

I'm sorry to say I don't think I will be there this year. I'm doing the New Hotness Tour.

Here are some of last years Highlights.




This was the Q just before the Park opened. Everyone moved onto other Rides.


Not my Fav but this was #100


Robb has something to say


Great View


Q Packed with TPR



The View from my hotel. Good Morning X2 its a shame you were not fixed yet.


Morning Knotts






Random Robb


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  805Andrew said:
This was a great event last year. I haven't decided if I'm going this year since I'm doing the East Coast/NYC trip but its a possibility. I'm also holding out to see if any other bash days **cough** SF Great America Goliath Bash **cough** are announced.


If that does happen. I'll be there as well

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  Robocoaster said:
Extreme Awesomeness!! Wasn't able to make it last year, but will be there for this one.


Now, what to do as a Friday add-on: Disney? Universal? Seaworld/Belmont? Or finally make the L.A. County Fair?


Decisions, decisions...

Personally, I would go for Disney.


LA County Fair: Let's face it. We all are going for just the food. There's some nice exhibits, but its all about the food. Disney might help with that remedy.


Sea World/Belmount: I'm disgusted you'd bring this up. They torture their wild life! Joking aside, unless you need the credits, this wouldn't be my first choice. Manta is a REALLY good coaster so there's that. Belmont is a nice little boardwalk park with a nice beach, but the Giant Dipper isn't a very comfortable ride IMO.


Universal: I'd wait a couple if years until Potter opens.


Disney: Good food great rides. Go for this.


Hope this was helpful.

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  Someotherguyuser said:
  Robocoaster said:
Extreme Awesomeness!! Wasn't able to make it last year, but will be there for this one.


Now, what to do as a Friday add-on: Disney? Universal? Seaworld/Belmont? Or finally make the L.A. County Fair?


Decisions, decisions...

Personally, I would go for Disney.


LA County Fair: Let's face it. We all are going for just the food. There's some nice exhibits, but its all about the food. Disney might help with that remedy.


Sea World/Belmount: I'm disgusted you'd bring this up. They torture their wild life! Joking aside, unless you need the credits, this wouldn't be my first choice. Manta is a REALLY good coaster so there's that. Belmont is a nice little boardwalk park with a nice beach, but the Giant Dipper isn't a very comfortable ride IMO.



Universal: I'd wait a couple if years until Potter opens.


Disney: Good food great rides. Go for this.


Hope this was helpful.


I'm trying to make a longer trip out of this. I want to go to Disney, Universal and SeaWorld additionally... I haven't been to the west coast since I was a baby so I want to do all I can!!

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  Robocoaster said:
Extreme Awesomeness!! Wasn't able to make it last year, but will be there for this one.


Now, what to do as a Friday add-on: Disney? Universal? Seaworld/Belmont? Or finally make the L.A. County Fair?


Decisions, decisions...


We are in the planning stages for this and since we are coming from a couple thousand miles away we are making a vacation out of it. We're looking at the Los Angeles City Pass which if purchased at Universal includes 2 days there, a day at SW, and a 3 day hopper pass at DL for $328. Do you have time for that or just the one day?

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  jlines said:
  Robocoaster said:
Extreme Awesomeness!! Wasn't able to make it last year, but will be there for this one.


Now, what to do as a Friday add-on: Disney? Universal? Seaworld/Belmont? Or finally make the L.A. County Fair?


Decisions, decisions...


We are in the planning stages for this and since we are coming from a couple thousand miles away we are making a vacation out of it. We're looking at the Los Angeles City Pass which if purchased at Universal includes 2 days there, a day at SW, and a 3 day hopper pass at DL for $328. Do you have time for that or just the one day?



That's pretty much what I'm thinking about doing since I'm flying in from South Carolina. That seems like an awesome deal!!!

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Currently I have just Friday and I will need to be back to work Mon eve in Vegas. It is possible that I can take Thursday off as well, but that's a big unknown until about three weeks out.


I already have Disney on the books for early August with some friends from WA and their kids, (though I wouldn't be averse to going back at all; love it), couple that with PPP in early October (missed it as well last year, and FT frickin' opened!!), and work is, well, not thrilled that I want to take time off in early August for Disney, then again in early Sept for WCB, and some more time in early Oct for PPP (wait till they hear how I would like to go to IAAPA in Nov, lol). Anyway, more time off in Sept isn't likely to get approved.


So for now, Friday is up in the air. I may just leave that way and see where most folks are ending up on Friday, and make that my add-on. Would be cool to meet y'all!

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  Maplepancake said:
  Someotherguyuser said:
  Robocoaster said:
Extreme Awesomeness!! Wasn't able to make it last year, but will be there for this one.


Now, what to do as a Friday add-on: Disney? Universal? Seaworld/Belmont? Or finally make the L.A. County Fair?


Decisions, decisions...

Personally, I would go for Disney.


LA County Fair: Let's face it. We all are going for just the food. There's some nice exhibits, but its all about the food. Disney might help with that remedy.


Sea World/Belmount: I'm disgusted you'd bring this up. They torture their wild life! Joking aside, unless you need the credits, this wouldn't be my first choice. Manta is a REALLY good coaster so there's that. Belmont is a nice little boardwalk park with a nice beach, but the Giant Dipper isn't a very comfortable ride IMO.



Universal: I'd wait a couple if years until Potter opens.


Disney: Good food great rides. Go for this.


Hope this was helpful.


I'm trying to make a longer trip out of this. I want to go to Disney, Universal and SeaWorld additionally... I haven't been to the west coast since I was a baby so I want to do all I can!!


I really hope everyone from out of town has a chance to experience everything you all are planning in Southern California. All these parks have so much variety that I know it will cater to all the wide ranges of experiences everyone wants. Enjoy your trip you guys, see you all in September!

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^Just from my own experience-I personally like to stay closer to the park or right next to it as it makes the late nights/early mornings - especially considering the hihgly unpredictable nature of So Cal traffic -flow more smoothly. I have always stayed at the same two hotels: the Holiday Inn Express across the street from SFMM the night before the day at SFMM:


Holiday Inn Express by SFMM


And then the night before Knott's I always stay at the Knott's Resort Hotel; if you have an annual pass, they used to have a discount on the room for that. It is a nice hotel and literally steps from the park:


Knott's Hotel


I have also heard good things about this one:


Holiday Inn Buena Park


Also-if you are flying in, I highly recommend trying to fly into John Wayne (SNA) as opposed to the horror of LAX!

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I always stay at least once a month at the Knotts hotel. Yes the season pass holders still get a discount. I booked Knotts hotel for Friday and Saturday night and holiday inn express for Sunday night next to magic mountain

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I had so much fun last year, I for sure will do whatever it takes to make it this year! I'll probably convince my friend to go who hasn't been to Knott's in years and has never been to SFMM. We were going to plan a fall trip to SFMM for her first time, would be sick if her first could be at WCB!!


I'm going to make an enthusiast out of her one way or another! This is the perfect plan.

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One word.... AWESOME!!!


I was starting to wonder if WCB wasn't happening this year. Last year was totally awesome! Best WCB event that I had visited so far. And now with Knott's on Saturday this year...this has the makings of an EPIC event.


A few pix from last year...



Coasters and girls...who could ask for anything more?




Caution: This is what happens when your phone flies out of your back pocket and smashes to the pavement below on Green Lantern. Lesson learned - Use the cubbies :)


Our Gang!


Hmmm... I don't recall seeing that shop at Knott's


I'm starting to see a theme happening at Knott's

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