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What is your Favorite Coaster Manufacturer?

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Poor Giovanola. Zero votes. haha I think Goliath and Titan are good coasters. But I suppose they don't really have a large enough roster to be a favorite.


Why does everyone always forget about this beauty? Made by Giovanola and looks pretty cool, like Goliath and Titan are. Basically, I agree that Giovanola deserves more credit and does make some nice coasters. But I still think B&M and Intamin are my favorites. Lately I've liked Intamin more so I voted for that in the Poll.




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But I still think B&M and Intamin are my favorites. Lately I've liked Intamin more so I voted for that in the Poll.


Sorry I had it in the back of my mind but forgot to mention it.

But yes it does deserve more credit. And i'm the same way. B&M and Intamin are definitely my favorites as well.

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Intamin, and it's not even close for me. According to Mich Hawker's rankings, 5 of the top 10 Steel and 5 of the top 10 wood are ... you guessed it, intamin. Think about that, the #1,3,4,5,8 steel and #1,3,6,8,10 wood. B&M is great and all, but they don't even make woodies, let alone the best.


To me, its between B&M and Intamin. To compare, I look at the best of each company as well as their overall ideas/rides.

B&M basically have 5 types; looping (including floorless and standup), hyper, Dive Machines, Inverted, and Flying.

Intamin have 9 types; looping, hyper, inverted (inc. impulse), launched, bobsled, 4-D, halfpipe, (pipeline), and wooden. They have 8 types currently operating (pipelines are gone).

So Intamin have the greater variety of rides. They also have more overall coasters, 115 to 77.


Comparing types, B&M definitely has the better loops (opinion) and inverted (loopers). They have Dive Machines and Flying coasters, which Intamin does not. I have yet to ride a Dive Machine, so I can't comment on that, however, I have ridden several of their fliers and I find them very boring.


Intamin has the better Hypers (opinion), has great launched coasters, some of the worlds best wooden coasters, and a slew of other types of roller coasters.


I would say that the two companies are fairly close, when considering steel roller coasters. I'd probably give the slight edge to Intamin for their extremely strong lineup of hypercoasters and launched coasters. However, the fact that Intamin ALSO makes some of the world's best wooden coasters, where as B&M doesn't do wood, puts Intamin clearly in the #1 spot for me.

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I (Corey) voted for B&M. They may not have the geatest track layouts, but the pure design is incredible. Compare Vekoma's much maligned SLC with ANY B&M Invert. NOT EVEN in the same league. Compare Vekoma's rickety Flyer with a B&M Flyer. NO CONTEST. And who has ridden a Togo or Intamin Standup? I hear they suck. As far as Hypers go, Intamin may have an edge on B&M (maybe).


As far as Intamin and CCI goes, they've had some misfires to go with thier great ones. (SFMM Superman:TR & Flashback, La Ronde's Cobra & Dragon for Intamin, Pipelines; Twisted Twins and Villain come to mind for CCI)


MY favorite RIDE & MAKER (and Danielle's write-in vote): Voyage -GRAVITY GROUP


honorable mention: Giovanola. Goliath is a masterfully designed ride, only failing in the fact that it maintains its momentum sooo well that it requires a screeching mid-course break run. I can only imagine Titan's revamped layout rocks & I can't wait to someday rde it. With only one other coaster in South Africa, how can anybody really gauge them.

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Goliath is a masterfully designed ride, only failing in the fact that it maintains its momentum sooo well that it requires a screeching mid-course break run. I can only imagine Titan's revamped layout rocks & I can't wait to someday rde it. With only one other coaster in South Africa, how can anybody really gauge them.


After a couple rides on Goliath it becomes instinct to brace yourself on the seat on the MCBR as well as main brake. But I wouldn't go so far as to say "screeching " stop. But maybe I am just a bit biased.

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Unfortunately I haven't had the liberty of riding many other coaster types.


B&M - Does not really like to invent many new concepts, many of their models are highly safe and reliable because they're based on tried and true concepts.


Arrow - Highly innovative coaster company, they introduced corkscrews, as well as innovative designs like the hyper and stand-up and especially the tubular tracked steel coaster.


Schwarzkopf - Created the clothoid vertical loop, Schwarzkopf rides are known for being highly intense and an endangered species in the coaster industry.


Intamin - Probably the most innovative coaster company of all time. They created/imoroved so many different coaster concepts. They've pretty much designed almost every single coaster type known to man and more. Not to mention Intamin gave birth to B&M!


GCI - Known for making sexy-looking wooden coasters with sexy trains, GCI is highly regarded as one of the better wooden coaster companies.


GG - Known for building highly intense large wooden coasters that break records like Hades and Voyage. Coasters are also sexy-looking like GCI.


I've only been on B&M and Arrow unfortunately. Hopefully I'll be able to ride more.

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  • 10 months later...

Intamin dominates. They have such a wide variety of choices. While B&M is good too, it just seems to be clone after clone after clone. Of course, most of that is pointed toward Six Flags parks. I really hope to see a few more hyper-twister roller coasters in the future.


My Rankings:


1. Intamin

2. Intamin

3. Morgan

4. Intamin

5. B&M

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I picked Schwartzkopf because without them we would not have the vertical loop!


Didn't Corkscrew at CP open 8 days later?! I could be wrong however! Speaking of which, I chose Arrow! More first for them than any other company including first steel(Matterhorn), inversion(Corkscrew KBF), Stand up trains(River king mine ride/Railblazer?!), Suspended trains beneath rails(Bat)(XLR8)(Big Bad Wolf), Hyper(Magnum), and 4D(X/X2)


When I get off an Arrow like Vortex at KI or Magnum at CP, I just feel thats what a rollercoaster was meant to feel like!

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For steel coasters, Intamin is my favorite followed by B&M. For wood coasters, CCI and GCI both have some pretty good designs, so I can't really pick a favorite. However, I have yet to ride a Gravity Group or an Intamin woodie.

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Arrow Dynamics.

Probably the most innovative company for it's time.

They did so much for the coaster industry, like creating Mega Loopers, Suspendeds, and Hypers.

But too outdated by today's standards of Intamin and B&M. They still have thier appeal, (Minus the headbanging!)

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Arrow Dynamics.

Probably the most innovative company for it's time.

They did so much for the coaster industry, like creating Mega Loopers, Suspendeds, and Hypers.

But too outdated by today's standards of Intamin and B&M. They still have thier appeal, (Minus the headbanging!)


I think arrows pretty cool too. They've done so much for the industry. Ron Toomer was such an awesome designer.

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I gotta say Intamin, especially based on their multiple positions on my steel poll and #2 position on my wood poll. B&Ms are still great, although they tend to be a bit redundant a bit redundant. Arrows have just aged horribly. I don't think the censor will allow me to give my true feelings on Vekomas.


There's no question that GG is my favorite woodie manufacturer, as GCI is the B&M of woodies with being redundant with being redundant. CCIs are typically good, but are a little hit or miss because they can be incredibly rough later in their lives.

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