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The Knott's Berry Farm (KBF) Discussion Thread

P. 651: Montezooma's Revenge project terminated?

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Loved this update. One of my goals in life is still to be a chainsaw guy at one of these events for an evening. Though I suppose I could just roam around my neighborhood with a chainsaw, though I doubt it would be the same. And likely involve a lot more paperwork...




If that ever happens, I'm so there as a spectator! But will probably be made into a victim.


Great update to a great event as well Robb! Thanks again to Knotts, TPR and Miceage for putting an extremely fun night together, and making my first ever haunt event so memorable.


Glad peer pressure prevailed and you went in!

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^Its really just a personal opinion. They both offer a different atmosphere and different style. I think Knotts is more fun then scary and HHN is the opposite, being more scary then goofy fun. Youll have to go this year to find out

That pretty much sums it up really. The reason I love them both, and all haunts across the country (Cedar Fair, Universal, Busch Gardens) is that they are all so different. So I would recommend trying Halloween Horror Nights for anybody that hasn't and try Knott's for people wo haven't.

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^I know you didn't ask me, but I have been to both events. First I would like to start off saying that in 2009 Horror Nights was definitely the better of the two events, while in 2010 Knott's was the better of the two. This year, though, I believe they are tied, with Knott's maybe having a slight advantage.

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I'd have to say that HHN is by far better organized and presented than Haunt...but as to which one is better? I think it comes down to personal preference. I would say that Knott's can afford to reasses their event, and focus on the quality of their mazes more than the quantity of them. Why have 13 good mazes whn you can have 7 GREAT mazes? I look at things like that when comparing Universal's event to Knotts'.

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HHN is much scarier than haunt, but Knott's is arguably more fun. My personal advice is to go to HHN this year(go to knott's as well if you can) and then next year do knotts with TPR/Micechat! I had such an amazing time at Knott's thanks to the awesomeness of the group I was with... totally worth the money with all the exclusives, delicious food, and VIP perks! A great day was had by all!

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I'd have to say that HHN is by far better organized and presented than Haunt...but as to which one is better? I think it comes down to personal preference. I would say that Knott's can afford to reasses their event, and focus on the quality of their mazes more than the quantity of them. Why have 13 good mazes whn you can have 7 GREAT mazes? I look at things like that when comparing Universal's event to Knotts'.

I think all of Knott's mazes this year are great except for the Doll Factory and Terror of London houses. Again just personal opinion though. Universal's houses this year were spectacular all around, with Wolfman being the weakest and The Thing and Hostel were not quite as good as La Llorona Alice Cooper and House of 1000 Corpses.

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I'd have to say that HHN is by far better organized and presented than Haunt...but as to which one is better? I think it comes down to personal preference. I would say that Knott's can afford to reasses their event, and focus on the quality of their mazes more than the quantity of them. Why have 13 good mazes whn you can have 7 GREAT mazes? I look at things like that when comparing Universal's event to Knotts'.

I think all of Knott's mazes this year are great except for the Doll Factory and Terror of London houses. Again just personal opinion though. Universal's houses this year were spectacular all around, with Wolfman being the weakest and The Thing and Hostel were not quite as good as La Llorona Alice Cooper and House of 1000 Corpses.


^ agreed all the mazes this year were good except for the doll factory and i found Dia de los muertos a disappointing maze this year. I didnt get a chance to go in terror of london this year. I found Haunt this year a disappointment because i went friday september 30th and the monsters were just talking to other monsters and just walking around not even scaring anyone. Alot of the mazes had nobody controlling the lines so id be stalled in the same spot in the maze for about 2 minutes because the mazes were so crowded. Going to HHN hope its better than Haunt was this year

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I'd have to say that HHN is by far better organized and presented than Haunt...but as to which one is better? I think it comes down to personal preference. I would say that Knott's can afford to reasses their event, and focus on the quality of their mazes more than the quantity of them. Why have 13 good mazes whn you can have 7 GREAT mazes? I look at things like that when comparing Universal's event to Knotts'.

I think all of Knott's mazes this year are great except for the Doll Factory and Terror of London houses. Again just personal opinion though. Universal's houses this year were spectacular all around, with Wolfman being the weakest and The Thing and Hostel were not quite as good as La Llorona Alice Cooper and House of 1000 Corpses.


^ agreed all the mazes this year were good except for the doll factory and i found Dia de los muertos a disappointing maze this year. I didnt get a chance to go in terror of london this year. I found Haunt this year a disappointment because i went friday september 30th and the monsters were just talking to other monsters and just walking around not even scaring anyone. Alot of the mazes had nobody controlling the lines so id be stalled in the same spot in the maze for about 2 minutes because the mazes were so crowded. Going to HHN hope its better than Haunt was this year

Your complaints are the exact reason I go on off-nights. The monsters are into it because they aren't harassed by drunks or teenagers and the line control is perfect, and the monsters don't see as many people so they interact more with you.

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The OC Register interviews new / returning Knott's executive Kaprelyan, who hints at improvements that will make Knott's a must destination once again:


Raffi Kaprelyan made lots of memories at Knott’s Berry Farm, from sweeping the grounds, to running rides to working as a Haunt monster.


Then, as now, his job is to make sure the people stepping through the park’s turnstiles each day take good memories with them when they head back to the parking lots. As the newly-appointed general manager of Knott’s Berry Farm, he promised changes are coming to ensure that will happen.


What changes? Kaprelyan, 49, wouldn’t give specifics, but pledged they will be impressive.


The rest: ocresort.ocregister.com/2011/10/12/new-chief-promises-new-thrills-alongside-old-charm-at-knotts/89973/


Hyper / giga? He doesn't say. Any guesses when will they announce what's coming?

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^Actually, I tip my hat to him. He really hit the ground running as the new GM. I don't know anything about future attractions, but subtle things like soft closes for attractions during Haunt (All rides now close with the park, instead of "this attraction will close at"), designating Ride Operators and Ride shiftleaders to continuosly monitor/clean queues, modifying and enforcing costuming/grooming guidelines. At least to me, it seems like Raffi is raising, or at least attempting to raise the bar for all employees and bring the park to a standard we all complain that it should be.

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but subtle things like soft closes for attractions during Haunt (All rides now close with the park, instead of "this attraction will close at")


This is VERY appreciated! I was busy taking pics for TPR when I was at Haunt, and wouldn't have gotten any rides in without this policy. I walked right past the "This attraction will close at" sign after the time on the sign and got on the ride. I had no idea it was because of the new GM. I thought they just messed up and forgot to close or something haha. But yeah, rides closing with the park is how it should be, and is appreciated by the customers!

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I won 4 tickets for Halloween Haunt from a radio station. I called the radio station to check on the tickets, and they told me they are for Halloween night. I dont think we can go on Halloween night. Do you think knott's would do anything about changing tickets for a different date? even if I can pay the difference?

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I won 4 tickets for Halloween Haunt from a radio station. I called the radio station to check on the tickets, and they told me they are for Halloween night. I dont think we can go on Halloween night. Do you think knott's would do anything about changing tickets for a different date? even if I can pay the difference?

I'm not sure you can change them because it's the radio station who you won them from, maybe you can call and ask but you never know.

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