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The Simpsons Tapped Out

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Dropped eggs off to those I know are playing frequently, And I will also only be sending Lisa to Other Springfield. Really liking that this updates a bit more involved than just visit and click 3 buildings in all my friends Springfields.

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Do the practice snakes ever actually do anything like in their pictures? I bought one for my carnival area thinking it'd do something cool but it ended up just being a really small and dull decoration. Could've been an opportunity for them to add an extra mini-game as well.

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I'm going to get myself all studied up on how this whole snakes and eggs deal works and start into it. I just got the update last night and was too tired to spend any time messing with it. For the record, I will not take anything from anyone's Springfield and I will leave whatever gifts I'm able to. I would certainly appreciate the same in return. Thanks in advance.

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I've been leaving eggs in towns that have characters doing Whacking Day tasks or a bunch of the new decorations placed. So far, Homer running around with his stick seems to be the easiest to find. As for Lisa's task, I have only been sending her to Other Springfield.

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I know I haven't stolen, it's most likely the glitch. Some have claimed it's tied to certain players, which is why I tried it on someone with a crapload of ghetto (Jeff) but it didn't deduct any snakes from my inventory. Then I just went in and dropped some eggs off at Joey Ray's and sure enough when I returned to my town my snake count went from 366 to 356! Not sure if it has to do with the amount of detail and decorations in his town or what. Heck, it's EA so it could be pretty much anything and everything!

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Ok. I just dropped eggs at:









All the stuff I've been reading here has made me cautious, so I've been going back home after every visit (trying to break the pattern). Still lost 2 snakes with Robb, and 5 with Joey.


I'm guessing that it's a random glitch, and we shouldn't sweat it. Hopefully this and the XP glitch will be straightened out shortly.

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Robb - tried to spell out 'TPR' in eggs in your town but it was kind of a mess after the 'T'...


This update has definitely made the game more interesting, though it hasn't fixed my game progression glitch. My 'egg-leaving' signal is 3 in a row near the Kwik-E-Mart.

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This update has definitely made the game more interesting,

Yeah, it really has. This kind of thing is *exactly* what the game needs, but not as an "event", but as a regular feature. But it's great to know that something like this exists and hopefully it might turn into that someday.


I'll be honest, I've barely played the game since the Valentine's stuff ended. I've been setting my guys on 24 hour tasks, and probably forgetting about them until like 36 hours later. I even had for the first time since I started playing at the end of September where I missed a day playing and the game yelled at me for it! lol


But this event is certainly giving me hope for more mini-games and expansions later on down the road...

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Amy just visited my town and didn't lose any eggs. Weird. I agree that this definitely makes the game more interesting. It's a lot more involved, but you can still play it casually if you want.

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^ I'm convinced that the game is just in a long-term beta test period and won't ever be fully "developed"


Totally agree. I lost about 70 snakes visiting other people's town. I gained about 200, but it should have been closer to 300. Pretty annoying to lose that many with how much longer it takes to visit the towns.

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I got my license to whack last night, so early this morning after clearing my town of snakes after a night of rest I decided to visit a few towns. Picked up between 3-5 snakes in 3 different towns (some didn't have many or I didn't have time to look too hard). On visiting my 4th town I noticed my count went from 480 to 475, whacked only 5 snakes there and then returned to my town, my town that I had just cleared of snakes not 5 minutes ago now had 5 more snakes running around!

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^Yeah so reading up on it this is the readers digest version of what I found out:


- DON'T visit other towns until you have your license. You will 'lose' snakes. This is because when you visit towns the game will sometimes release some of your snakes into that town for you to catch. This is why even if you don't have an expert license you can sometimes catch more than five snakes in the town you're visiting. The five allowed plus the ones it released from you!


- Once you have your license you still may lose snakes when visiting other towns. These snakes will be taken out of your count and released in either that town or your town. Once you whack them all back again you may lose because you may get some eggs instead of snakes. This is not a bug, just part of the game which I actually think is somewhat interesting and makes it more challenging.


Hope this helps!

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Tested this out over the last few hours and it all does make sense.


I'd say in about half the towns I visited I would randomly hear the snakes hiss, and then my count would all of a sudden drop by 5, but there would be 5 extra snakes in the town for me to whack. That being said you get snakes about 66-75% of the time and eggs the other so you can LOSE snakes.


BTW, I'm pretty much caught up on visiting all my friends and I made sure to leave eggs for everyone! Hope you're all doing the same.

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I've got about 100 eggs accumulated to send out later today, people recently active in this thread will be my top selections since I know many of you have dropped eggs off in my town recently. I'll leave them near your hospital or in a "D" somewhere if you don't have a hospital or someone already dropped some off there.

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