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Major League Baseball Thread


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^ Thanks for that.


I love his honesty, and many of his views on fans and management seem valid. However, here's the rub: "The Players Association and the commissioner's office have a certification program for supplements and have advised players to stick to the list, lest they risk suspension and potentially millions of dollars. Arroyo has heard the warnings, but they haven't changed his mind, according to the report."


Dude, just a thought, but you may wanna shut your trap until your career is over, you've finished walking that fine line, and management is done signing your big paychecks. Again, just a thought.

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This past Saturday, September 12th, we drove up to see the O's take on those dreaded Yankees.


The trip would be my second game to NYY to see the O's, the first of the year. Everybody else who went had never been to an away game before.


None of us were expecting an O's win...


One of these things is not like the others (I'm not in this pic)


Picking my nose outside Yankee Stadiuk with a giant pink finger after the O's beat NYY 7-3


Seventh Inning Stretch O's lead 6-1


This woman yelled at me for clapping when Brian Roberts hit a grand slam. I wasn't being loud or anything, just clapping the slam and she went ape shit on me.


View from our seats


Tah Dah

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  • 2 weeks later...

^ Seriously? Bitching at you because someone on your team made a big play? I would have shoved her from the top deck.


After an eternity, Bobby Cox is retiring from the Braves at the end of 2010. It will be a sad day indeed. I know for most people in Atlanta kicking Bobby around is their favorite sport. He will be missed when he is gone and we have someone like Terry Pendelton leading the Bravos.


I for one hope they can bring back Freddy Gonzalez from the Marlins.

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^I'm all about trash talking...but it's kind of hard for a Red Sox fan to say "Yankees suck" when they won the division and clinched the best record in the AL...


That is the WHOLE reason I said it. They don't suck, they are the opposite of suck and I can't stand it. I WANT them to suck, but they never do!

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^I feel sorry for you because I am a born and raised Yankees fan! Hopefully the Red Sox beat the Angels in the ALDS because the Yankees have always done bad against LA. However I am very happy that they took the last series against the Angels in LA! I call the ALCS right now. Red Sox VS Yankees & the Yanks will take the series 4-1 and win the World Series against my NL pick the Rockies in a 4 game sweep. My NLCS pick will be the Dodgers VS Rockies & the Rockies will win the series also 4-1. As for the playoffs in general. AL The Yanks will defeat the Twins (yes I think the Twins will beat the Tigers to get in) & the Red Sox will beat the Angels. In the NL the Rockies will beat the Phillies & the Dodgers will beat the Cardinals.


Let's go Yankees!

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Tigers tend to turn better in the tension of the AL Central race, we're a great pressure team and we lead so far tonight 4-2 in the 4th. The Twins are now two games away from elimination and are hanging by a thread to their so wanted playoff hopes.


Tigers will win the central, as we are the better pressure team. The Twins have the pop, but not enough pop.

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Yeah, I'm not to confident for my team in the playoffs. Unless Beckett gets healthy real fast, Lester pitches perfectly, and Matsuzaka returns to '08 form, I don't think we will get far. I also don't think we will win any game that Varitek starts. He can't hit or throw anyone one out. The Angles are going to have a field day running on us if they get on base.

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Yankees or Red Sox, it doesn't matter.


The St. Louis Cardinals will win the WS. Best pitching staff in the game (thanks to the best pitching coach in the history of baseball in Dave Duncan) and great offense. The Matt Holiday trade is what made the team even better then they already were.

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Yankees or Red Sox, it doesn't matter.


The St. Louis Cardinals will win the WS. Best pitching staff in the game (thanks to the best pitching coach in the history of baseball in Dave Duncan) and great offense. The Matt Holiday trade is what made the team even better then they already were.


3 years can do alot to a team that was considered High School level three seasons ago. Detroit's being the same way this season, maybe we'll repeat the bill?

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Beautiful win by the Marlins tonight, a crushing blow to the Braves. The only way I could be happier is if they were in first place and headed to the playoffs. Oh well killing the braves this week has been fun enough.




I knew that this "race" was too good to be true. I even went ahead and bought tickets to the Nats game on Saturday hoping for some good luck in the mean time. I feeling like throwing those in the shredder now. I don't know WTF Matt Diaz was doing over there on third base last night, auditioning for Dancing with the Stars?


We still have excellent pitching for next year with Vazquez, Hanson, Jurrjens, Lowe and Hudson. Need atleast one bat to go with McCann.


BTW Joe, It's not very healthy to drink that much Hatorade at 5 in the morning

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I guess the Yanks will have to kick the Tigers a$$ in the ALDS. No big deal they were 5-1 against them this year & swept them at home. Thankfully they have home field advantage as well Joba is also very good against the Tigers. His record was 2-0 this year with a 1.25 era against them I think (they were talking about it during last night's game I just know it is around 1!).


Breaking new, this just in, "Yankees Suck".


This just in, Boston sucks.


Calm down my friend the Red Sucks aren't going anywhere this post season. No need to start an argument when there is nothing to argue about.

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