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What bands need to go away?

Sir Clinksalot

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I agree with the two posts above me.


Edit: I think Avenged 7x-Really annoying songs

Van Halen-You guys were good in the 80's. But not now anymore.

My Chemical Romance-First album was ok, but I didn't like Black Parade.

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Panic! at the Disco is decent. They're unapologetically pop and some of their songs are pretty good for what they are.


...Fall Out Boy. They came to play at my school last semester and they were absolutely terrible live. Just awful. It was like watching a train wreck with cool lighting and pyrotechnic effects.

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Backdoor Boys, er, I mean Backstreet Boys - I'd like it that way if they covered the The Sound Of Silence for the rest of their career.


Ha, ha - an Australian interviewer at a press conferenece actually referred to them as the Backdoor Boys, they were not amused.

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^Wes and his gangsta crew would get beat up by Kidtums let alone adults.


Matchbox 21 would be best advised to go buy an island and count their dollars, please no more music.


Celine Dion, why won't she disappear?

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  downunder said:
^Wes and his gangsta crew would get beat up by Kidtums let alone adults.


I think I have a slight advantage at least until Kidtums can walk. After that, it's all over.


Soulja Boy is unabashedly stupid, but I do think "Crank That" is enjoyable on a base level, simply for making a hook out of a hilariously terrible sexual act. But yeah, Soulja Boy is awful.

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  sfotkid said:
  socalMAN123 said:
Panic! At the Disco needs to die. And so does Fall Out Boy.



Oh come on! Im sick of people bashing my two favortie bands!

I think there are far worse off bands the Patd and FOB


Totally agree! It seems that when a band gets "popularized", many people just seem to automatically dislike them. I remember when I first heard Panic! At The Disco 3 years ago and I thought they were really good. Not a fan anymore because I don't like that genre of music anymore (more into electronica/indie/alternative now) but I wouldn't automatically detest a group simply because they've become famous. I mean, when Fall Out Boy and P!ATD weren't really known, everyone who DID know them loved them. Funny how that works.

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  Yankee cannonball said:
dragonforce. everyone I know thinks they kick butt because they've only heard through the fire and flames (there's a difference?). apparently they have never listened to the drums on any dragonforce songs. and all the songs are the same damn thing!


Not only that....they are absolutely CRAP live!

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^^^ i have to completely dissagree ^^^

they put on the best show ive ever see even tho they are not my favorite band

they put freaking beer bottles on the mic stands w/ straws so they can drink and play - good stuff but not the reason theyre the best


who should go away?

#1 - NICKLEBACK - need i say more

from there

kenny chesney, tim mcgraw, 3 days grace, seether

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It's just not bands that are a problem at the moment, it's music all together. Mainstream is falling apart and is basically shilling out complete crap, while the lesser known stuff is pushed to indie release and forgotten most of the time.


Hopefully most bands will go the Radiohead way and cut out the record companies and release their music the way it should have been all along

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