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What bands need to go away?

Sir Clinksalot

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  • 5 months later...
  CommanderLock said:
First of all, lets kick Simon back to Britain and let him do Idol there instead of here, first of all.

I think Metallica and most of the heavy metal bands need to go. Dragonforce can stay, though. I say give Linkin Park one more chance.

Avenged Sevenfold seems to be doing well.


Anything that's been played for more than 5 years on the radio, also, might need to go.


Personally, I love techno/Electronica. Moby, BT, Celldweller, Hybrid, and so on. We need more of that. Proves you don't need to rap about "I'm a gangsta!" for 30 songs on a single album. I'm, quite frankly, sick of rap. It needs to go. NOW.





thank you for noticing that avenged sevenfold is great and linkin park is still good

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  Goliath513 said:
Rap should dide

Green Day - They should have just given up after their hits in the 90s.



Yes, Rap should go crawl in a hole and die



And Green Day


American Idiot- 2004

Boulevard of Broken Dreams - 2004

Bullet in a Bible - 2005

Jesus of Suburbia- 2006

Working Class Hero- 2007


Yeah, Sure give up in the 90's

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People who dismiss the entirity of the rap and hip-hop genres as bad, or needing to go away, are laughably ignorant and closed-minded, especially those who paradoxically trumpet the praises of modern electronic/techno music and nu-metal.



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Sure, there is a lot of rap or hip-hop that sucks something wicked, but you'll find that anywhere. Just listen to any pop radio station for an hour and you'll see what I mean. Even if you don't have an appreciation for rap, it's hard to deny that there are rappers out there that are ridiculously talented, whether it's musically, poetically, or both.

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I wouldn't ban anyone for having an discussion/argument on a subject unless the person resorted to blatant flaming or trolling.


As a person who enjoys all types of music (not as a mod of this site), I'm sick of kids who know very little about rap saying dumb crap like the entire genre sucks. Criticize individual artists all you want, but rap has and will remain a relevant, creative style of music. Current mainstream hip hop has more creativity and freshness that current mainstream rock does.

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]^^ I dislike most rap that you hear on the radio these days, especially the rap with really bad repetitive lyrics (Looking at Soulja Boy's direction). However I really enjoy some of the more underground stuff, for example the Hilltop Hoods are perhaps one of my favorite bands/groups at the moment.


They are worth seeking out, actually


AC/DC. were they ever really relevant?




And Green Day


American Idiot- 2004

Boulevard of Broken Dreams - 2004

Bullet in a Bible - 2005

Jesus of Suburbia- 2006

Working Class Hero- 2007


Yeah, Sure give up in the 90's


I can't work out what your trying to say here, that Greenday releases to many songs? That they should have stopped preforming in the 90's? That your severely misinformed, and that you believe that these are all albums that Green Day has released recently? Bizzare.

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Well, of course not. But the only flaws we have right now are caused by those who defy the principles of the Founding Fathers by openly speaking out against their very own government. Luckily, though, those flaws can all be eliminated if they just move to another country. It all averages out to the same thing, right?

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  Wes41190 said:
IAs a person who enjoys all types of music (not as a mod of this site), I'm sick of kids who know very little about rap saying dumb crap like the entire genre sucks. Criticize individual artists all you want, but rap has and will remain a relevant, creative style of music. Current mainstream hip hop has more creativity and freshness that current mainstream rock does.


I admit it, I have to get gangster and listen to some random rap song somtimes.

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  sfotkid said:
  Wes41190 said:
IAs a person who enjoys all types of music (not as a mod of this site), I'm sick of kids who know very little about rap saying dumb crap like the entire genre sucks. Criticize individual artists all you want, but rap has and will remain a relevant, creative style of music. Current mainstream hip hop has more creativity and freshness that current mainstream rock does.


I admit it, I have to get gangster and listen to some random rap song somtimes.


No, you should just stop being so closed-minded about music. The whole genre of rap contains some of the most powerful lyrics ever written. Granted there are some bad rappers and songs out there, but you still shouldn't base a whole genre of music on three or four songs you heard on the radio.

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