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Top Films of 2011


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Were there ten new SyFy Scinema Saturday movies this year?


Seriously though, I don't go to the movies anymore and just read detailed spoilers of the ones I'm interested in. Eventually I see the movies on TV. That may sound weird to people, but I like to read and don't like to waste time and money so this method works well for me!

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I did not see very many movies this year. From your list, the only two I saw were Insidious and Super, both of which I enjoyed a lot. I also liked Super 8 and Sucker Punch. A lot of movies I saw were just "OK" (Thor, Conan) at best. I am planning on seeing The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo in the next week or so, which I'll probably enjoy.


I rarely go to the movies any more, and just wait for stuff to come out on DVD or be on the OnDemand on my Fios, so I don't have to deal with idiots. The only thing I can think of for 2012 that's going to make me go out to see a movie is Prometheus.



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1. Drive

2. 50/50

3. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

4. Young Adult

5. Insidious

6. Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows

7. Super

8. Contagion

9. Bridesmaids

10. Rango


Numbers 1-5 were pretty easy to rank, but it became much more difficult to rank with 6-10. The majority of good movies I saw were released in fall/winter. Unlike previous years, there were no huge summer blockbusters that I fell in love with.

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Don't have any specifics, but my favorites were:


War Horse

Super 8



I also just got back from my friend's spectacular full length film Night Sights:


It's a student film he did this past summer, the trailer is worth a look for sure. Not to mention Tom Virtue (Transformers) is in it!



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-No Strings Attached

-Gnomeo and Juliet

-Bad Teacher

-Larry Crowne

-Puss in Boots 3D


-Mr. Poppers Penguins

-Harry Potter and the Deathy Hallows, Pt. 2



Can Burn


-Conan O'Brien Can't Stop

-Meeks Cutoff

-Atlas Shrugged Pt. 1

-The Change-Up

-Justin Beiber- Never Say Never

-How Do You Know

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harry potter pt.2




The Descendants

war horse


tree of life

sucker punch

just go with it


sherlock holmes

transformer: dark of the moon


we bought a zoo

crazy stupid love

the guard

capt america

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  • 3 weeks later...

I usually don't have a lot of time to go out and seee a movie. I usually get them on DVD if I think they are interesting or watch them on PPV. I think I only saw 3 or 4 movies all year.. Favorite of those ..


Captain America

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1-3 are interchangable for me, I thought that they were fantastic! I was hoping to check out more movies since I tend to do reviews for my friends on Facebook, but I found there to be a lack of time and not many movies caught my interest. So here's what I put in order of interest with #11 and #12 scraping the bottom under the category: Horrifically bad!


1. The Artist

2. Drive

3. Rango

4. Kung Fu Panda 2

5. Horrible Bosses

6. Super 8

7. Thor

8. Cowboys & Aliens

9. Pirates of the Caribbean

10. The Green Hornet


11. Battle: Los Angeles

12. Transformers: Dark of the Moon

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I saw 17 movies in theaters in 2011, about an average amount for me. Here's my list from best to worst (gaps indicate a large spacing in my enjoyment level).


1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2


2. Hugo

3. Source Code

4. Super 8

5. Mission: Impossible-Ghost Protocol


6. Drive

7. Water For Elephants

8. Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows

9. X-Men: First Class

10. Captain America: The First Avenger

11. Thor


12. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

13. Tower Heist

14. The Big Year


15. Limitless

16. Transformers: Dark of the Moon

17. The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn-Part 1


I didn't see any absolutely horrible movies this year (although the bottom three were pretty bad IMO), and Harry Potter is the only one that I've thought was good enough to buy on DVD. The top 5 are movies I'd recommend seeing (except Harry Potter if you aren't into it, as you'll be lost if you haven't seen them since at least the fourth one), 6-11 are decent, and are worth watching if you're into them, 12-14 really aren't that great, and avoid 15-17.

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Watched 50/50 tonight, phenomenal flick. Probably the best I saw this year. Also thought Drive was excellent, and Horrible Bosses was hilarious. Super 8 was just ok, Source Code wasn't that great. Unknown was decent, but seemed like another "Taken." Adjustment Bureau was dreadful. I can't remember what else I saw, but that's it for the ones I remember.


Edit: Rise of the Planet of the Apes was a lot better than I thought it would be.


Edit 2: Just remembered I saw Ides of March. Thought it was pretty good for a political thriller, although the "twist" was a bit unnecessary and somewhat contrived. Still enjoyed it though.

Edited by Skycoastin Steve
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The list of movies I want to see is larger than the movies I have seen. I'm still catching up on 2010.


Of what I have seen...



1. Beginners

2. 50/50

3. Bridesmaids

4. Midnight in Paris



5. Young Adult

6. Weekend

7. Super 8

8. Horribles Bosses



9. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II

10. Bad Teacher

11. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides


Wow. I have only seen 11 movies from this year.


I still need to see A Separation, The Artist, Hugo, Contagion, Meek's Cutoff, The Help, Tree of Life, Hanna, Moneyball, The Descendants, Melancholia, Shame, We Need to Talk About Kevin, Drive, War Horse, Rango, Albert Nobbs, My Week with Marilyn, Certified Copy, Margaret, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, A Better Life, Warrior, Bullhead, Project Nim, and Rise of the Planet of the Apes. (I already made a list)


I don't really want to see The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Ides of March, The Iron Lady, and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, but probably will.


But yeah. My 2011 list is terrible. My 2010, 2009, and 2008 lists I'm proud of. But not this one...I really need to see more movies...

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2011 was pretty slow movie-wise. Three movies total, 2 good, 1 pretty bad.


In order:


The Good: Sherlock II, Moneyball


Sherlock pretty much took everything the first wasn't able to do (still an awesome movie), and improved upon them. All of this while adding a plot much deeper than the original. The supporting actors/actresses were all great- especially Sherlock's brother.


As for Moneyball, I had no idea how they would turn a book that was pretty much behind the scenes, and dealt heavily with sabermetrics. They did, and it worked well. I got to see this one at a screening hosted by Richard Roeper of Ebert and Roeper.


The Awful: Horrible Bosses.


I wanted to like Horrible Bosses, but it wasn't to be. There were a handful of parts that made me chuckle, but that's about it.

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