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Robb Alvey on the Jeff Rubin Jeff Rubin Show!

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If you're familiar with http://www.collegehumor.com then you might be familiar with The Jeff Rubin Jeff Rubin show! I was invited on the podcast a couple of weeks ago to talk about theme parks, roller coasters and random stuff!


It's pretty hilarious podcast. Please check it out and post your comments! Here's the link:



I'm told the "enhanced" version for iOS devices is even more amazing:






Edited by robbalvey
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Very quality interview, I was entertained for the whole hour. I do have to say Robb, you have the perfect way of, for lack of a better term, "dumbing down" coasters for the average person. I've brought many of your terms into conversations with friends to help them understand coasters better.

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I do have to say Robb, you have the perfect way of, for lack of a better term, "dumbing down" coasters for the average person.

It's always interesting have to switch from "geek mode" to talking in "GP Mode." I'm glad you thought it all sounded ok. Had to remind myself that I wasn't talking to someone "in the know" the whole time.

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That was most definitely awesome. I hope for similar stuff like this in the future.


You know, there was some stuff you said about the TPR trips somewhere around the beginning that I think a lot of people would take interest too, including myself. You mentioned something about, "all you have to do is be smart enough to get a plane ticket to the starting location, leave your brain at the door, and we'll do the rest." After you said that, it made me really want to go on a trip next year. And from how you described ERT as well.


Overall though, it was fantastic. Entertaining for both, GP-like people and us enthusiasts.

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Rob that was a great interview and a very enjoyable hour on the podcast. I think it really helped that the Jeff Rubin was semi knowledgable about theme parks and roller coasters and it made it easy to continue to relate to Great Adventure. But he also talks about Universal, Disney and Canada's Wonderland. The ride designer leaves a little bit more to be desired (monotone and boring at times, but jesus that Star Wars ride concept kicked ass), but I think the best part was the discussion about rollbacks. His response was priceless, hopefully you will have a chance to get on more of these as it was really quite enjoyable.


PS really neat to know that about the Roller Coaster Tycoon series

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I do have to say Robb, you have the perfect way of, for lack of a better term, "dumbing down" coasters for the average person.

It's always interesting have to switch from "geek mode" to talking in "GP Mode." I'm glad you thought it all sounded ok. Had to remind myself that I wasn't talking to someone "in the know" the whole time.


Another thing I've noticed is the restraint you have. Whenever somebody gets me on coasters I want to bring up every coaster I think of and go on tangents and they end up looking at me like "When is this nut going to shut up?"

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