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Yosemite national park death

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From the Park service : http://www.nps.gov/yose/parknews/vfallsar11b.htm


From BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-14227816


Extremely tragic, what amazes me is the fact other visitors were telling them that they weren't doing the brightest thing. I've been to the top of vernal falls (access point The Mist Trail) 3 times. I have seen people do stupid things but nothing that has ever compelled me to actually tell people to stop doing what they are doing. I just feel so bad for the families.


Shows the mist trail in it: http://www.nps.gov/yose/photosmultimedia/strenuousvalleyhikes.htm

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Darwin at work here.


There are quite a few interesting books out there called "Death at the Park" or something like that about all kinds of interesting deaths at the National Parks. Yellowstone has some of the most gruesome ones!

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There are quite a few interesting books out there called "Death at the Park" or something like that about all kinds of interesting deaths at the National Parks. Yellowstone has some of the most gruesome ones!

Agreed. The one with the kid falling into Crested Pool was pretty nasty, namely because the Park Service only recovered 8 pounds of him.


As for this incident, people need to exercise common sense when visiting places like Yosemite. The barricade was there for a reason, and these people paid the price for their ignorance. It's still sad that they had to die for it.

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Yeah, sorry, but the more information that comes out about this the less I feel sorry for them.


Three twentysomethings, tons of people screaming and warning them once they CROSSED THE BARRIER!!!! Then one of them falls in and the other two try to grab him and they fall in too.


I feel bad for the children and people that had to witness this stupidity and will have their faces and screams etched in their minds from now on.

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Living near Niagara falls, I understand how dangerous running water can be. The currents both above and below the falls are VERY strong. About once every year or two we hear about somebody needing to be rescued from the rapids.


In addition, while on the whirlpool jetboat tour we saw three "twentysomethings" standing out on the boulders just feet away from the rapids. The captain took the boat near them, passengers waved at them, then the capitan yelled at them over the loudspeaker telling them to head back upland. If they fell, not only would they be swept in... but they would be forced downstream towards the outlets of two hydro electric generating plants and then past a suspended cable which marks the "point of no return," past witch coast guard will not even attempt to save you.


Basically it all comes down to common sense. Your body is no match against millions of gallons of water pushing towards you at 10+ mph.

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Very unwise, I've camped at Yosemite 4 times, and there is plenty of caution needed there. When I last did half dome they were saying people have gone outside the chains to get past slower hikers and met unpleasant ends falling off the rock.

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Just to let people know, the Death on the wall, the book about the people tripping on acid on top of half dome. A lot of the information in that is wrong. One of my instructors at my school was a park ranger at yosemite when that happened and he read that book. When I started talking about he said that the information was wrong. So I believe him considering he was there.

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There are quite a few interesting books out there called "Death at the Park" or something like that about all kinds of interesting deaths at the National Parks. Yellowstone has some of the most gruesome ones!

So true! I've sure been deeply disturbed by at least a couple of those stories.


As for this incident, people need to exercise common sense when visiting places like Yosemite. The barricade was there for a reason, and these people paid the price for their ignorance. It's still sad that they had to die for it.

Quoted for agreement.

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I knew the natural selection and all that stuff would come up in this thread but lets try not to delve to much into that area.

Why? The fittest survive. The idiots jump a fence and fall off a waterfall. It's pretty clear here....

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I knew the natural selection and all that stuff would come up in this thread but lets try not to delve to much into that area.


I agree that nobody deserves to die because that would mean that anybody could say that about anyone for any reason.


In this case with the three people it's just a horrible accident that shouldn't have happen.

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Here are some pics I took last year in New Hampshire of some morons. The helicopter twirl and the woman with the baby right at the edge of the cliff sickened me.


We were also at Yellowstone the week before the guy got mauled by the bear and for some reason, this didn't surprise me. I couldn't believe the morons that would stop their cars right in the middle of the road, back traffic up for miles while they got out of their cars to take pictures of bears and buffalo. I don't think I have ever heard my Dad drop the f-bomb so many times in my life!


And would me hollering "GORE HER, GORE HER!!" out the window at a woman that was less than four feet from a Buffalo herd with babies taking pictures be a little too unkind and uncaring???


Also watching a guy stick his hand into one of the hot springs to see how hot the water was will also be etched into my minds as one of the most moronic things I have ever witnessed in my life. I think he was lucky to still have flesh left on his skin after that!


This clown thought he was impressing everyone by jogging up the mountain road and then seeing how close he could get to the edge.


"Like, I wonder how far down that drop is?"


"Honey, the baby wants to see how high up we are!"


"This is SO going on Facebook as soon as we get home!"


"I'm King Of Teh Mountain!!"

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