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TPR's Front Page - What do you like/dislike?

Do you think TPR's Front Page needs updating?  

190 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think TPR's Front Page needs updating?

    • Yes - New hotness, please!
    • No - It ain't broke - so please don't break it!

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My biggest issue right now is that when I look at the page on a wide screen monitor I think to myself "What can I do with all that empty space on the sides?"


I mean, how many people out there DON'T have a widesceen monitor these days?




I'ts really hard to make a website scaleable in that direction. Almost every website in existence is fixed width. It can be done it's just better not to so the site always looks the same for everyone.


I realize this - what I mean is - look at how the forum uses the space versus the front page. Yes, there is still some blank space there, but phpbb3 was created with wider screens in mind, and make use of that option. It's something that *could* be applied to the front page as well.

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I mean, how many people out there DON'T have a widesceen monitor these days?




My "Lame" streak continues. I don't, but only because I have my work monitor on my desk as well, and a widescreen won't fit on my desk with that monitor.


Gregg "I guess I could get a new desk, but I don't wanna right now" C.

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I realize this - what I mean is - look at how the forum uses the space versus the front page. Yes, there is still some blank space there, but phpbb3 was created with wider screens in mind, and make use of that option. It's something that *could* be applied to the front page as well.


Its actually one of the few things i dislike about the forum, i think its too wide. I keep my windows rather small and have 10 things going on, but i also realize i am in the minority when it comes to this.


1. Do you think it even needs updating at all?

Not really, i think it does its job very well, updating things like fonts and logos is all aesthetic and i dont really care about that stuff as long as the the overall shape and randomizer doesn't change too much.


2. What elements of the front page do you really LIKE, and would hate to see go away and/or change.

I think im with almost everyone else here saying the randomizer. Part of me wishes it went to the forum post for more recent TR's and that more TR's were on it, a good mix of new and old.


3. What elements do you feel are MISSING from the from the front page?

Perhaps its because i work on 'adult' sites so much and have to program an agree/disagree page so many times but i feel like TPR needs one with that disclaimer on it, and an agree button so first time visitors actually read it!


4. What other changes would you suggest?

See Above.

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I would add A section for announcements and possibly a randomizer. Also, a separate section for TPR updates and maybe a "Park News, Trip Reports Ect." section or something like that!


If you are feeling fancy you could possibly put some links at the top to the Theme Park Index or a Forum or even to the TPR Store! If you did this the site would be perfect!


on a serious note, please don't change the homepage at all. It has been my favorite site for a while and I wouldn't change a thing.

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1. Do you think it even needs updating at all?

Not at all, i'm usually on the front page for only a minute at the most then jump to forum/updates/etc.


2. What elements of the front page do you really LIKE, and would hate to see go away and/or change.

I love the randomizer and wouldn't want to see it go, or changed. I would perfer it not to go to modern updates because it's opened me up to many of your older updates and they're interesting and fun to read. It also helps kill boredem


3. What elements do you feel are MISSING from the front page?

Nothing i can think of


4. What other changes would you suggest?

Nothing. It's easy to use and navigate on, really inviting and attractive...yeah etc,etc


P.S.- i actually would like the black background to stay, Mostly because it doesn't burn my eyes out of the sockets like some other websites do. That's actually one of the things i really like about the front page and the rest of the site is the color scheme that doesnt kill my eyes when i go on it.

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I voted "it ain't broke...", but a little polishing of the graphics/colors wouldn't hurt. I just like looking at pretty sparkly thingees. And yes, I DO use the front page to see what's going on!


P.S. Just noticed that Oatmeal reference, AWESOME!


Yep, it is sparkly....

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1. Do you think it even needs updating at all?

The front page doesn't need any major upgrades, but a few minor changes wouldn't hurt. As others have already stated, these are primarily aesthetic changes.


2. What elements of the front page do you really LIKE, and would hate to see go away and/or change.

Almost everything that is there now. The Random Stuff, TPR Updates, and Park News sections are things I frequently use, and the menu bar looks about as perfect as possible.


3. What elements do you feel are MISSING from the front page?

At the moment, nothing. However, if the Game Exchange and/or Coastertube became popular enough,it might be a good idea to give them a column for featured updates.


4. What other changes would you suggest?

Remove or relocate the search bar, as that is the one part of the homepage that looks awkward to me. Other than that, everything looks outstanding.

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What I wish you would do is get rid of the huge 100 page threads for parks.

I totally get why this could be frustrating. But the flip side was equally as frustrating - when we'd have 20 or so threads all about the same park that were all over the place.... and then if one of those 20 threads were buried a few pages away from the front page of the forum, someone would start ANOTHER thread that would be the same as a discussion that was already started.


It just became necessary to have a "park discussion thread."


It was either that or have completely separate forums for different parks, but then we'd have so many different forums that it would just be confusing.


A lot of time and thought went into when we did this, and to be honest, they have cut down on the amount of duplicate threads, confusing threads, and threads we have had to lock.



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Hey Robb,


When I visit TPR, the first thing I do is check the right column for neat updates. I never even look at the left column or the random trip generator (even though the random trip always seems to be your trip to Williams Grove).


An update I would see as 'worthy' would be to keep the right column for new and exciting PTR's, and maybe incorporate the fabulous new Park Index to the left side...like, maybe listing the most recent index additions or even a 'TPR's top parks' or something like that. The look can totally stay the same in my opinion as I am not one for big changes.

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1. No. I really like how it is set up now. Also, since there is no 'mobile' site I don't know how much a wider screen or other added changes would affect viewing the site on a smart phone or iPad.


2. I really like the two update columns.


3. A larger disclaimer. Some people still don't get it.


4. Hot chick of the day!

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Visiting Theme Park Review's front page with the layout staying the same for the past 1/2 of a decade has hit a nostalgic note in me. Although in another opinion, I feel like different foreground and background colors would compliment the website's logo better.

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1. Do you think it even needs updating at all?

--> Yes I do. As said before, there's too much scrolling necessary and because of that, it seems like everything is a bit crammed, while you lose a lot of space on the sides


2. What elements of the front page do you really LIKE, and would hate to see go away and/or change.

I think random is pretty cool, but I'd love to see more news features on the front page. Although that'd mean a different focus for TPR, which might not be necessary


3. What elements do you feel are MISSING from the front page?



4. What other changes would you suggest?

I'd just change the structure. Below I added something in Paint to give a better impression of how I would change it.


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I have a standard monitor at home and a widescreen at work, and honestly, the extra space doesn't really bother me. I don't think I even really noticed it until it was pointed out in this thread. Also, I fear change!


I like the way the page is laid out now. I know where everything is, and I know how to navigate it easily. But if it's updated, I'll figure that out, too.

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1. No. I really like how it is set up now. Also, since there is no 'mobile' site I don't know how much a wider screen or other added changes would affect viewing the site on a smart phone or iPad.


2. I really like the two update columns.


3. A larger disclaimer. Some people still don't get it.


4. Hot chick of the day!


Really Joey - hot chick of the day? That's what you are giving us?? What about a hot fattie of the day or a hot daddy of the day or something?


Robb - I really like it the way it is. It's the first thing I log on to in the mornings at work (after taking care of e-mails and such) and after 6 years - it's like home...know what I mean? That being said - you guys have never let me down with an updates and changes - so I have no fear that anything done will be great as well.

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When it comes to the layout - if it isn't broke, don't fix it.


But, maybe it might be a good idea to give it an aesthetic refresher, maybe more in line with how the new Park Index looks.

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1. Do you think it even needs updating at all? Honestly, no.


2. What elements of the front page do you really LIKE, and would hate to see go away and/or change?The overall look and layout in general.


3. What elements do you feel are MISSING from the front page? I couldn't necessarily suggest anything specifically, but I'm not opposed to minor tweaks here and there if you all felt they enhanced things. BUT, again, I wouldn't mess with the current format......it just feels like home.


4. What other changes would you suggest? I guess I'm just in the "If it ain't broke..." camp. I'm one of those people that usually go straight to the forums of the sites that I frequent anyway, since that's where the heart of the site is. I'll skim the front page every now and then, but everything I'm searching for is on the boards....and the forum index page is what I have bookmarked.

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I like TPR. I agree with the comments above that the front page is excellent and that it needs no tweaking. In fact, I'm very at-home with the site. The only change that I'd recommend making at this point is the 'Online' banner in the forum, rf that's possible. I don't like how it crosses over part of my avatar and title.


Otherwise, I'm fine with the site right now. I'll post again if I find something I don't like.

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When it comes to the layout - if it isn't broke, don't fix it.


But, maybe it might be a good idea to give it an aesthetic refresher, maybe more in line with how the new Park Index looks.



This pretty much sums up my feelings as well. Perhaps integrating it and the game exchange a bit more would help make the site feel more unified. Other than that, I love the front page and I see no real reason to change it.

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Voted Yes. Change is always good. I don't mind the layout however I wouldn't mind if you stretched it out a bit. Just don't get rid of grey on black color scheme whatever you do. That's always been TPR. Kind of archaic but who wants another website full of white and bright colors.

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I'm primarily a lurker but I visit the site at least once a day. Here are my responses:


1. Do you think it even needs updating at all? Updating the graphics as others suggested would be my only suggestion.


2. What elements of the front page do you really LIKE, and would hate to see go away and/or change. Random Stuff. Announcements. Park News, Trip Reports, Etc.


3. What elements do you feel are MISSING from the front page? Unless I'm just not seeing it, a visible log-in section on the front page. I see the log-in section when I click on a trip report but not on the front page.


4. What other changes would you suggest? Remove the Theme Park Review Update section. In my opinion it seems kind of redundant since there's already the Park News, Trip Reports, Etc. section.


Unless there's something about the purpose of this section I'm not aware of --- like if a trip report gets updated after it's initial posting then it's placed here.


That is all.



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I love the format of the Front page, all of the information I am usually looking for is usually right there. I also do like th look of the front page and it does feel "home" because I've been reading here for so long that Ive just gotten used to it. With that being said I think that doing something to modernize the look of the site a little would be a bad thing. I'm not a web designer or artist so I really don't know specifically how to modernize the look, I just think that maybe a little update to the look (not necessarily the format) might be a pleasant change. The web site as is looks just a little dated I guess.


One thing that I think might be useful to some people would be some sort of drop down links under the main link for the forum and park index and trips link. The forum link could have a drop down menu that directly link you to the specific forums, or even directly to some of the forums more popular threads (SFMM discussion, Big Mike Roadshow, Shanes Attic, Eric and Smisty's Florida Oddventure, the discussion thread of whatever the hot new coaster everyone is discussing is like cheetah hunt or NTAG). I guess a direct link would only really save you a few seconds in reality but to me the forums are the meat and potatoes of the site in general, so any type of easier access is good.

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Honestly, I love TPR,but I think it's got to be one of the worst looking sites I visit. It's too 'early 2000's website-y'. TPR really needs to be modernized. I'd love it if it wasn't so dark.

What I find interesting about reading this comment is that I was actually expecting quite a few people to say this exact same thing. But the reality seems to be that the majority think the site does NOT need a huge overhaul. Which is one of the reasons why I posted this question in the first place.


I mean, I guess I'd really like to know some honesty here - do most of you agree with this statement, but just don't want to say it, or do you really think that if the site needs any updating at all, it's more of "minor tweaks" and less of a "major overhaul?"


Again, I'm all about gathering as much information as possible before we do ANYTHING as I've seen to many other sites do completely stupid stuff and make huge, sweeping changes, that only frustrate their readers, without adding much benefit.


If you're going to make huge changes and frustrate me...DAMMIT! MAKE IT WORTH IT!!!


--Robb "Hi Facebook...how's it going?" Alvey

Edited by robbalvey
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I halfway agree, I wouldn't call the site ugly but it certainly isn't the most visually appealing site Ive ever seen. It is very dark, and I guess plain is the description I'm looking for, very plain. The early 200's websitey description is fairly accurate. I wouldn't change the format all that much but I think an update to the look would be nice.

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