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"The Tampa 14" or....


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I ran into this awesome story on The Smoking Gun. What I find more amazing than the story is the photos of these 14 girls. Wow, these are some of the nastiest chicks I've ever seen!


I really REALLY hope I don't ever get desperate while in Tampa!




--Robb "Which one would you choose....if you HAD to?" Alvey


What's up with this one? Is this the Terminator of prostitutes?!??

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I got a comment. You can tell which ones were picked up for exposure, and which ones for prostitution. Example... HERPES on #6, Fat on #10, Left-eye-lopez #12 scuffled with the under cover john, and #14 just looks like one, since nobody would pay to see THAT dance. LOL

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Not nearly as scary as some of the women I've seen featured on various HBO programs about similar subjects...


would that be the HBO series showing prostitutes on the streets with narration by a guy who always talks in rhyme? that got annoying after awhile. "pimps on a roll, hookers on a stroll." and so on and so on.


fortunatly South Park made a parody of that.

"ho's walk the streets, with corns on their feets."

"broken dreams and no ice creams."


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