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The "Say Something Random" Thread


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That 'R.A. worship' thread was kinda scary -- but let's put a twist on it.

Electronic PartPaintInternational Business


What's your religion, if you have any?


It doesn't have to be serious...or legitimate.


For example, I'll start.


I worship the gods of art and technology called 'Bang and Olufsen' and 'Apple' I guess my house of worship is WDW?


Who's next?

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Roller coasters are made of steel or wood. They have no brain. Which means they have no sexual orientation. And if they did have a sexual orientation, they'd be Bisexual as both straight and gay people enjoy roller coasters.

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So many kids from Wichita high schools have been dying in horrible ways lately


Two years ago, a guy from my school was on his way to school, got in a fender bender. He had been out of the car for a bit talking with the other driver. then a car came and hit him into the guardrail, and he died.


A year ago, a kid was skateboarding and a car ran a red light, hit him and killed him.


One year and a day later, someone from the same school died too. There were 5 girls in a car on lunch break, they drove past someone who flashed a gun at them, they hit a tree. She got out of the car, but the driver backed up and ran her over. That was really hard on the school, since they were remembering a previous death already.


Just this weekend, a van with two girls from one of the high schools here, their younger brother, and their mother were driving, then an SUV going the wrong way on the turnpike hit them head on. Only one of the girls survived. Her sister was her best friend, they went to school together. now she's all by herself. How awful is that?


Ugh. I hate death

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