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Photo TR: Maiden Voyage of the Disney Dream!

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Just AMAZING! Thank you so much for that in depth report! I have been dying to take a cruise of some sort, but keep booking non cruise items. I was just saying the other day that I was looking to possibly go Sept 2012. I was originally looking into Carnival Destiny. (I think this is the one...the biggest of the Carnival line), but you have me trying to figure out how to get my husband to go Disney! (He is not a Disney Fan Boy at all!!) I think that there is enough on this ship to sway him!


Thank you again for posting!!

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The ship does look really fun for adults, and kids! Being that it is almost twice as large as the original ships, did it ever feel crowded? Being that you went on a previous cruise, could you tell a difference with the number of people on the ship?


Also, this might seem odd, but what kind of beer do they serve on it? Is it the normal Bud Light type stuff or do they have quality craft brews?


Thanks for the quality pictures! It honestly makes me want to max out the credit cards and take a vacation!

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My parents said my family was too old to do a Disney cruise, blasphemy. She knows I am a huge disney fanboy, but were going to Hawaii instead, so I guess thats not a bad alternative. This ship has inspired me to get married at some point just so I can book a honeymoon on this ship! Wow! Awesomeness!

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I have NEVER seen a ship with this before! They have these high powered below water lights that make it look like the sea is glowing around the ship.

Some of the larger private megayachts have had these for awhile. It's a great look, and definitely nice to see them make their way to the cruise lines!


Great report, Reed!

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This was absouletly fabulous! You took amazing pictures and detailed a lot of stuff. We are going on the Dream on March 31st and it can't come soon enough. I love how you ate 2 meals some nights. That is something I would do as well. I don't want to miss out on anything!

Can I ask what camera you used. It took great pictures. I have a point and shoot and an DSLR I am taking, but I am thinking about buying another point and shoot since the one I have is pretty out dated now.

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^We're basically doing the Allure and Freedom this year for the cost of a 7 night cruise on one of the new Disney ships.


We'll have to do the Disney Fantasy in 2012 though, KT is BEGGING to go on the ship and stops whatever she's doing when she sees the commercial on tv!

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Looks better than I thought. I've been interested in a cruise, and even being a big Disney fan I still felt like ignoring DCL all together (Lots of little kids drives me crazy!) But of course like everyone else is saying, it looks incredible! Thanks for sharing. Disney should give you another free cruise from all this advertising you've created.

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