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The "Rant" Thread


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I am deeply, deeply sorry for what happened to your friend and her boyfriend, and my prayers go to both their families.


I hate alcohol, I hate everything about it. Now, because of it, one of my friends might die.


After what happened to your friend, it's quite understandable that you hate alcohol. But you must remember, that it's the people and the decisions they make, that is to blame. Sure, alcohol DEFINITELY warps your mental state of mind, but if you are responsible (ie: NOT drinking/driving) and are with people who are also responsible, alcohol isn't that terrible of a thing. I have been drunk many times in my life, and even at my drunkest, I've known better than to NOT put myself behind the wheel and risk my life and the lives of others on the road... or a sober friend (there should always be someone not intoxicated) was there to take care of me and the others. It's all about the decisions you make.


Just putting that out there.

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After what happened to your friend, it's quite understandable that you hate alcohol. But you must remember, that it's the people and the decisions they make, that is to blame. Sure, alcohol DEFINITELY warps your mental state of mind, but if you are responsible (ie: NOT drinking/driving) and are with people who are also responsible, alcohol isn't that terrible of a thing. I have been drunk many times in my life, and even at my drunkest, I've known better than to NOT put myself behind the wheel and risk my life and the lives of others on the road... or a sober friend (there should always be someone not intoxicated) was there to take care of me and the others. It's all about the decisions you make.


Just putting that out there.




Anything you do has to be responsible and in moderation. I see stuff like this so many times it's not funny. I remember coming home from a night out and having to slowly go around an accident scene that happened minutes earlier and there were bodies on the interstate from people drinking and not wearing their seat belt. South Florida is one of the areas where you have to pay attention and wear your seatbelt because some people are so careless and reckless in their decision making.


Lord knows there have been a time or two I've been so torn down I could only crawl around (not in years though); but I know better not to get behind a wheel when I could barely walk or staggering around. And I definitely know to always wear my seatbelt when driving. I won't put the car in drive until all my friends have their seat belts on.


I feel bad for the situation your friends are in, but it should serve as reminder. Your friend may not be able to learn from this experience, but you and others definitely should.


Terry "Someone else is driving me around for my 40th birthday so I can get drunk for a change" Weaver

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^^^I'm also very sorry to hear about the accident.


At the same time I also have to agree with ^&^^, I don't see alcohol as a bad thing, or at least when the people who drink it are responsible.


It sucks about your friend and her boyfriend, but at the same time they both made bad choices under the influence of alcohol/drugs. My view is that it is terrible what happened, but it would have been a lot worse if someone else had been killed instead, a completely innocent bystander. Hopefully reading about the accident may one day help other people to think before they drink and drive, or get into a car with someone who is about to. It might just save their life.

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Today in my Social Science class, my teacher pulled a mean, but pretty funny prank on us.


So we get into the room, and she starts handing out these flyers. So she tells us to read them thoroughly. They said something about how the budget cuts are effecting the schools and how low students grade averages are. So the flyer said that we could turn in $.10 and get one extra point on a test, and we could turn in as many as we want for one week. So everybody in my class was really happy, saying "they didn't have to do homework for the rest of the year!", and I even got a bit excited. What's really mean is that she let it go on for about 20 minutes, with everybody getting psyched about it. But then someone asks a question about it, like "Does it start next week?" And my teacher says "Nope. It doesn't start at all! Gotcha!"


Apparently it's this prank that she pulls every term on her students, because we're getting into the unit about Renaissance Europe and how they paid for indulgences that promised a gateway to Heaven but did nothing. So this was a sort of indulgency, apparently.


But it was pretty funny.

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wow, my science teacher is stupid. for one, she was showing us a rock for our rock mineral project. she says "this rock is in your books, on page 93!" I read the caption "says here it contains high amounts of lead." she's tossing the rock between her hands "what'd you say?". another example, we watch a movie about eclipses. the teacher goes over to the DVD player "how do you turn this thing off?" "I'd reccomend the off button." then we take an online quiz on eclipses. In big flashing red letters it says PRESS F5 TO CONTINUE!!! she blankly stares at the screen, then yells "how do you continue?!?!?!?!"

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I can't stand my co-worker! I'm at work right now and she's sitting like 10 feet from me. She's extremely rude, racist and annoying. She treats customers like crap, has an obvious problem with all types of minorities and she insists on talking to me all the time about her stupid kids! Her son is a moron, who is always getting into trouble and she feels compelled to tell me about everything he does. Then asks everyone what she should do to straighten him out. People give suggestions and then the next thing you hear is that she gave him money to go to a concert or out with friends. On top of all of it, I can't fake being nice or even tolerant of her this early in the morning! What a crappy way to start the day.

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1. I got an F on a stupid fill in the blanks thing where any word could have worked. now I tell my mom so she'll sign it and she says "how many other Fs have you gotten that I don't know about?"


2. me and my friends wanna make some cash selling chocolate my friend makes. but parents and teachers and all adults seem to see selling anything in a bad light. why? why in the name of god why?

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I have to respond to some of the posts a ways up regarding alcohol.


First of all, I'm sorry to hear about that crash.


Second: "...but if you are responsible (ie: NOT drinking/driving) and are with people who are also responsible, alcohol isn't that terrible of a thing. I have been drunk many times in my life, and even at my drunkest, I've known better than to NOT put myself behind the wheel and risk my life and the lives of others on the road..." (Bucket)


The trouble is, too many don't have such judgment.


I don't drink personally, and I have no problem with people who enjoy a beer, a cocktail, or a glass of wine. Maybe two. But beyond that is utterly ridiculous. To get smashed out of your mind is asking for trouble.


Sorry for the lecture, but we've lost an unusually high number of kids in our town because of drinking and driving in recent years. Perhaps I'm a bit sensitive, too, because I have an 18-year-old that I'd like to see live to be a ripe old age.



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My David is leaving for Minnesota tomorrow morning. Visiting family of his, for a couple of weeks.


I'm sad, mainly because he's going to be near a few parks, and he's not interested in coasters, at all!



Sad, so sad.

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I don't drink personally, and I have no problem with people who enjoy a beer, a cocktail, or a glass of wine. Maybe two. But beyond that is utterly ridiculous. To get smashed out of your mind is asking for trouble.



If you don't drink, then I really don't think that's your observation to make. If a person isn't responsible when they've drunk too much, then they don't need to drink. I'll have a drink or two when I'm out (spaced with water so I can help flush it out and keep my complexion together), but I don't get drunk when I have to drive. If I'm blowing off steam and someone else is driving, then I have more flexibility in my choices. But ultimately you still have to somewhat responsible for your actions.


For me, drinking was never a big deal; heck I took sips from the beer my father gave me when I was 10 years old. So it was something that I never had to sneak around to do. By the time I got to college, it wasn't a big deal and I didn't have to drink to get drunk. But then if wanted to crawl around slobbering with the gang, then why not? As long as I got good grades and it wasn't distracting me, I could.


I will say for those young people that do drink or party "hardy", remember: you only get one face. All that stuff ages you and goes directly to your face. You'd be surprised how many people younger than I have to hide in the shadows because they'd partied so much that they got tons of wrinkles and black marks under their eyes. It's not pretty.


Moderation always works. Not only will you be responsible, you'll keep your looks longer.



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The trouble is, too many don't have such judgment.


I don't drink personally, and I have no problem with people who enjoy a beer, a cocktail, or a glass of wine. Maybe two. But beyond that is utterly ridiculous. To get smashed out of your mind is asking for trouble.

I think to say that 2 drinks is the limit between acceptable and utterly ridiculous is unfair, some of us can handle 3 or 4 or 5 or even 6 drinks just fine. If you want to say that getting wasted drunk is utterly rediculous, fine, but don't attach a number to it

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^ That's fair; I shouldn't have put a number on it. But too many people are irresponsible with alcohol, so limiting yourself is good advice.


Back to peeves: People who "ax" you questions. Like "dis" and "dat" mentioned above, saying "ax" for "ask" is just lazy English.



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Bah. Work sucked today. Perilous Plinge was down for OVER HALF the day, something with the restraints.. So when it gets back up and running, it seems the most attitude ridden people had to ride.


People climbed over chains, over handrails.. Stuck their arms outside the boat when told not to, did it more..


Not going to assigned places.. @_@


My coworkers not communicating properly.. And then a vending machine ate my five dollars!



Oh yes, and people calling me GUY. @__@

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^ Finally, someone who feels the same way I do!!!


I can't stand how ignorant people are these days. Especially young teenagers (middle school age). For example, the other day, these morons, again in my P.E. class, started to have this huge, 20-man crumpled-up-paper fight in the back of the gym. They kept it going for an unbelievable amount of time, and FINALLY the teacher stopped them. And then the next day, what do we get? Absolutely nothing. Because people forgot to turn in a test. A FREAKIN' TEST THAT EVERYBODY TOOK. And those people had to redo the test with all of us waiting on the gym floor, doing nothing. It sucked bigtime.


Woah. Rant attack.

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I had to handle large buckets of hydrochloric acid today at work, wearing nothing but some sun glasses, flip flops, a bathing suit, and a t-shirt. Have you ever inhaled the fumes from acid that strong? Not cool.


The stuff was slightly diluted, but it was still strong enough to give me small burns on my hands and holes in my shorts from when some would splash out of the buckets,



99% of the time I have to coolest job ever, but stuff like that just makes me complain.

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I hate it when my workmate spends all of yesterday smoking, making tea and learning the bosses job when there is a HUGE pile of typing that needs doing (which she is paid to do) and then doesn't come into work today because she has a migraine!



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This morning on my way out, I dropped my breakfast out on the front walk while juggling everything I had to take with me. Unfortunately, there was no time to remake it, so I had to stop at good ol' McD's.



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