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The "Rant" Thread


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  Nrthwnd said:
people using their cellphones, etc. on sidewalks, and NOT bothering to look up.... .


I work downtown Chicago, and I constantly encounter this on the streets -- people staring at their phones, not watching where they are going. When they approach me on my side of the sidewalk, staring down at their damn white iPhones, I intentionally slam into them extra hard and tell them to watch where they're going. It's fun.


Bonus points if they're tourists.

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  Duff said:
  Nrthwnd said:
people using their cellphones, etc. on sidewalks, and NOT bothering to look up.... .


I work downtown Chicago, and I constantly encounter this on the streets -- people staring at their phones, not watching where they are going. When they approach me on my side of the sidewalk, staring down at their damn white iPhones, I intentionally slam into them extra hard and tell them to watch where they're going. It's fun.


Bonus points if they're tourists.


That's a great way to get your face beaten in. Yeah, people gazing into their phones as they aimlessly shuffle about is irritating, but it's no excuse to be a misanthropic, obnoxiously confrontational dickhead.

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^What's worse? Bumping against a person... or an on-coming car? The way I look at it, I'm teaching a valuable lesson to be aware of your surroundings. Especially in a busy city where you could easily get hit by a car if you're not watching where you're going.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My grandmother of 99 years just passed away today. She has been in critical health for 4 years so we knew this day was coming, but it hit very hard. I am very very sad as she was a wonderful and unique person.

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  Duff said:
  Nrthwnd said:
people using their cellphones, etc. on sidewalks, and NOT bothering to look up.... .


I work downtown Chicago, and I constantly encounter this on the streets -- people staring at their phones, not watching where they are going. When they approach me on my side of the sidewalk, staring down at their damn white iPhones, I intentionally slam into them extra hard and tell them to watch where they're going. It's fun.


Bonus points if they're tourists.


COUGH douchebag COUGH.

Seriously though. You sound like a dick.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Right now., in my mind, SOCIAL MEDIA has totally wrecked (and not as in Wreck-It Ralph)


"The Art of Anticipation" when it comes to future

and past coasters that were/are to be built.


Grrrrrrr. I loved it better, much better, when we didn't have as much info sources.

And new attractions were a genuine surprise for all involved.


1995, Indy's Adventures at Disneyland was one of the last to enjoy this kind of stuff.


Not any more, sadly.

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OK, I know I'm only 13, and my input on the election isn't 100% accurate, but this seriously pisses me off.


In case you didn't read it, Clinton is classifying Pepe the Frog- a stupid meme- as a white supremacy symbol.


WHAT? HOW??? WHY?????????

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  Duff said:
  Nrthwnd said:
people using their cellphones, etc. on sidewalks, and NOT bothering to look up.... .


I work downtown Chicago, and I constantly encounter this on the streets -- people staring at their phones, not watching where they are going. When they approach me on my side of the sidewalk, staring down at their damn white iPhones, I intentionally slam into them extra hard and tell them to watch where they're going. It's fun.


Bonus points if they're tourists.


People run into me way too often. Where are you at? I'm on Michigan and Lake!


I am really annoyed by the Lyft promoters downtown on almost every popular corner. All shouting about the "50 dollars off the first ride" thing. Nothing against the individual, it's Lyft putting people out there. And outside music concerts/venues. I don't think people understand that hardly anyone is qualified for $$$ off their rides.

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  Nrthwnd said:
Life sniffles. hate em.


Fixed that to reflect my life! Having 2 cats that I am highly allergic to make for breathing during normal life awful, and it never fails that I will sniffle, sneeze, cough, and feel like I am dying 90% of the time. Thankfully the allergy medicine helps . . . a little. . . Very, very little.

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i dont have an rants exactly but i will list things that annoy me.

-people who take unnecessary long to do what ever they are doing such as using the bathroom,backing up from a parking spot,not going when a light says go,getting their stuff rang up at the store,people getting ready to leave the house etc

-when the track pad on my laptop registers right clicks instead of left clicks and i cant click on anything until i get ride of that stupid right click menu! it doesnt help my track pad doesnt have physical buttons! its a flat black panel...and i dont always have my mouse with me. My laptop is touch screen however its not always 100% accurate especially with my stubby fingers.

- the fact that computers arnt advanced enough yet to read or mind or/and patterns instead of always reminding you how bad your spelling is and underlining every other five words with that read line..i know phones do that but not normal computers. and if you just ignore said misspellings people will judge you for it sadly

-people telling you have to change for them or others

-when a computer doesnt do what you want it to do in general

-when someone double dips while cooking food for others or eating chips and dip and also when people put their fingers in their mouths then touch everything spreading their germs

-when a place calls itself an amusement park when its not. yes i seen that before and the only rides is bumper boats,go-carts,and a Miner Mike...you can see bumper boats and go-carts at any mini golf place and Miner Mike is such a baby ride...

-when vegetarians and vegans want to change the way meat eaters live their lives...

-soccer moms who want to bubble wrap everything and make the world so safe it gets soft and boring

-amusement parks closing down and being replaced by boring stuff like condos and Costcos

-an area house or place that has no wi-fi or good 4g coverage

-people who decide showering is not all important making our noses suffer or smelling up our homes...

and thats about it for now...yea i know its a lot of stuff:P

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